martes, octubre 01, 2019

Celia Fenn - Energy Update - October 1, 2019

I have been off this page for a few days, as I have found the energy very difficult. Appalling in fact.

My nervous system felt like it was under huge though too much light and energy was being transmitted through.

I have no real feeling as to what was going down, as there was nothing major that could be seen in the space weather posts to justify that level of energy.

All I can think of is that, as we are already in the 2020 cycle, that the energy is building up for a big shift on the 10/10 star gate on the 10th of October...and then leading through to an even bigger shift at the major 11/11 Gateway.

My feeling is also that we have shifted timelines again, and that we are energizing a new timeline that will manifest towards the end of the year, maybe in December and early January.

The sheer intensity of the vibrations and the photonic light is just off the scale.

So if you feel stressed, anxious, emotional and just plain "jittery" you are probably feeling this new Time/space energy coming through.

Breathe deeply, stay in your heart and be calm.

It will pass and great things are going to manifest as this 2020 cycle gets under way. Remember we are no longer "linear"....time spirals and since the Lion's Gate we have been in the 2020 spiral
So......keep steady and focussed as we move forward towards the New Earth Reality.