jueves, mayo 09, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Paramount Shift ~ Into a Parallel World - May 9, 2019

Here we are on the threshold of yet ANOTHER Parallel World shift.

Entering no time, the shift takes place in consciousness at varying levels of frequency, matching the level of the shift of the consciousness of which it transforms.

Noticing the new world, is similar to noticing how things have changed. How you have changed. You slip into new parallel worlds, when you are ready. They are the levels, of this Earth, experience.

All parallel worlds co exist. And there NOW is a 5th Dimensional Earth taking place.

Some of you will shift to this with this paramount activation and frequency shift. Some will stay the same, but the threshold for the next level will be closer in frequency.

AS you enter the newness of YOU, be grateful and happy for the level you are at. It is always perfect, there is nothing you have to do to change it.

The ease you desire is the letting go of resistance and attachments.

Do you need things to be a certain way to feel great about yourself? IF SO, let go of that, love your eternal self. The eternal you, that is endless and forever, that is ACCESSABLE NOW in the moment for you.

This is the Deathless you. Welcome to the level of the deathless You.

This is your initiation, this is your transition point.

You are deathless, you are uniting with THAT ~ the eternal you that haas never tasted DEATH.

In this you have and always will have eternal life. This is YOUR ASCENSION.

Blessing you now, anointing the anointed, blessing the blessed, loving and activating ALL NOW. Feel this the beloved Divine Council of Overseers, since the beginning of Earth were always present and NOW.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.