miércoles, mayo 08, 2019
L’Aura Pleiadian - Are You Waiting For An External Event? - May 8, 2019
Are you STILL waiting for an external event to transform the world?
Do you not know THAT you change WORLDS AS YOU yourself do the shifting when you karma is released?
What you are experiencing is ALL YOU anyway. Why not look at the CAUSE of your reality.
Karma are the memories carried over in the blueprint from previous existences. This is the baggage people carry along with them, from relationship to relationship.
All that inner garbage (karma) that surfaces as repetitive reactive states of consciousness that is not harmonious. It is laden with victim consciousness.
It is that ~PROJECTION and the external hopes of world gone bad to be changed by someone else EXTERNALLY.
Point the finger at YOU. Are you always in harmony? Harmony is the feeding ground of elevated consciousness, that expands, continuously.
It is the garbage, compost, and recycling, refuse, that leads the way THROUGH THE HEART.
THAT IS what changes your world, the timeline shifts into a new dimensional world is seamless and foolproof.
But there is no get out of jail ~ free card.
You signed up for this program. YOU are fully equipped to MASTER your MENTAL and EMOTIONAL bodies.
The question is ~ Are you?
In love, with the Divine Council of Overseers, always.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal
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Laura Pleiadian