March is upon us, and Kryon is starting to address this time as if it were a very pivotal year. We are also starting to see a shift in the variety of those who attend our seminars.
Most of you may notice that many Lightworkers and teachers this year have totally gone on-line for their teaching. I truly feel this is inevitable for all of us, since social media is becoming easy and powerful. It also allows a connection to many individuals all at once. Still, the basis of my work continues to be traveling from city to city, meeting and teaching as many people as I can. I'm resisting the on-line teaching for a while, even though it seems to be the future.
For me, it's because of what Kryon is telling me. "Old Souls need to see each other and meet each other in person. There is a confluence of energy created which simply cannot be accomplished in a cyber meeting." Indeed, I think in this pivotal year, it's really needed for us to gather and hug and talk and laugh. This has always been my way, but this year it seems to be even more urgent.
We are seeing increased audiences who are completely new to metaphysics and Kryon in general. As many as thirty percent (30%) of our audiences are first-timers to Kryon. This is very unusual and very profound. There seems to be an awakening of sorts, to the idea that the old ways need to be looked at, refreshed, and that these changes are very important and practical.
Practical is the key word, for Metaphysics used to be the study of esoterics by an older generation who didn't have much to do. (smile). At least this is what I thought about 30 years ago. Today the increased attendance in the multiple cities that I visit each year is showing me something: More are interested. Younger people are coming. This means that it's more practical for life, and many of them are waking-up on their own. Young mothers are there, more men are coming, and the intellectuals are starting to show up and ask questions.
All in all, this is a report to you of why I still travel, and why I'm very excited to see the very changes in people that Kryon told us would happen after 2012. There is more and more validation all the time that our planet is starting to shift.