Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Holy Moly Guacamole! The solar activity is affecting me big time. Yes, affecting me in a positive way and a very challenging physical way. As I read through many of the emails I receive on a daily basis, I notice so many messengers are addressing the affects of all the higher dimensional waves of energies we are receiving from our Sun as well as the Galactic core.
Wednesday night was my monthly Galactic StarSister gathering. We all shared our experiences as we ride the wave of Ascension. One common theme was our brains seem to be on vacation. It has always been a cosmic joke ~ do we have to lose the 5% of our brains to gain the 95% we aren't currently using? We are learning to be in the NOW moment and not the past or future. Memory loss is a natural part of Lightbody. As you begin to live more and more in the "NOW", you lose the ability to reference to the past. This can include the inability to recall karmic patterning and relationships or simply what you had for breakfast. The break from referencing the past can be very liberating. Holding on to the past fosters the fear of change. The old world couldn't function without dwelling in the past or projecting into the future. Our new galactic world operates by listening to Spirit and delighting in the NOW.
Another theme was feeling anxious for no apparent reason. Also feeling dizzy and being clumsy. Grounding helps with these symptoms. Grounding to Mother Earth but often that does not work these days. So grounding into your vastness, into Spirit, will provide some relief. You will be stabilizing yourself across the parallel realities.
Another theme was feeling our bodies vibrate. It simply means that your vibration is rising. Welcome it and take a moment to be in peace.
We are eliminating survival fears. Take time every day to connect to your Higher Self ~ your I AM Presence and ask for assistence. You are becoming a Galactic Human.
Selamat Ja!