lunes, febrero 23, 2015

Blossom Goodchild – 23 February 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello my friends. Well, this week has been a bit of a blue one for me, for one reason or another. Yet, today I feel ‘bright’ enough to channel and happy to do so.
With warmest of greetings … we welcome you and all who are drawn to our words. There are times for Each One when the spirit is low … yet, as you are aware … when the spirit bounces back … as it almost certainly will … there is a freshness in the steps … which One would not encounter, should they not have experienced the lesser energetic times.
Yes. I am aware of that … and always happy to be FEELING more in alignment with myself, that’s for sure. So, today’s topic will be?
Anything you would like it to be … within reason.
And that reason being?
The fact that there are certain topics that we do not care to discuss. For we FEEL it our desire to only uplift …
Rather than confuse …
We are indeed in sync with one another.
Ok … seeing as you offered … I have been thinking a lot lately about our Planet … about other Planets … in fact, about ‘The Whole Thing’. You say, that we were created as an experiment … who actually ‘devised’ us? How did it come about that these bodies of ours work as they do … and … how does the soul then enter into these bodies? Go for gold.

We are expecting you to hear our answer.
Do you mean you would like to speak? That now familiar feeling of dropping of my perch has come upon me.
If this … and ONLY if this is appropriate for you.
I’ll certainly give it a go … It’s not raining … which is amazing since we are on the tail end of a passing cyclone! Ok let’s see shall we?
Transcript below.
Well. Thank you. Interesting how your chat turned out to be about something I REALLY needed to hear … and I am sure it will assist many.
This is our desire.  We continue to be in such Joy regarding this new way. It was always our next step.
Which I must have known about … but didn’t … until I did! Happy to do so, although still getting used to it. Anything more you would like to say?
Only that we Love you. Yet, this you know. This you can FEEL.
This I DO know.This I DO FEEL. Thank you.

Transcript. Feb 21st.
Welcome Dearest Ones.
Once again we are delighted beyond delight to have this opportunity to speak through sound … so that your hearts may resonate with the Vibration in which these words are offered.
Questions … Questions … Questions. So much that the human mind desires to know, and is One not told over and over … that all answers lie within?
Many understand … many accept of this reply … and yet, they do not necessarily know fully … of the answer … to the answer.
Where within do those answers lie? Is it at your fingertips?  Is it on the tip of your tongue? Is it within your heart space?
Remove physicality from thought … and then … remove thought. In this vast expanse … of nothingness … here then, is where all answers reside. Ready for you to pick at your will … as an apple from a tree.
All answers can be known by you … when the soul is ready to rediscover them.
You have asked of us this day … regarding the creation of the physical body. We smile … for in a similar fashion … is it not that scientists and indeed, professors … build in your world … out of many types of materials … what you name a robot? And its functioning … functions … by a certain programme.
Therefore, when a particular button is pressed … the arm knows to move to the right … and on and on … We could continue explaining … yet, we understand that you understand of that which we speak.
It was therefore, greatly assessed … how a physical momentum could be accessed via thought … so that … if you like… your thought … the thought coming from the FEELING of the human, is therefore, the programme, the button that is pressed , should one’s arm desire to move to the right. It is very similar and yet as you know … far more complex … due to the billions of workings within.
The Power House that is your physical body is a Miracle within itself. It is a living organism that is a world within itself. For when something breaks down … much takes place in order to have that particular place up and working again … as soon as possible.
Much is understood by your physicians and researchers about the body. Yet, we would also add the thought … that the basic maintenance for the body … is through the FEELING of Well-Being.
When One does not FEEL so Bright in thought and physical movement … of physical FEELING within … it is far harder for … shall we say … the Beings within your body … (You would perhaps call them the mechanisms) … yet, we would call them ‘The Beings’ within your body … are not fully functioning on Love.
All things within your body function 100% when they are in Love with one another … And indeed, the soul … that is the computer programme … if you like … of that physical body.
Therefore … when there is FEELINGS of Joy and Happiness … FEELINGS of Oneness … the body reacts.
This is the body’s finest medicine. And we understand … we accept … how hard it must be … when your physical body is not functioning as it should … that One is able to remain in Joy …  in Happiness … in full Energy.
Yet, through the power of the mind … the power of the soul controlling the minds pattern … this then, is how Well-Being is brought about.
Even when scanners upon your Earth are saying otherwise. You may see of a scan of something that is taking place within your body … which is proof to you why you are receiving a certain ailment or a certain pain. Yet, your thought pattern … your FEELING of Well-Being … can control the visions you see upon those X-rays.
Your FEELINGS can be used as an eraser … to literally, rub out the images that were once there.
We do not enter upon this subject in a fashion of ‘It is as simple as that’ … and yet … it is.
When we explain to you that it is your FEELING … through thought … that animates your entire physical Being … that is its programme … Then do you see Dearest souls? By accepting and adopting this attitude …  knowing it as your Truth … then all one needs do is FEEL that which they desire to FEEL … to be well.
Blossom is speaking to us and she is saying that indeed, as we mentioned when One is ‘sick’ … and yet, we do not agree with this word ‘sick’ … but, we will continue forth. When One has great struggle within the physical body … the last thing that is on their mind is being able to FEEL well. They know they want to FEEL well, but are unable to do so … because they are not.
We say … that to overcome FEELINGS of negativity … need not be the struggle in which many make it.
Go to the playground inside your head. Take yourself away from that which you assume to be your reality … and go and play … with children in the fields of Golden corn. Take yourself to places that you dream of visiting. You do not require your physical Being … to do so.
You do not require your physical Being to be with you … to tag along.
All that you are … is Love
It is the essence of your soulself.
This soulself of yours … as an individual aspect of The Whole …  has the right to visit anywhere it so chooses … with or without the body … and if it is that the body be a hindrance … then leave it behind.
When you return from your visit … you will find that your FEELINGS are in a much stronger disposition. Therefore, this can be applied  to allowing the FEELING of the body to uplift itself … little by little.
You programme your body. It is not programmed by another, by pushing buttons … and turning levers.
This Miracle that you have chosen to reside in upon the Earth plane is the most proficient multi, bulti,(?) billion, trillion dollar residence that you could come across.
And yet, is it not so … that many choose to let the house keeping slip? It does not matter they say ‘if I leave that room full of dust or if there is a leak in that room … I’ll see to it later.’ We suggest that One should always keep their house in order … so that it may function to its Highest ability.
You may look at another who may run many miles in a race … or climb the Highest mountain … and you may think ‘I would never be able to accomplish that’ … and you will not … because that is what you think.
When you fully understand the power of your FEELINGS and your thought patterns … you would carefully choose that which you FEEL and that which you think … instead of allowing thoughts and FEELINGS to run in gay abandon … therefore, causing much mayhem along your pathway.
To serve you … in so many ways. Oh! How your body serves you … and yet, it is taken for granted day after day.
Breath after breath.
We say to you Dearest friends, the more you choose to acknowledge the wonder that your body is … the more you will discover the greatness of what it is.
The more you treat your body as you would a friend … the more your body reciprocates back to you … the LOVE that you offer to it.
That circle of Energy that is ONE.
Therefore, make the most of why you chose it.
Do all you can with it …
Laugh with it … Move with it …
For the Energy that is YOU … for your time upon Earth … is shared by your physical expression.
You are married … if you like … to One another.
What vows ? What promises are you now prepared to make to that partner that is with you … for your time … your entire time …. upon Planet Earth?
Is it not best to have an outstanding relationship? To Love and to cherish … so long as we both shall live?
Dearest friends … we Thank You for listening to that which we choose to impart this day … and we Trust that we have assisted your growth … assisted your understanding regarding the bond you have with your physical house … your physical partner.
We now retract our Energy in this fashion from our Dear friend Blossom. In Love and thanks to all. / link to original article