sábado, junio 24, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Huge Template Cleansings of Unconscious Old Programming...- 6/24/2017

Huge Template Cleansings of Unconscious Old Programming, Strong Pure Source Light & Diamond Crystalline Integrations working through our Cellular Earthly Bodies & New Video: Conscious Clearing


We are going through huge body template clearings/cleansings with these recent Pure Source Light activations and continual gamma/Diamond Light Code frequencies and powerful high charging atoms in our/Gaia's structures too. I have a video on "Conscious Clearing" that I'll post shortly, for those who would like to utilize the information to assist with experiencing easier and take an active role in moving energy intentionally. ♥

Deeper and deeper and deeper we go for more expansion, more love and more magical amazingness to come forth for us all.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - Mayo 21, 2017

Queridos míos, buscamos asistirlos con amor y comprensión en su trayectoria fuera del misma de la densa ilusión hacia la realidad. La vida se ha vuelto un tiempo de una tremenda lucha y confusión, en un mundo acostumbrado a vivir según las reglas y creencias de la conciencia tridimensional.

Les han enseñado esto incorrectamente a lo largo de vidas, y por lo tanto siguen portando recuerdos celulares de muchas experiencias sirviendo a la validación de la dualidad y la separación.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday June 24, 2017

Dear Ones, every time you choose not to love, you choose contraction and separation. Every time you choose to love, you choose expansion and connection. Your are in the body, on the planet to experience expansion and connection. Do you see? It is beautifully simple. Always choose love, for it is good for the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

Ute Posegga-Rudel - OUR GOD-SELF: MY DIVINE HEART & YOUR HUMAN HEART - June 24, 2017

VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloveds!

Among your esoteric teachings there are misunderstandings that create so many false assumptions about My Transcendental Divine Reality.

An overwhelming number of these teachings even don't include My True Nature. Because they are based merely on the psycho-physical structure of your human body-mind. That is to say, you understand your human physical and subtle vehicle, to be the foundation and measurement alone to describe and define the Ultimate Spiritual Process. As if the conditional body-mind could ever "reach" or "create" Me, the Unconditional Source.

viernes, junio 23, 2017

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización Luna Nueva 23/6/17 - 21 de Junio de 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos Amigos:

La Luna Nueva tiene lugar el viernes 23 de Junio a las 20:31 horario de verano montaña (MDT) (USA).

La Luna Nueva viene pisándole los talones a un poderoso Solsticio. Qué mejor forma de afianzar algo de tu nueva realidad. ¿Qué estás haciendo distinto en tu vida? Este es un buen momento para revisar las intenciones que refinaste a principio de mes. Haz un inventario de los tics de tu realidad; de lo que se te reveló, lo que aún está en veremos, lo que eliminaste, a lo que te comprometiste, y qué es diferente en tu vivencia de la realidad. Si has pasado por una dolorosa separación en tus relaciones, pide y establece una intensión hacia la sanación. Si estás experimentando grandes aperturas, oportunidades y abundancia, ten gratitud por ello, pero al mismo tiempo enfócate en establecer los detalles de cómo vas a sostener esta nueva realidad a nivel físico. Al acercarte el próximo nivel, recuerda buscar ayuda y asistencia en los sitios indicados.

¿Dónde utilizarás la disciplina? ¿Qué prácticas te apoyarán? Toma un tiempo y explora tu nueva realidad, llena los espacios vacíos con detalles de tus intensiones y tus compromisos hacia las acciones que los harán realidad.



Natalie Glasson - Celestial Dolphin Consciousness - The Purpose of Your Divine Innocence Now - 23th June 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

We, the Celestial Dolphin Consciousness, greet you with joy, laughter and elation as we send our energy forth to commune and connect with your being. We are channeling the innocence of the Creator through our souls to connect with the innocence of the Creator within your own being. Let our celestial vibrations penetrate your being deeply, connecting into the truth of all you are, to bring this to the surface for you to view and acknowledge.

Exploring Your Divine Innocence

We, the Celestial Dolphins, encourage you to contemplate and ask your soul the below questions:

Sit in meditation connecting into your own inner sanctuary and chambers of light. Simply ask to connect with the energy, vibration, frequency and presence of Divine Innocence.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message June 23, 2017

Dear Ones, your patience with others creates a safe and loving environment for them to explore and discover their own talents and capabilities. It is a wonderful way of holding the space of encouragement and support that is always greatly beneficial and deeply appreciated on a soul level. Ultimately a teacher is as good as the level of patience they have for their students. ~Archangel Gabriel

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Solstice Passageway Conclusion, Crystalline LightBody Templates, Next Phases of Integration & further Unfication BEgins for Highest Timeline Convergence - 6/20/2017

​We are completing this Solstice Passageway and anchoring phase for all new higher dimensional timelines and further materialization and implementation of a "bigger picture" here. For me, I have a beyond huge project that began in January and continues even now... It's to complete the writing out of processes necessary for each of us to bring forth more Heaven on Earth and further form our Galactic Civilizations here. It comes through in increments as it's "loaded" (integrated) into our own Universal Body Templates .... In January/February it was the Schematics, in March/April the "Implementation Processes", this week the "Grand Design" ... meanwhile we continue the other gazillion things we do in every dimension still.... So as you can see, it takes awhile for these "biggies" ... :) There is a lot that has to occur for us to accomplish everything. All of the "pieces of the parts" have to converge in the physical. This occurs as each person finally steps forth to fulfill their own Soul's purposes here. They step forth when we vibrate into that reality. Both occur simultaneously here. (Click "Read More" below)

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 23 June 2017

Mike Quinsey
Events on Earth are gathering pace as uncleared karma is working itself out, and as you are experiencing it would seem to getting worse. Please bear in mind that only those who need to clear karmic debts are directly involved, and it includes those who are often viewed as innocent bystanders. As unlikely as it seems to many of you, all souls involved are able to clear old karma, as they will want to start the new cycle with as little outstanding as possible. Always bear in mind that they have pre-agreements prior to incarnating, so nothing that happens is by chance or accidental.
However, some souls may be caught up in events that leave them with an experience that was unplanned, and that will in a manner of speaking be held as a credit for them. In other words it may result in a reward of some description. It is natural that you feel great sympathy with all souls caught up in karmic situations, as you can obviously feel the grief and sorrow experienced. If possible send them your love and healing energies to help their recovery. Very soon matters on Earth will greatly improve as the positive energies of change take hold, so your experiences will become more acceptable and less upsetting.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Galactic Light Signals are Contacting You with the Shambhala New Earth Mission - June 23, 2017

Foto: The Inner Earth, Pleiadian Ascended Masters of Shambhala, Agartha and Galactic families are reaching out in communication via their ships, light ships, orbs, spheres, Light generator transmission, in dreams, and through telepathic and empathic communications.

The Blue Rays, Starseeds, Lightworkers and Sensitive Empaths are being contacted by their star lineages and picking up signals and messages as they have an innate sensory awareness of the subtle field frequencies and higher dimensional realms. You are awakening more fully to who you are and remembering part of your mission as an emissary ambassador from the Galactic and interdimensional planes. Many more who have not been on the awakened journey are now being contacted in various ways for a greater unified field.