viernes, marzo 03, 2017

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Creating Your Dreams with Light - March 3, 2017

Creating Your Dreams with Light
A Message from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

We have come to a time of imperatives, where your vibrational frequency, meaning who you are and what you do, affects all of humanity. Because the fields of pure potentiality exist in the frequencies of Light, the more people who become aware of and use this technology, the more the consciousness will be raised on the planet.

You are learning to manifest your dreams in new ways by using the clear Fields of Divine Light that are all around you. When you activate this Light, more Divine Presence comes to fill the containers you have dedicated for creation of that which you most desire. You call these intentions.

This Presence holds the Divine Essence of all creation. You are activating this Presence with your intentional focus on the aspects of matter you want to see manifest. There are currents of energy that are natural occurrences in the electrical systems of your body. When you can work with these fields consciously, you will become the master of your physical life.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 3rd March 2017

Be aware that it is the joint consciousness of the people that is bringing about changes, that will lift you up out of the chaos and uncertainty that has existed for a long, long time. They have awakened to the power that they possess and no longer bow to the dictates of those they now recognise as the dark Ones. For far too long Humanity has accepted the rule of those who have only followed their own agenda, that is Service to Self. Now that people are awakening to their power to plan their own future, they are invoking changes that will result in their success. There are many souls of Light on Earth that are waiting for their opportunity to come to the forefront and lead the way. Together with the prompting and help from those in the higher realms they will ensure that events unfold that will show the way forward. The timing depends very much upon other changes that are in the process of taking place, the main one being the announcement of the new Republic which is already in place. It will be the commencement of many desirable changes that will eventually lead to the announcement of NESARA. This will signal the move to a new way of governance and a peaceful existence.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Despertando el aspecto femenino - Equilibrar la fuerza versus el poder - Febrero de 2017

Presentado en vivo el 28/1/2017

Saludos, queridos, yo soy Merlia.

He esperado por muy largo tiempo para venir y ayudar a equilibrar parte de la energía del planeta Tierra. Soy lo que el Guardián llama una singularidad o aspecto singular de lo que él ha denominado como el Grupo. Soy la que sostiene el aspecto femenino de este colectivo y sí, de Merlín. Es esa magia que todos ustedes conocen y han conocido durante las muchas vidas que han invertido en la Tierra. Yo, en persona, sostengo el sabor de la luz que ustedes llaman lo femenino. Me he expresado como una singularidad para ayudar al cambio de poder que está a punto de comenzar en la Tierra.

Spirit/Soul Transfer, Twin/Shared Souls and Walk-Ins

Selacia - Stay Calm During March Madness - March 3, 2017

March begins with a fiery energy, adding tensions on the world stage and within individuals seeking a respite from turbulence unfolding as 2017 began. Continue reading for tips on how to stay calm and find your center. Doing that regularly throughout the month is your key to progress on many fronts, including work and spiritual breakthroughs.

Progress Potentials

Despite the craziness playing out in the world, you indeed have many potentials to move forward this month.

One helpful factor is that there is an energy of change in the air. While that's normal in many respects, the March energies support taking more risk and applying what you know with more confidence.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL ANAMBRIEL Pt 4, March 2017

Aisha North - Water Speaks - March 3, 2017

Posted on March 3, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

jueves, marzo 02, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday March 2, 2017

We are encouraging you to dream big for a reason, Dear Ones. Dreaming big is a beautiful expression of your trust and faith in the universe and your own ability to create. When you focus on the co-creation of your greatest desires and self expression, you are anchoring the energy that your current concerns are already taken care of. They must be if you can already see beyond them!

Emmanuel Dagher - Energy Forecast - March 2017

Dear Friend,

There’s a lot of fire energy in the world right now, which is another way of saying there are big changes and movements happening.

It also means that Now is the time to take action!

If we have been experiencing stagnancy, or felt like hibernating a bit, the fiery energies accessible to us at this time will help get things moving again.

For those who identify with being an empath, who are highly sensitive and aware of others’ energies, fiery energy can feel overwhelming at times.

Spending time in Nature, making sure we are well hydrated, and having a daily spiritual practice that helps to ground us, will help pacify any sense of overwhelm.

Sandra Walter - Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN - Mar 2, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Meditate on this intel, it is provided for a deeper comprehension of our Ascension into pure Creator beingness.

In Ascension Path, we discuss how the SUN is used as a prism to project fractals of our consciousness into co-created realities. This is directly related to the holographic nature of our experience, the projection of planetary consciousness, dimensional bandwidths, timelines, and the illusion of an individual experience.

Think of the SUN as a film projector running several films at once. Your Higher Levels are using the projector. Your Higher Self projects several versions of lower self through the SUN, and through your Heart center, which also serves as projector of realities, onto the mirror-like screens of Gaia, allowing for multiple films at once. Gaia would support many versions of your personal film, as well as the collective films, and reflect back collective outcomes. The personal screen shows the film or films your consciousness is capable of focusing on, your vibrational perception.