viernes, marzo 04, 2016

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 4 March 2016

People who are able to help bring Ascension that much nearer are very active, but they are for the time being still up against the actions of the dark ones who adopt delaying tactics. However, their attempts to delay the inevitable are futile and will do little to stop disclosure coming out within a reasonable period. It has been decreed by higher forces that the necessary action should be taken to ensure completion as planned. Those doing the work of the Light are protected and are helped to carry out their tasks. The Blue Avians continue to oversee what is taking place but will not interfere with our freewill should we elect to follow a different path to the Light. There is however a plan in place that will lead us ever onwards to a successful Ascension. It cannot be allowed to fail and it is expected that the followers of the Light will succeed. There are a number of powerful influences at work, and it is expected that they will overcome any obstacles placed on the path of the Light. So be confident and do not allow doubts to creep into your thoughts.

Natalie Glasson - Awakening of Divine Relationships and New Consciousness by the Beings of Venus - 4th March 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, Beings from Venus, extend our love and united consciousness with the Creator with those willing to accept our energies. We are present not because we are more evolved nor even because our love is so pure. Our presence with you and supporting the Earth is due to our conscious awareness of the Creator’s love. We wish to remind the Earth and humanity of their conscious awareness of the Creator’s love thus magnifying and amplifying the presence of love within all, even beyond the Earth.

jueves, marzo 03, 2016

50º ALCYON PLÉYADES - VIDEO NOTICIAS 2016: Avistamientos OVNI, Conspiraciones, Fenómenos Extraños

Emmanuel Dagher ~ The Triple Upgrade and Big Breakthroughs ~ March 2016 Energy Forecast

Beautiful Light,

We are on the cusp of a powerful trinity of celestial alignments that are going to create big breakthroughs in the consciousness and psyche of humanity.

Before we get into all of the new and exciting updates, I’d like to share a few highly important events that happened in February, which have set the stage for massive personal and global breakthroughs to occur.

One of the events that took place recently, which captured the attention of more than 100 million people around the world, was the NFL Super Bowl game, which occurred on February 7 in the United States.

Becoming a Planetary Ambassador - Featuring Foster & Kimberly Gamble of Thrive, hosted by Adam Ap...

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 03/03/16

Aisha North series 89 - 1

Kara Schallock - March Energies - 3 March, 2016

March is another Power month. Next week we have the New Moon eclipse, then the week after is the Equinox and then the following week is the Full Moon eclipse. Whoa! Lots of energy is packed into the following weeks; energy to help us move forward, shifting us ever higher. While we always have a choice to flow or resist, there truly is no returning to the old. Oh, you can try, yet your seat is no longer saved. So we continue, placing one foot in front of the other, feeling Joy beneath the perceived pain of our bodies adjusting to so much Light. Focus on the Joy and not the pain, for this makes it easier. Any remaining lower energies in our system are being pushed up into our conscious minds as our Divine Male and Female selves learn to balance as One  (feeling to action; being to doing, receiving to expressing). And with this calibration, we sense physical phenomena. These can include extreme Joy as well as extreme despair. There seems to be a lot of activity around the Heart and Solar Plexus, so breathe into any area that is adjusting. Fear is up as folks wonder how they’re going to live financially, questioning what is next in their chosen field of Heartwork. Many sense there is a change to be made, yet nothing is clear as to what. All of it requires us to radically trust. There may be a glimmer of a next step, only to dissipate in a few moments.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Alternate Dimensions Newsletter and Energy Updates - March 3, 2016

Aloha Beautiful Light Family,

We've been quickening all night long (particle acceleration), where once our cells have taken on enough light, they start to move about really fast inside. This is going on everywhere, out there, inside of you, inside mama Gaia, our EarthSun Ship and things will start to move about in many ways. We have gamma lasers starting now and full blown crystalline activations going too. This is a powerful day already and it's only 8:30 in the morning!

Some things shall speed up very fast, while the more centered inside one is, the slower things go, even more than before. You find you have more "time" now as you exist from this magnificent space of presence again.

Mahala - Planet Alert March 2016 - March 3, 2016

Today is the first day of March and it is coming in like a lion, the winds are really blowing here in Seattle. In fact my electricity almost went out a minute ago. It also seems like we are moving at warp speed these days. I am having a hard time keeping up with my life, how about you? Does it seem like you no sooner wake up, and then it is time for bed. The week’s also speed by so fast that it is hard to keep up with everything.

There will be four very important events this month. First of all we will have the total solar eclipse on March 8 or 9, depending on where you live. Here in the Pacific Northwest it is at 6:54 PM PST on March 8th. The darkness from this eclipse will be felt over Sumatra and the surrounding areas of the South Pacific Ocean. At the time of this eclipse the planet Jupiter will be opposing the sun and moon and this is an indication of a large earthquake (there was a 7.8 quake March 2 in Sumatra) a few days before the eclipse.) I looked at my ephemeris and it said that the sun was opposing Jupiter and Uranus today by declination. This aspect will last for several days so there may also be quakes in other parts of the world because of this strong aspect.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Quantum Patterning - San Antonio, Texas - 23 January, 2016

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a time where my partner steps aside. We say this again so you know he is not part of the consciousness of the message. Channelling may seem mysterious and odd to you, for it uses the Human Being's intellect, education, voice, maturity and wisdom, but the message comes from somewhere else. My partner calls it a steady stream of intuitive thought groups. My partner is here but he's not here. When I say, "He steps aside," he literally opens this vessel [body] and through the pineal and his Higher-Self comes the messages you hear. I tell you this so you'll know it's not him speaking.