For once we have a ‘normal’ month as far as energy movement goes. Since January we have been off-balance energetically and we have seen that with the roller coaster ups and downs in personal and global events. April’s themes are indulgence and resurrection, so we’ll have opportunities for ‘me’ time as well as bringing our hopes and dreams out of the dark closets we have put them into. This is a month where we celebrate spring and new growth cycles, it’s another call to shine brightly and we have much energetic support to take aligned, inspired action, which begins with us. Everything we do in April has to be centered on taking care of our needs first, being true to ourselves, engaging in self support, and that is how we will make the best use of April’s expansive energy.
The main themes for April are “MINDFULNESS, PATIENCE AND BALANCE”. This is a tricky month where we can be challenged at every turn. Impatience is not our friend and mindfulness is a necessary practice for survival of these times. We will need to pay special attention to what we say, how we act, and what we think. We will need to have patience to accept and adapt when things do not go as planned. We will need to strive for balance around the fiery action that threatens to take us down into exhaustion, overwork and poor health.
I love THESE constant shifts. Everything that appeared once AS ONE WAY becomes completely OBSOLETE. When what was once one way, IS REVEALED as ~ Just those old beliefs and thoughts of how it appeared to BE.
Pamela channels Earth Dear people, I am the voice of the Earth. I greet you all in this place of connection and simplicity. Join with me: the ground beneath your feet, the trees and the grass, the rocks and all nature around you. It is around you like an energy you absorb and that nourishes your cells. It is a place where the original Earth energy is allowed to be; where there is room for me.
Imagine that you are on a journey that is long and demanding. You are moving as quickly as you can trying to make the most progress possible. Scattered along the way are rest stops where you can pause to catch your breath, honour your body with whatever it needs, assess your progress and itinerary, and rehydrate. You understand the importance of these rest stops and embrace them gratefully when you come upon them. You know they are a necessity for your continued success.
Dear Ones, The next few days will be noteworthy for many. For those of you who have tapped into your biggest fears or regrets will sense a shift in your being and outcomes you did not anticipate even a few days ago. You are learning to direct your being to continue or create your path.