Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Este mensaje no será largo. Para quienes no están aquí: estamos sentados afuera, en la belleza de Gaia, a orillas de uno de los muchos lagos, frente a las bellas torres de las montañas.
Hoy examinamos la letra T, y en un momento les diré qué deseo que vean en una palabra que comienza con T. Quiero que miren las montañas mientras escuchan este mensaje. Quiero que escuchen al viento. Quiero que oigan de una manera multidimensional, ya que Gaia dice que ellas han estado aquí por un tiempo muy largo. Han sobrevivido a todas las cosas. Esas mismas montañas que ven, han sobrevivido a la erosión del viento y de los glaciares, incluso han sido formadas por el magma del planeta. Han permanecido, y permanecido, y permanecido. La temperatura no parece ser un problema, ni el viento, ni lo que hace el agua, ni siquiera lo que hacen los volcanes. Ellas están siempre allí. En esto, Gaia tiene un mensaje, y ese mensaje es para nosotros. Cuando digo "nosotros" me incluyo yo también. Yo soy Kryon, de la Gran Fuente Central. Y también estoy implicado en este mensaje, porque la T representa al Tiempo.
We have just passed through the most intensified and life-transforming influx of Light the Earth has ever received. According to the Company of Heaven, this Light was accepted and effectively assimilated by literally millions of Awakened Lightworkers on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. Opportunities like the celestial alignments we have just experienced have periodically occurred in the past, but in order for the increased Light from these alignments to be secured in the physical plane that Light must be anchored within the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth, through our own conscious endeavors. This is why it is often stated that “GOD NEEDS A BODY.”
Until this year, 2016, Humanity was not vibrating at a frequency that could perceive or withstand such a monumental influx of Light. Consequently, in the past this life-transforming Light just passed us by. But this time it was different due to the miraculous things that have transpired on Earth since the birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012. This time there were millions of Lightworkers Awake enough to not only perceive this unparalleled opportunity, but who were consciously aware enough to deliberately serve as the Open Door for this Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on Earth.
There are numerous opportunities of transformation available to humanity and Mother Earth at this time of ascension. Each opportunity of transformation is born from the inner planes and beings who inhabit the inner planes with the purpose of creating the divine upon the Earth. Gifts of evolution extend like breathes of light and consciousness from the Creator received by aspects of the Creator in existence on the inner planes. Every person on the Earth has a soul or essence which is connected to the inner planes and the Creator, therefore receives each breath of light and consciousness from the Creator. The soul has the purpose upon the Earth in bringing the light, love and consciousness of the Creator into manifestation. This symbolises that the purpose of your soul in this moment of ascension is to bring the gifts of the Creator into manifestation so that all may recognise their per sonal divinity and their collective divinity. Every part of ascension at this moment is concerned with the embodiment of divinity, which can be experienced through opening and expanding your awareness of the divine within you.
Beloved masters, the Rays of Divine Light, which are radiated throughout Creation via the great Archangels, not only contain the all-encompassing attributes of our Father / Mother God, but their thoughts and emotions of love and wisdom are also constantly being Ray-diated throughout all Creation. However, it is each person’s responsibility to be receptive to this gift of Living Light, to integrate as much as possible, and then to pass on a portion to humanity, and also a “tithe” of Love/Light and gratitude back to the SOURCE of ALL.
Universal Law mandates that there must come a time when all conscious Souls begin to return a portion of the Divine gifts of Love/Life they have been allotted—it is called the Law of Responsive Return.
by Selacia
April is here, full of some new opportunities to shine your light and rediscover your passion for being alive. You can breathe a sigh of relief now that we've come out of the March eclipse cycle and some bumpy times. The world public arena remains volatile, chaotic, and just plain messy - an underlying sign of these times of unprecedented revolutionary change.
Auspicious Two-Week Window
We now sit in an auspicious two-week window of time, however, when energies are quite supportive of making the changes you want and having results when you act on your heart's wisdom. As you are present to this opportunity and take actions, you may feel like the universe hears your deep longings and supports you with initiation of key steps. One step at a time is the idea - that will build momentum.
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Este tipo de canalizaciones cambia según el lugar de la Tierra en que estamos. Si canalizamos en una ciudad, llevará la misma energía que en cualquier otro lado. Pero los que reciben el mensaje algunas veces estarán condicionados por lo que ha sucedido en la ciudad que los rodea. Ya les he dicho esto; tiene que ver con lo que hemos definido como la rejilla cristalina. La rejilla cristalina recuerda las acciones humanas y muchas veces, cuando se sientan a escuchar una canalización, lo que ha sucedido a su alrededor influye sobre cuán bien pueden recibir la información.
A veces los hemos llevado a sitios de poder, donde han vivido civilizaciones que también han honrado al Espíritu de muchas maneras. En Sudamérica hemos estado en estos lugares donde mucho ha sucedido, y la tierra puede ser prístina y hablarles, pero mucho ha sucedido allí. Estuvimos en lugares sagrados en el centro de Australia, y la tierra le habló a muchos, pero mucho ha sucedido allí. Las grandes civilizaciones llegan y se van; dejan sobre el planeta mismo una impronta que la rejilla cristalina recuerda, y que puede afectar cuán bien pueden recibir el mensaje que se canaliza. Entonces, parte del proceso de recibir es aprender cómo superar esos atributos; ustedes lo saben: no es siempre igual.
Time is not the only thing that is speeding up, as some events that you have been anticipating for quite some time are on the verge of manifesting. More Beings of Light draw closer to Earth, and some will participate and others will play a role in them. You have many different groups wishing to witness your Ascension whilst some will play an active part. However, the emphasis is on you to determine the manner in which your future is revealed, but regardless of which path you take it will lead you to Ascension. Your role is to help bring the Light to Earth at which you have been successful, but it requires a complete focus on your goal at all times. Because of the changes that are necessary to bring the New Age into being, every Light worker is needed because the dark Ones are becoming desperate as they see their opportunity to bring in a World Government moving away from them. Their reaction is to throw away caution and in trying to prevent the Light from succeeding will even put themselves in peril. Nevertheless, we are aware of their intentions and will not allow matters to get out of hand.