lunes, diciembre 07, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Gods Trapped in Illusion) Part 15

Marlene Swetlishoff - Arcángel Gabriel - Diciembre 3, 2015

Amados, Tengamos una charla sobre la cualidad del amor conocida como caballerosidad. Esta cualidad es el sentimiento que se tiene de valor interno y valía de lo que se sabe que es ser noble. Tienen el deseo de mostrar respeto por esta cualidad cuando la descubren en el mundo. Alienta a una persona a mantener una reputación que es digna de respeto y admiración. La caballerosidad implica conducta virtuosa, integridad personal y actos honorables por cada individuo. Es la estimación del valor de la valía personal en la propia familia y en la comunidad donde su palabra es de confianza y su consejo es buscado y respetado por los demás. La caballerosidad se muestra en las obras y trabajos que ejemplifican la gloria de la esencia divina que vive y se mueve al interior de uno. Es garantizar que sus hechos y obras muestran el honor de sus familias a través de las generaciones. Su espíritu altamente moral y generoso, la grandeza de la mente, del corazón y del alma siempre actúan con fines nobles. Sus acciones se toman para el mayor bien de todos, y muestran respeto por toda la creación siguiendo las reglas del Creador por las que viven. Siempre hacen lo que prometen y son confiables por mantener su palabra. Practican vivir y encarnar las cualidades de amor cada día. Siempre hacen lo correcto y son un buen ejemplo.

Natalie Glasson - Andromedanos - Explosión de Luz Dentro de Ustedes - Nov 27, 2015



Hay frecuencias de luz llenando el aire y la atmósfera, penetrando a través de las dimensiones, la forma, la materia, e inclusive otras vibraciones de luz. A través de la atmósfera avanza un estallido de luz aguardando a penetrar su ser, y no tiene ningún otro propósito más que unirse con la esencia de la humanidad en la Tierra, el núcleo mismo y la constante energía creadora en la humanidad. Muchos de ustedes pueden sentir este estallido de luz acercándose a su ser, están apareciendo ‘espejos’ todo alrededor suyo, y tal vez se sienta como si todo lo que no resuena con la luz estuviera saliendo de su ser, y aunque desea permanecer anclado en él, también desea escapar. Esto pudiera crear un caos en su interior que van a experimentar a diferentes niveles para cada individuo. En el pasado esta luz ha nacido a través del caos, ustedes están avanzando a una experiencia del caos interior despertando para traer y permitir un estallido de luz en su ser.

Jennifer Hoffman - Manage Expectations to Master Outcomes - Dec 7, 2015

How many times do we set an intention and then get disappointed in the outcome? The problem is partly with our intentions, depending on who we’re making them for, and partly with our expectations, the things we hope will or won’t happen. These create what I call ‘false alignment’ because while we’re outwardly convinced of our intention, our internal alignment is off and we don’t get the results we want. Our expectations are a mirror of our fears and hopes, especially the ones we don’t want to admit to. But if we can keep our intentions personal and manage our expectations, then we can master our alignment and control our outcomes.

Benjamin Fulford - December 7, 2015: Persian, Ottoman empires collide as big Middle Eastern oil fight rages on

Historical events continue to unfold in the Middle East as old empires, the Ottoman (Turkey) and the Persian (Iran), look for allies in their fight to seize oil fields and redraw maps of the region. The fighting in the Middle East is also about control of petro-dollars and thus over the world’s financial system. As such, it is a Western civil war using proxies in the region.
The complex array of forces fighting over this oil prize makes the news coming from the region confusing. So, it might be a good time to try to identify the key players and their agendas before going further into the latest developments in the war.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Dec 7, 2015


Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast - December 2015

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - LORD MICHAEL - Walking As An Angel - Dec 7, 2015

by Walking Terra Christa.

Note: Walking Terra Christa’s ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE focusing on assisting you to bring forth more of your ANGELIC SELF is now in progress. For those who are looking to receive discounts from 30% to 70% please view our FIND YOUR WINGS sale here.

A transmission from Archangel LORD MICHAEL through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

As the transition of Gaia continues, it is important to realize our potential as Angels upon this Earth. I give to you in these moments the gift of your Remembrance.

I AM Lord Michael standing amongst each of you at these times of great change. As the influctuation of energies occur within the land of Gaia, the transition is not just of the Earth but each of you that inhabit the space of light which is being guided by your Angelic Self to become more of what you ever thought you could be.

As the changes have occurred within each of you, it is increasingly apparent that there is still so much work that needs to be done. We are only at the beginning stages of re-growth within the Earth. It almost feels like the rebirthing effect is more of a birth that has never occurred previously. There are new energies that are being sent into each of you that may seem uncertain; there are experiences to be felt that can be compelling within your consciousness to try and satisfy your mental minds of what it may be. There is an awakening within the planet that is being felt by many different levels of creation.

Brenda Hoffman - It’s Your Graduation December 7, 2015

Dear Ones,

You have your graduation cap and gown at the ready – waiting for the moment your name is announced in the ethers.

Even though you probably expect someone other than you to determine when you are ready to graduate from your current earth class, you determine when such is so. For you are the creator of your life.

But know that you are indeed graduating for the next class is ready to start their last shift/transition before following you to new frequencies and Universes.