martes, marzo 05, 2013


2 2 2013 Nibiru Next to the Sun

The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Building Unity, Motivating the Public and the Original Intentions of Some Religions

360 small-Channeled through Wes Annac-
The lightening vibrations you are beginning to find within yourselves are signaling the way for true and real change to be brought forth on the surface of your increasingly-evolving planet. You are rising up from the realms of the third and fourth dimensions to the fifth, and from the fifth dimension your evolution onward will see you learn so very much about the multidimensional nature of existence upon this world.
What we mean is that upon accessing and traversing the unlimited perspectives the higher dimensions have to offer, many of you will see that you have indeed already traversed many of the higher realms you are looking toward from the third and fourth dimensions.
You are truly multidimensional beings, and we wish for you to know this. You have a perspective that is much stronger than the majority of souls on your world would know or accept, and you are able to tap into and feel a flow of energies that is so strong, that your ability as Gods and Creator entities who can work with any given higher dimensional energy simply cannot be expressed enough.
A theme of many channeled communications has been the power humanity as a collective and as individuals hold within.
As so many of you are beginning to commune with Gaia, you are becoming aware of the work that needs to be done to mitigate and cleanse the pollution still being manifested and fed on Her surface. Along with a developing understanding of your latent multidimensional nature, the awareness you are garnering for yourselves is stronger than could have ever been hoped or anticipated.
The change you’re beginning to bring forth is unprecedented, and the unity that you are all inspiring has been simply wonderful to watch build. This unity continues to build in every moment and as always, we remind you dear souls that there is much you can do in any given moment to further build upon the foundation of strength and momentum that has already been laid, for you all to begin coming together and doing the work so many of you know you are here to do.
We can see and feel that your expanding minds and hearts are making way for the awareness of the higher realms that will see you initiating yourselves into your beautiful Galactic society, and the fifth dimensional realms of your dearest Earth are simply brimming as they await your realization of them within you.
There is much work being done upon the surface of your fifth dimensional New Earth and much of this work is indeed energetic in nature, as the pollution and density that’s been fed on the third dimensional Gaia for so long are themselves forms of energy that can be worked with and transmuted, as well as transcended. You will come to find that everything in your reality is energy and can be worked with, shaped or molded in any specific ways you dear souls find prudent to do so.
As we have discussed, we as well as your Galactic brethren and a plethora of other souls will indeed be with you in the time ahead to teach you about the basic components and fundamentals of energy work, and to teach you how you can used advanced higher dimensional technology coupled with your own natural abilities, to transmute the bulk of pollution and density that remains to be transmuted.
Yes, we can feel that so many of you view your Earth and think that the job is undoable, but the various aspects of your society that you feel are unworkable are actually much easier to work with than you would realize.
In many cases, your belief in your inability to solve some of the most difficult problems facing your world stems from an assumption that you are finite beings who cannot act past the standard measures you normally do. This is simply not so, and another revelation you will all begin to open up to within is that you truly are infinite beings and nothing can stop you from achieving your goals, no matter what they are.
A single person on your world could find the individual momentum and strength to rebuild your world. How would they do this, you may be asking us?
They would first fine that strong and supreme connection and flow of Source energy and the resulting inspiration, and they would in turn motivate all those around them. Even the souls with the hardest of hearts and perspectives would and will, in time, absorb the messages and inspiration they and all of you have to offer.
Yes, they and you will meet resistance; it is a natural happening that is tied in with your own karma and your ability to see what you’re doing for the Earth in a clear light, but the resistance met when attempting to rebuild a world should be no reason not to begin the most important of such work. Indeed, there is no reason humanity should remain complacent and continue to allow the surface of your world to suffer, but we can feel with the strong and pure awakenings taking place in the minds and hearts of each of you that this will not be a problem.
We know and can feel this because of the rising awareness that is garnering a fresh and new perspective in so many of you who have previously felt flattened. Whilst some of you continue to feel this way, we must stress that all you are working for is propelling you exponentially toward the future you’ve long been wishing for. This future is, of course, yours to bring and attract to yourselves and we hope to be able to offer our continual writings and updates to support you dear souls and help you to see that the higher realms and the perspective and energies of the higher realms have never left you alone and are with you even in this moment.
Far beyond the ceasing of this communication and even the next communication we will give at another time, we are still with you and still offering our energies and perspectives for you dear souls to tap into which, for the most part, so many of you are now beginning to do with the grace and ease of the Creator.
Upon retreating to bed at night and waking up in the morning, many of you are beginning to notice the flow of energies and impressions coming to you that your minds do not (quite) decode in the manner that they do if channeling but rather, simply receive as they are.
For the most part, these impressions are being sent by aspects of your higher selves who wish to give you personal assistance along your developing ascension processes, but we will at times attach our specific energies and the resulting impressions to such in-flowing energies because again, we have much to share with you dear souls and we are honored to be able to share it.
We are honored to speak with you and detail our communications in the manner we have been able to, because the Lighted energies so many of you are able to feel encourage and motivate us to continue speaking with you. We are grateful to each one of you who continues to absorb our communications and while ours is only one perspective out of quite a lot, we still feel we are able to offer something genuine and helpful for humanity.
We would like to speak further on the rebuilding of your world and on humanity taking the reigns as you will be, so that you can work upon your increasingly-evolving third dimensional surface to help it reflect the ascended Eden you’re increasingly growing toward as a planet. Each of you can get active in working with representations of your fifth dimensional realty, and by this we do not mean that you have to find yourselves inhabiting such reality or attempt make astral travels there for indeed, you do not have to.
Your greater Creator Light, even if you cannot yet feel or access it within, is so strong and powerful that in some cases, you need only make vocal or mental affirmations for such power to be expressed and aimed at whatever you are affirming.
For example, if you wish to perform Lightwork upon the surface of your fifth dimensional Earth as so many of you are beginning to open up to your ability to do, you can make a personal affirmation that your blessing and healing energies be sent to such realms, or you can affirm that such energies be sent to aspects of your world that you know are no longer in resonation with the sovereign future that you the sovereign humanity is heading into.
Everything you see on your world that you know will only continue to hurt Her and hold you all back can be blessed and healed and while the collective vibrations are indeed needed to make the grand change you all wish to, which is why we mentioned the individual soul Creating widespread change by motivating the collective; while this is so, your individual power can still move mountains and what you are able to do as a single individual far surpasses what you would expect.
Perhaps some of you have noticed another common theme of our communications, which is that there is much underlying your conscious perspective and ability that you would not perhaps expect to find or realize within yourselves.
One of such things is the strength of your individual ability, as we have detailed above. We will continue to remind you that you are much, much stronger beings than you would expect for yourselves to be and we will say as well that every soul, be them “higher” or “lower” dimensional, is an aspect of our supreme Creator and is endowed with the natural strength and Light that the Creator has wished for us all to realize we have and can feel within.
You have been given this Light because you are an aspect of the Creator. You are the Creator, experiencing a lower dimensional form and we are the Creator as well, who is helping a lower dimensional aspect of our Selves to reach the infinite planes of consciousness and understanding that we, like many others, were also helped to reach by other civilizations and higher dimensional souls who are now much farther along their growth than they were when they originally helped us.
You will find that service-to-others based behavior drives the higher dimensional experience and the assistance that is given, and you will find as well that it actually aides one along one’s natural growth back to the full, undistorted realms of our Mother/Father Source.
Ever soul within every position in the Spiritual Hierarchy are here to serve you, humankind, and to serve a plethora of other lower dimensional worlds and civilizations who are just beginning to see the Light and find the resulting purer states of consciousness and stronger states of awareness. We are playing our roles specifically for you on Earth at present, and our focus has indeed been zoomed-in to the Earth whilst we are stationed within Her realms helping to increase the purity of energies Creating and sustaining your reality.
We would like for you dear souls to know that you are increasingly beginning to be put in charge of handling and accessing your inner-reserves of Light energy.
These reserves of Light can be accessed through the chakras, and all of you are being pumped continually with the purest Light that can possibly be mustered up and held just beyond the fore of your conscious perception. You are beginning to be given full access to and responsibility of this inner-Light, as well as the increasingly-pure energy you’re being given which, again, Creates and sustains your realities.
Humanity will find an ease in working with energy because you are natural energy-disseminators and Lightworkers. The act of continually purifying the energy sustaining your realities will be explained in ever-more depth than it has been in our previous communications, as there is so very much for you to learn in the way of energy work and your ability to access and feel different types and varying purities of energy within yourselves.
It has been discussed to the helm that you are akin to radio receivers, attuning to different frequencies and picking up different channels based on those frequencies.
A temple experiencing and continually feeding lower emotions or heart sets will remain attuned to lower frequencies and broadcasts. Souls who begin to see the importance of taking care of their cherished temples will find themselves able to pick up on less distorted frequencies and while for some of you, your receivers are only set to certain aspects of the higher realms or of your higher selves, your ability to pick up on frequencies is as infinite as the souls you can contact when doing so.
You are attuning now to the higher realms and with this attunement comes a rising awareness and a natural understanding of the peace and harmony meant to pervade every aspect of your realities. You see that the way the old paradigm has churned on is no longer working for you, and you begin working to spread the awareness and the natural Creator Light you hold within.
Your very perspective opens and expands and rather than being “changed” per se, it is opened up and you are able to meet with purer and more refined aspects of your Selves and again, also with us and a plethora of other higher dimensional souls who will share the gifts we have with you.
These gifts come in the form of our impressions and the communications encoded unto them, and you are all absorbing our energy as you read this communication and feeling a specific flow of such energies that is unique to you. You are indeed attuning to our energies when reading and absorbing this communication on your internet, and this is why we mentioned above that we are able to be with you even when you are not absorbing our material.
This brings us back to your natural ability to attune to any given higher dimensional energy you wish to, and after absorbing this communication some of you may find our energies and impressions lingering around you. If you wish to connect with us fully, than you can tap into that connection and feel the resulting communications that can indeed be brought forth.
Indeed, there are plenty of souls on your world who feel they would not benefit from our communications or any channeled communications, and this is ok for all are on their own path and should be respected and Loved regardless of the specifics of their beliefs.
It will be absolutely crucial for you to come together and unite based on what you have in common, as your Creator Light when expressed in a collective fashion is far more powerful than you would be led to believe. If you could have the energetic perspectives we do, you would see the strength of your collective power and we anticipate humanity being quite surprised when realizing just how much of your Earth is and has always been in your hands.
Truly, you have always been in charge of your Earth and the experiences that play out on your Earth; it is simply that you’ve been led to accept and believe in limitation and you have been taught that you are not able to maintain a strong a pure connection to realm that you’ve been taught do not exist.
One of the biggest distortions that has been fed by humanity which has held you back enormously, is that your physical reality is the only plane of existence and that any realms beyond your physical must be products of fantasy or a wish on the part of the souls experiencing them to feel something greater than your third dimensional reality.
In many cases, that very desire to feel and understand a reality purer than the one you already exist in is what breeds a discovery of the higher realms, and you dear souls have proven this endlessly with your continual quests and searches for the knowledge and energies the higher realms have to offer.
So many time periods on your world have seen an attempted control of man and the beliefs that humankind possesses as a collective body, and the false and distorted religions that attempt to control the thoughts and feelings of many souls on your world today were, in many cases, once based upon real and pure ideals and truths that the messengers acted as conduits for the higher realms to bring forth.
Plenty of religions have started with real, Lighted intentions and real, Lighted truth and throughout the generations, souls with pervading and controlling interests have muddied the ideologies and belief systems surrounding such religions and introduced controlling dogmas and other means of control that did not promote free expression or an understanding of the higher realms and the basic guiding principles to find a higher dimensional experience, and were rather, based only in a desire to control the masses who would follow such religions and the belief systems they represent.
Now, a greater understanding of spirituality is breaking through on a massive, widespread level and every time period of your history has proven that the endless quests for the higher realms will always garner the intended results. Souls with a naturally evolving perspective will always step forth to offer what they are feeling and beginning to discover in themselves, for the entire collective of souls around them to benefit from and find a growth and a greater awareness and understanding as a result of.
This is because upon finding an ascended perspective and upon beginning to find enlightenment within oneself, the desire to serve others and help as many souls as possible feel what the evolving soul is feeling breeds an active service toward every soul of the lower realms.
We are communicating with you and stationing ourselves within the higher realms of your Earth whilst we deliver your reality-Creating energies, out of a strong Love for the collective of humanity and out of a natural drive to assist you and as well, to find advancement along our own dimensional growth based in part on the service to others we perform whilst stationed in the purer echelons of Gaia.
We feel such a strong Love and understanding for each of you dear souls and while we had originally anticipated ourselves able to incarnate unto the surface of Earth as so many of you have heroically done and spread the truth and Light we felt we would have been able to re-access and benefit from; we are happy with the position we are in and we are equally happy to be able to garner a deeper and more profound understanding of energy work and of the nature of funneling energies down to Create and sustain lower dimensional realities.
To us, one of the most interesting things about your reality is the density of it.
We are utterly fascinated with the way your realities vibrate and move. The vibrations making up your reality move in such a dense and slow manner, and the established concept of time in your physical reality has bound you to certain expectations and entire modes of Living your Lives, as have plenty of other aspects of your average, everyday Lives.
The souls whom many of you perceive as unawakened and trapped in an illusion are still subject to a third dimensional reality that they have not yet realized they can fully transmute and begin to find a purer experience after having transmuted.
So many souls are still bound by the concrete concept of linear time; of physical matter that can only go unchanged; of a Life and experience that they have no ability to work with and turn into something better.
The hope of the higher realms at present is for the Lighted energies and the resulting perspectives and increased spiritual and cognitive perceptions so many of you dear awakening Lightworkers and Light Holders are beginning to garner and find in yourselves, to make way for a gradual and rising collective understanding of their ability to not only change their realities and the dense experience they find around them, but to Create the experience they have always wished for and to find an ease, freedom and abundance in their Lives that is simply unparalleled.
We speak, of course, of the new paradigm you are entering as a planet and specifically, we speak of the lightening collective vibrations helping to make way for the natural understandings that will garner your collective finding of awareness and the resulting ascension. Yes, your ascension is still on a full course to initiating you all into the pure fifth dimensional realms Gaia is now welcoming each of you to begin dipping your perceptual toes into, and we wish you to know as well that you have a full ability to access and work with any ascended landscape you wish to.
Your very knowledge and awareness of the infinite etheric landscapes you hold within and can Create upon is increasing in this moment and as you begin to practice your astral travels and use the inner tools you’re being given to mold and work with the energy in such realities that will see you Creating even the astral experiences you desire; you will continually draw yourselves toward the energies of the unlimited realities you’re Creating from and you will strengthen your already strong connection with the higher realms which, especially at this point, can never be broken.
You can never lose your connection with our Creator, nor the energies making up your higher dimensional experience.
The most difficult of lower dimensional experiences have tested you whilst you made your ways through the Earth and the many experiences this wonderful planet has had to offer you, and you have still proven yourselves able to come out strong and radiate the natural Creator Light you can all feel and access, out to every aspect of your collective as you help Gaia to help Her surface reflect the vibrations She joyously exists within.
Gaia has spoken to you all previously during our communications, and we wish to relay a message from Her that absolutely everything is in order and the experience She’s personally being subjected to is nothing but pure and harmonious. She Loves each of her children and she wants you to know this, and she wants each of you to focus on rekindling the flame of your hearts so that you can better find and maintain a strong telepathic and feeling-based connection with Her.
She asks as well for you all to get out and enjoy the beautiful brimming nature She has to offer, as those of you on one side of the planet will find an early and bountiful spring that will bring you warm weather, good tidings and fruitful spiritual energy that Gaia Herself is seeing reach the surface of Her beautiful structure.
Gaia personally has been overseeing much of the energy we give down to you, and She has always examined every last bit of energy expressed through and on Her planetary structure. She has guided us along our mission of increasing the purity of energies sustaining your reality with each time these energies are sent down for you dear souls to absorb, as Gaia personally has had much experience with energy work in the past and has performed a plethora of blessings and Lighted rituals in Her past experiences.
We as well have learned much about the nature of energy work and this is knowledge we wish to impart unto you dear souls; if of course, you wish to hear about it. We feel that you will wish to in the time ahead and we can already feel and appreciate the willingness in so many of you to begin learning about such things in any ways that you can, in this continual transition phase before the real work to clean and repair Gaia is underway.
You will continue to be reminded that your work is just beginning and to those of you who feel as if you cannot get active in exposing and working to change the way your world has functioned for so very long, we say that you possess so much more power within than you would be led to believe and this cannot be expressed enough, and we wish to continue to express it until it is fully realized and understood.
This is so with a plethora of issues because as you dear souls will realize, much of what you are learning comes in the form of continual lessons that revolve around the same general concept that we and your guides wish for you to begin to grasp and understand.
One of the things we wish for you dear souls to know and that we will continue to repeat, is that the darkness being fed on your world at present can no longer last and is itself being fed into a nearly-instant transmuter that is clearing it at its very core and in doing so, beginning to change the collective energies and frames of perception at their very core.
Miracles are not only possible; they are happening all of the time and those of you who see what has been done and continues to be done upon the surface of your Earth as well as those of you with the bleakest perspectives concerning humanity and humanity’s willingness to repair your world, will feel as if a miracle has descended down and bestowed itself unto your collective when you witness the entirety of such collective showing just as much interest as you in geopolitical matters and spiritual understandings as well.
This will be a product of the rising awareness and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask you to stand strong in the pure Creator Light you can now contain yourselves within and find a pure redemption and higher dimensional rehabilitation if you feel you need to.
The Earth experience can harden even some of the most Lighted souls and it is ok to admit when the Earth experience is weighing heavily on you, and it is even better to find and feel that aforementioned access to your inner realms and use it to bring forth and restore to yourselves, your happiness. Every soul deserves to feel and Live abundant, free and happy at this time, and the future in which you will all be doing so is being pulled toward you at present with a might and ferocity that is seeing the looked-toward outcomes assured.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.

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Realizing Our Infinity as Spiritual Beings (Part 4/4)


416 smallConcluded from Part 3

Channeling Our Higher Self & Others

Some awakening people on this Earth choose to actively and clearly channel wisdom, guidance and energy from their higher selves and/or future selves, and in some the mindset has been bred that this is not only the preferred or main method of credible channeling, but the only.
Others believe we are naturally able to pick up on the impressions and energies of any higher dimensional soul aiming their energies toward our world and to that extent, many communications have been channeled that are said to originate from Galactic, Angelic and Celestial beings. Personally, I am a supporter of the latter theory and the bulk of my internet work beyond this series will speak to that.
However one chooses to personally open up to channeling and bring a flow of higher dimensional energies and encoded impressions through themselves, we can begin to become open to this work which is again, another facet of energy work and the active bringing-through of the energy of the realms of infinity.
Knowledge and Love have been imparted onto so many channeled communications and if I can speak on my own experience; I’ve personally been able to garner much deeper and more enlightened perspectives on a plethora of issues pertaining to my personal experience and matters on the world stage because of channeled communications. Aspects of reality that were hidden away from me previously have opened up exponentially, in part because of channeled messages, and the sheer Love that is attached to so many messages is enough to have a read.
I don’t wish to promote a bias of advocating channeled messages however, because they don’t seem to be for everybody.
Some do not find any channeling credible or helpful along their personal paths or garnering of knowledge, and prefer different methods of opening up to the higher realms that work for them personally. We will all find the methods we have used to find our infinity unique, and some enjoy and appreciate the energies and communications purported to be given from the higher realms and various sources within the higher realms (I personally believe they are) while others will find their own unique ways of “getting there”.

We Are Constantly Channeling

What so many people have not yet realized is that we are constantly channeling and working with energy. Energy is constantly being brought through ourselves and for the most part, we do not even realize it is happening. For so many people who are beginning to awaken, a noticeable stream of thought can be had during the night time and in the morning that do not seem to originate from their minds alone.
Some notice a seemingly-random or even bizarre flow of words coming through them, and it’s been said that these words are encoded facets of the energy we’re constantly channeling through ourselves. Channelers have been able to tap into this flow and find messages from specific or widespread higher dimensional sources, and some are just beginning to notice this flow of words that can be easily picked up on by an awakening soul.
We are channeling energy even when we are far away from being able to pick up on our doing so, and we will come to find that we are conduits for the energy Creating our experience to come through and work based on the filters we have placed before ourselves.

So What Else Can be Done?

Channeling, becoming open to Lightwork and everything else recommended here are just some of the things we can do to open up and realize our infinity. Now, I would like to offer some of the final things I feel we can do if we wish to really bring forth that connection with purer echelons of reality, which will display our infinite abilities to us.
Some of these things I’m going to offer may sound obvious or silly but sometimes, the most obvious thing to do is also the most important.
It will be so very important for us to recognize and know that everything, in every moment, is ok.
I have likely said this before in previous writings and will happily continue to say it, because it is not expressed enough if so many of us still experience and occasionally feed so much difficulty in our Lives. I tend to fall out of balance and convince myself that current physical circumstances determine or run my Life or emotional state much more than they actually need to, and I think it’s safe to say that the rest of the world does as well.
When we can fully understand and realize the brilliance and awesomeness of this very moment, and I mean that in a very real sense, any temporary pains or even fears will melt away softly and the perspective we will find will be blissful. On the other side of the fence, allowing pain and fear to rule our perspectives and drain us will inhibit and block our developing understanding of our infinity, as the essential positivity we must feel to access the higher dimensions will itself be blocked off.
So please, do understand that this moment is perfect and blissful and if you don’t feel it is, don’t worry – it soon will be.
Finding the positivity that will help us see everything is alright will open us up to an entirely new perspective and way of Living our Lives, and our ability to access purer realms of perception will strengthen in every moment with each bit of commitment we give to our inner-searches and discoveries.

Enacting Spiritual Disciplines

It’s safe to say that most if not all of us will be led to employ some needed spiritual disciplines, which will help the energies of the higher realms come through us in a much more pure and easily-flowing manner.
We will be led to give up things that are out of resonation with the new paradigm and new way of Living we are growing toward. Some may be led to give up alcohol or tobacco, other soft or hard drugs or another favored “activity” while others may be led to eat healthier and exercise more. Even drinking more water can be an important spiritual discipline, as it is one of the best ways to find physical health and a clear flow of the energies we’re constantly channeling.
I’ve been led to give up eating meat as a part of the cleansing of my body-temple, as I’ve come to discover some things about the vibration of meat that I won’t express here so as not to seem preachy but to keep it short – I was led to give up meat as a part of an ongoing gaining of clarity and health within my body, which I’ve come to recognize more and more as a sacred instrument that should be treated as such.
There is much we can do to keep our bodies healthy of course, and meat eaters obviously can and do maintain health. Ceasing eating meat is just one example of the disciplines we may be led to employ for ourselves, and everything we are led to do will eventually strengthen our realization of our infinity.

Surfacing Negativity & Service-to-Others

An important aspect of our ongoing realization of infinity will be to know that we will undergo a surfacing process of any latent negativity we have held within, which will be exposed to us as we open up increasingly to our inner-realms which, of course, our realization of our infinity lays within our ability to access and remember.
There may be things we didn’t expect coming up from childhood, adulthood or even past Lives, and the aforementioned balance will be critical to attain and employ when the most difficult of surfacing is completed. It can be akin to labor pains and if the surfacing is successful and allowed to come forth, any pain will only be temporary and will be mended with the purer perspectives we will unlock, which we will find waiting for us after the most difficult surfacings.
As long as we can realize and understand the surfacing process, we will have no problems and will pass each lesson we’re given with shining colors.
It will be important as well for us to open up to the idea of service-to-others. For those who are unfamiliar with service-to-others based actions, they are essentially what the name suggests. It’s been said that as we open up to the higher realms and garner the resulting perceptions, we will feel a natural and strong drive to assist as many people around us as possible in finding the perspectives and the realms we have.
This drive is so strong that it’s resulted in the work being done by so many people at present to establish a new paradigm and a new way of Living and Being. The souls from the higher dimensions being channeled seem to feel this drive as well in much stronger manners, as it’s been said that they give their communications among doing so many other things to help us build the new paradigm.
We will open up to and understand service-to-others based actions, and we will feel that strong drive to assist not only our own collective and planet, but so many others in finding awareness and enlightenment. Invite as many people as possible to become aware, so that they too can spread awareness and enlightenment and work toward realizing their infinity, propelling themselves and you toward it by doing so.

Fully Recognizing Ourselves as Godsparks

Finally – it will be important for us to recognize ourselves as Godsparks and facets of not only our higher selves, but of the Creator of All That Is. We are natural components of the energy of Source, of our Creator, and even our higher selves are small facets of the oversoul that is the Creator.
The Creator and His/Her supreme energy are everywhere, and make up everything.
The Love of our Creator can be accessed instantaneously, by anybody. As I said above, you needn’t follow a guru, a strictly-dogmatic religion or a set of rules to open up to your infinity or the Creator’s Love and energies. You don’t need to read this or any other writing from me or anyone else to find the Creator’s Love; you need only realize that it is real and all around you and again, that you are a pure Godspark of our Creator’s omnipotent structure.
When you realize that you are the Creator in a lower dimensional form you’ve Created for yourself to experience, play around in and eventually grow away from as many people are now doing, so many pathways of perception will open up for you and you will begin to truly find yourself infinite and unlimited. A general happiness and wholeness with your Life and experience will be bred, and an appreciation for what you have Created will grow into a wish to repair what you recognize to be out of sync about this reality.
This is the final and one of the most important aspects of realizing your infinity. When you can see that you are already infinite as the Creator of your surroundings, everything mentioned here will open up for you quite easily as you find yourself remembering all of it.

In Conclusion

I hope to have been able to offer my perspective on how we can best become the infinite beings we have always been and have forgotten our nature as. The benefits of opening up to our inner-realms are fruitful, and only through our inner-searches and the resulting changes in perception and understanding will we realize our Godhood, Creator status and infinity. Our very Lives will change; sometimes gradually and sometimes dramatically, but everything we experience will pave the way for our infinity to be understood and expressed.
Collectively, there is so much we can do by discovering our infinity and the harmony that is intended to be expressed, and if we were all united in establishing a paradigm that worked for everybody, than we would very easily be able to do so. It is simply that we’ve allowed ourselves to remain divided and separated, and the “survival of the fittest” mindset has largely kept us from realizing our interconnected and united nature as sovereign facets of our Creator.
This would and will change when we can all open up to our inner-realms and begin working toward realizing our infinity, and we will collectively be able to commune with each other and strongly spread and radiate the energies we will find ourselves able to work with. We are meant to be doing so at this time, and we will be able to when the natural understanding of the personal and collective ability and infinity of each of us is realized.
I’m Wes Annac, and I’m as ready as ever to see the future come about. I will continue to work toward this future in any way that I can, and an aspect of that for me is to help you open up to your infinity and your natural abilities. You can truly do this and despite the help willingly given, you do not need any person, mindset or belief to do it; you need only your personal commitment to a quest for deeper understanding.


(1)-“The Seven Chakras for Beginners” at:

Realizing Our Infinity as Spiritual Beings (Part 3/4)


031Continued from Part 2

Connecting with Your Emotions

Allow yourself to connect with your emotional side, for in doing so you will connect with your heart routinely. Emotions are beautiful, but too many people have been programmed to think emotions and feelings don’t matter and that only cold, logical or egotistical ways of Living can be employed. Our emotions are gateways to our heart chakra, and our heart chakra is among the strongest of gateways to the higher realms we can open up for ourselves.
As such, getting in touch with your emotions is important to opening the heart chakra. Some of you may find an opening of the third eye acting in accordance with that of the heart chakra, and you will begin to find metaphysical perspectives and ideas emanating from within, some of which you may gravitate toward and really explore. Getting in touch with your emotional side is one of the biggest ways you can begin your inner-exploration and of course, beginning that exploration is important to realizing your personal infinity.
Welcome and allow new perspectives in, even if they seem initially to be outside of the paradigm of understanding you previously accepted. This is another area where balance is essential, as you do not want to fall out of balance and become a conduit for extreme beliefs that may not be in alignment with the new paradigm. Of course, everyone’s perspective is welcomed, but we are all welcomed to express our beliefs in a balanced manner as well.
Accessing one’s emotions will lead to a greater realization of the heart, and opening the heart will in turn lead to a realization of deeper and more powerful emotions. Finding a greater depth of emotion will as well help us begin to see our infinity, as we will begin to know and recognize aspects of ourselves who we would have previously thought did not exist.

Accessing Other Realms of Existence

As we begin to find and open our heart chakras, many of us will also find an access to etheric realms beyond our third dimensional perceptions. For some of us, these realms may open up via our dreams and specifically, via lucid dreaming, which can be utilized for potent astral travel. Others may begin to open up to astral travels within their imagination as they recognize that what we’ve perceived as imagination has long been an actual ability to access and interact with the astral realms we hold and Create within.
Imagine yourself, right now, in a big, open field. It is summertime in the evening, and the calm breeze flowing through hits your face in just the right way, offering gentle and cool refreshment. Imagine you are standing in front of a hammock, which is strung onto two trees that are a few away from each other.
One of the trees is growing large, red apples while the other one features beautiful and colorful leaves. Imagine as you take an apple from the first tree and bite into it. How does it taste?
For so very long, authors have written stories that both captured and got us to use our imaginations, and when we read our favorite novels we are Creating what we read in an inner-space that is entirely our own, which we paint with the story we read. Reading is such a great thing, because it allows us to utilize our powers of Creation and really feel what we’re absorbing.
We can actively work within the realms of our imagination to do so many things, and we can utilize lucid dreaming to do just as much. We have a full and uninhibited access to realms beyond the understanding of the physical humanity, but we’ve been led to believe that things like dreams and our imagination are not real or are only products of our minds when in fact, they are very real links to very real inner-held realms of consciousness.

Synchronizing the Opened Mind & Heart

Opening the heart and really finding that solidified connection, along with working to open the third eye and finding a perfect synchronization between the utilization of the two, will see us very easily able to interact with our inner-realms in a clear manner. Working to open the third eye after having built a strong connection to and opening of the heart will solidify such a connection in very strong ways.
Finding the balance between the two and allowing the heart to act as a receiver of higher dimensional or metaphysical impressions or energies will see you able to utilize your opening third eyes to interpret everything the heart is receiving. Without opening up the heart, the opening third eye can be susceptible to receiving impressions from aspects of one’s own mind or thought-form entities who will masquerade as a specific entity or energy, while opening the heart will see the influence of ego subdued and will see one able to receive clear and pure higher dimensional impressions.
There will be a perfect relationship between the two chakras, and Mastering that balance will see us excel and flourish along the path of realizing our infinity. Our telepathic abilities will be heightened when interpreting everything we receive through both mind and heart, and we will continue to strengthen a connection with metaphysical realms.

Learning Lessons & Opening Chakras

After garnering an opening of and connection with both the mind and heart chakras, it will of course be important to work toward opening our other chakras, as they are important in the areas of expression they each represent. While I’m not going to offer specific advice for opening each chakra, I will say that we will receive specific lessons in relation to opening every chakra and those lessons will of course, be related to which avenues of expression each chakra represents.
You may be given specific lessons about speaking in public related to the opening of your throat chakra. Perhaps you will be led to begin eating healthier as a part of opening the sacral chakra. I could go on and on with examples, but you can make your journeys easier by letting your guides and those aspects of your higher self know which specific chakras you wish to focus on opening, after opening the third eye and heart.
You can use your thoughts and emotions to communicate with such souls, and they will be able to work with the impressions you give them to manifest certain situations in your Lives that you will then be able to know are playing-out so you can learn a crucial lesson related to opening the chakra you affirmed your commitment to opening. It will be quite a journey to open up each chakra, but this is the ongoing journey of realizing our infinity and while there is much required, after opening our third eyes and hearts the journey will begin to become much easier.

Opening up to a Reality of Energy

As we awaken more and more, many of us will become increasingly aware of the energetic components of our reality. We will begin to see that everything around us is energy, including us and our emotions. We will begin to understand the fluidity and changeability of our realities, and many of us will become open to the idea of energy work and the understanding of our ability to act as energetic alchemists.
Consider the very idea of emotion being a changeable energy that does not have to hold you prisoner to it. Consider the idea that the very reality you find around you is not solidified, and can rather be worked with to produce circumstances in your Life that work for you and suit the reality you wish to Live in.
Many people will begin to open up to these very ideas upon focusing on and working to open their chakras, and the understandings of not only the various metaphysical realms that lay beyond our perception, but also the energetic nature of our reality will lead us onward to the full realization and understanding of our infinity.
An increasing understanding of energy work and the realms beyond our conscious perception will breed in many people, the aforementioned understanding of their abilities as energetic alchemists as well as of their roles as Lightworkers.

What is a Lightworker?

The word “Lightworker” has been thrown around and used a lot within the New Age community, and I would like to give my personal definition of a Lightworker, which may or may not match yours. I define a Lightworker as any conscious or awakening soul, on this world or any other, who have begun to recognize their role and are working accordingly on anchoring and bringing forth higher and purer energies and the resulting expansion in perception and awareness.
You needn’t wonder if you are a Lightworker or not, as it is not some exclusionary club; if you are attracted to the very idea, than you may very well be a developing Lightworker, growing into your role and becoming open to concepts that will drive the work you may find yourself doing in the future. In the future, we all will have recognized our roles and will be working to bring forth and establish a new paradigm and for many of us, our roles have included being Lightworkers.
It’s been said before that there are a thousand different ways we can perform Lightwork, and becoming open to the very idea of energy work and your quite-strong ability to perform it will see you ever-closer to your realization of your nature as an infinite being.
Lightwork will help the entire planet to find the lightening vibrations of the higher realms which, of course, will permeate our world and help us all to realize our infinity. Opening up to Lightwork will help us individually as well, and each bit of interaction we have with higher dimensional energies or planes of reality will garner more perspective and understanding in us.
Some Lightworkers literally work with the higher dimensional or emotional energy they’ve opened up to the reality of, and some work with this energy on refined etheric planes that they have also opened up to. Some will anchor the purest and most intense of these energies unto the core of our Earth, so that the Earth’s soul can direct it toward areas of its surface that desperately need our healing.
Some Lightworker bless their food and drink, and impart refined higher dimensional energies that will restore health in what they are blessing if health is lost.

Channeling – Subtle & Direct

Some Lightworkers channel higher dimensional wisdom and inspiration through themselves in a subtle manner, by writing out the inspiration and Light they feel in a song, an article or a poem. Some are artists who choose to act, paint or grow beautiful plants that they impart their natural Light and growing higher dimensional perspective unto.
Others channel the energies and encoded impressions of the higher realms and of various facets of the higher realms through themselves very directly, and doing so is working with and decoding energy to find and absorb a specific encoded aspect of such energy. Channeling is a potent form of Lightwork, and there are different ways one can choose to channel if they find themselves interested in the idea of doing so.
Some will open up to or choose only to communicate with their higher self or an aspect of their higher self.

Who is Our Higher Self?

For those of you who don’t know what or who our higher self is; as we are working to discover in this series, we are infinite beings whose consciousness extends far beyond our physical body and senses. We exist in various other realms even right now, and in the higher dimensions wherein time is not a factor and we have evolved, we exist harmoniously, helping to guide lower dimensional “Godsparks” of our consciousness who are working to reach a higher dimensional perspective and attain a realization of infinity.
Our higher self is us, existing in a different state of consciousness and extending his/her energies and assistance down to us, just as the sun gives light, information and sustenance to the dear flowers. There are aspects of our higher self who we could call our “future selves” existing in less pure states of consciousness than that of our higher self, who exist in such states of consciousness in a partial effort to help us evolve as well.
While the “average” person reading this may find all of this talk of timeless realities and higher/future selves a tad strange, upon realizing how distorted and illusory this physical reality truly is we will come to find that nothing is what we’ve been led to believe it is. The good news is that the planes of existence lying beyond our perspective are harmonious and wonderful to exist in.
Concluded in Part 4 on Monday.

Realizing Our Infinity as Spiritual Beings (Part 2/4)


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Keeping a Positive Perspective When Becoming Aware

If you choose to become open to the actions of the cabals and the control that’s been enforced under the noses of humanity yet, right out in the open, you are encouraged to first work on developing a spiritual understanding of everything that happens on this world. Upon doing so, you can avoid a potential lasting negative perspective based on all that the cabals have done and have wished to do.
Finding out about the purposeful orchestration of the September 11th attacks as well as the initiating of natural disasters by way of advanced frequency-based weather warfare technology and a plethora of other things on the part of billionaires with influence, power and ability could put one in a state of fear or apprehension that the control such people have been allotted will be taken to extreme extents.
However, an understanding of the reality of the situation and the fact that everything they’ve done was in preparation for a cycle of evolution that they wished to see us unprepared for but that we have actually been well prepared for, will garner an understanding that our very awakening and our radiating of positivity will see the cabals unable to do anything anymore.

They Want You to Feed Fear

They want for us to be in fear of them and the plans that have not been and will not be allotted. They want us to fear the latest street drug they’ve Created; the latest engineered disease they will attempt to have spread; the latest funds they have stolen that were meant to be given to humanity; they want us to be in fear and apprehension about all of those things and plenty more, because we feed them and their astral employers when feeling any form of lower energy.
Poverty, famine, hunger, war – those are all things that feed negativity and suffering on a mass level on our planet, and we can answer to the very energies that have driven and allowed for such things to go on by first finding and fashioning an inner-connection so that we can raise our personal levels of positivity and feed very needed energies into the collective consciousness, and then by raising awareness of everything western society has kept us in a state of distraction about.
Humanity is encouraged to turn off the TV, quit worrying about which celebrity isn’t wearing the makeup we’ve been programmed to believe is important, and begin to see that too much of our planet is suffering. Too many people in too many countries do not get food or clean running water, and in the United States we take our clean water and muck it up by turning it into sugary, syrupy soda. Not to mention the fact that even in the United States, clean water that can be drank out of the tap seems to be a thing of the past.
Again – upon finding a positive and whole perspective in every moment, we can raise awareness of such things in a manner that makes allowance for the recognition of humanity’s infinite ability and power as spiritual beings. We can allow our perspectives not to be muddied by the knowledge we will gain of the actions of the cabals, and we can work toward opening our hearts and finding personal wholeness and sovereignty.