domingo, noviembre 18, 2012


A través de las distintas épocas se han registrado relatos y escritos sobre la existencia de una red intrincada de túneles que recorren el planeta, desarrollados por desconocidos seres inteligentes.

Muchos investigadores serios dirigen y mantienen sus hipótesis en este sentido. Se ha manifestado la posibilidad de que inteligencias extraterrestres hayan establecido en diferentes puntos subterráneos y subacuáticos del planeta sus centros de operaciones desde hace miles de años.

Ya desde tiempos lejanos se habla de importantes ciudades intraterrenas como la hiperbórea tierra situada cerca del polo norte, de Aghartha, de Shamballa, situada en las inmediaciones del desierto de Gobi en Mongolia, del Paititi ciudad de los guerreros del arco iris, en la Amazonía para mencionar algunos de los principales centros de actividad del gobierno interno del planeta, los cuales son interconectados por dichos túneles. En América nuestros aborígenes desde el norte hasta el sur del continente, incluyen en sus numerosas tradiciones narrativas numerosas alusiones y hasta descripciones de contacto con esos supraseres.

sábado, noviembre 17, 2012

Viaje a la Tierra Hueca de los Macuxíes del Amazonas



Cuentan los últimos macuxíes (del norte del Amazonas), que hasta el año 1907 entraban por una caverna y andaban entre trece y quince días, hasta llegar al interior. Allí, "del otro lado del mundo", viven los "hombres grandes", que miden entre tres y 3,5 metros.

Son muy buenos pero hay que respetar sus indicaciones. La consigna de los macuxíes del lugar, era custodiar la entrada de la caverna, impidiendo el acceso a todo otro ser que no fuera alguno de los autorizados de la tribu.
Cuando el gran viento que recorría el enorme túnel empezaba a soplar hacia afuera, (tenía ritmos de cinco días hacia afuera y otros tanto hacia adentro) podían comenzar a descender las escaleras (de 82 cm. de altura cada escalón), y las escaleras terminaban al tercer día (contaban los días con el estómago y los períodos de sueño, lo que resulta sumamente exacto).
Allí dejaban también los breos (antorchas hechas con palos embebidos en brea de afloramientos petrolíferos cercanos), y continuaban iluminados por luces que simplemente estaban colocadas allí, grandes como una sandía y claras como una lámpara eléctrica. Cada vez andaban más rápido, puesto que iban llevando menos peso e iban perdiendo el peso corporal. Atravesaban cinco lugares que estaban muy bien delimitados, en medio de unas cavidades enormes, cuyo techo no era posible ver. Allí habían -en una de las salas- cuatro luces como soles, imposible mirarlos, pero que seguramente no era tan altas como el sol. En ese sector crecían algunos árboles de buenos frutos, como cajúes, nogales, mangos y plátanos, y plantas más pequeñas.

viernes, noviembre 09, 2012

The manuscript of survival – part 220

The days are growing shorter and shorter in parts of your world, and with them, the length of the night is increasing. This added dose of darkness will seem for many to be heavy to bear this winter, as it will also bring with it much work. Let us explain.
As we have touched upon several times earlier, you are all becoming more and more involved in the work being carried out now, and much of that work is going on behind the scenes as it were. In other words, we refer to all of the toil currently being carried out in other realms than the one you see around you whenever you are ”awake”. By that, we mean that whatever takes place during your so-called waking hours is a mere fraction compared to what you are doing under the cover of the night, when your body is quietly at rest in your bed, but your spirit is busy at work elsewhere. You see, contrary to many people’s perception, you are not confined within the boundaries of your physical body, far from it, and as soon as you are able to leave it behind on your nightly sojourns to other levels of awareness, you are also picking up the slack in so many ways.


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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Dearest friends!
With the upcoming great event of the emergence of the 11.11.12 Portal, we are challenged to rise up to that new energy level that is bringing with it a new and higher  consciousness. And as we know, this breathtaking  ride will go on to the 12.12.12 Opening that will connect us with our Great Central Sun, the Galactic Center, in a way that we will be able to take the most beneficial advantage of the 21.12.12 alignment.

lunes, octubre 15, 2012

Aisha North -The manuscript of survival – part 209 - October 15, 2012

As of today, many will feel the need to stand a little bit taller in the role as carriers of the light, because now, the level of energies has reached a plateau that will be important for the next phase in  this unveiling process. Let us explain.
As we have said again and again, this process will be taken in increments, and the timing of each sequence in this program of downloading energies not only into you, but into your planet as well, has been carefully planned. Each stage is carefully sequenced, both in timing and in intensity, and together, it will become a structure so formidable there is nothing like it in the universe. You have been builders for a long time, and now, the structure you have all been busy putting together is becoming more and more visible. For some, they have already gotten their first glimpse of the totality of it, but for others, all they can perceive so far is just some of the foundation blocks that are making up the lower parts of this structure. This may sound confusing, but let us use the analogy of the elephant in the dark room yet again. If you were placed before this magnificent animal, but you were only allowed to touch what was right in front of you, you would not be able to faithfully describe the whole being as you had no way of sensing or seeing the rest of it. So too it is with this process, and as you all play a very special role in all of this, you will only be witness to what is happening in your sector of this building. So, unlike us, you will have a hard time trying to see the full scope of it all. Hence, the different impressions you all have so far.
But now, some of those interlocking doors that connects you all in this magnificent structure will start to open bit by bit. And just as with the people gathered around that elephant when the lights are slowly turned back on, you will start to see more and more of the complexity of it all, and we think you are in for many a surprise as everything starts to become clearer. For, as we have told you before, the human mind is incapable of even trying to understand all of this, because you have been set up with very narrow confines for believing in realities that you have no previous experience of before. Therefore, this will be like stepping into weightlessness when you expect to stand on solid ground. So yes, it will be exciting in so many ways, but it will also be challenging, because you need to put away any expectations or notions that you carry within your human mind. In other words, this needs to be taken in not by using your intellectual capacities, because they are too limited. This needs to be literally stepped into with your whole being, and as such, it will once again be a major challenge to all of those still insisting on going by the old rules.
But for those already sufficiently free from the old limitations, this will become like a child’s play in every sense of the word. Yes, this is important business indeed, but it is also something that you need to approach in a creative way. In other words, have fun and play around with all of these new concepts and ideas that will start to show themselves to you. Remember, you are used to a very set way of acquiring new knowledge, but this will in so many ways go against that. So, at the risk of being even more confusing, let us just sum it up like this: Open up to what you meet in the very near future, and remember that you must also take in the full scope of your surroundings. Something new might appear out of the corner of your eyes, or even behind your back. So stay in flux, and keep up that shifting, twisting and fluid motion we spoke of earlier, as this will also ensure that you do not get too rigid in this next phase of this process. For this is important to remember indeed, as otherwise you might get it into your head that the straight and narrow path you have been following for so long will continue in the same direction. It might not, so if you insist on carrying forth no matter what signals that might be emitted from some very unexpected directions, you just might end up stranded in a corner somewhere.
So open up your mind, or rather, cast it aside, and free yourselves from any expectations you have as to what and whom will be part of your next adventure. After all, you might overlook something important if you let your mind choose your next step. Your mind is narrow, and your future is so much more exciting than anything your mind might conjure up. So cast off, but do not set your course, and let providence lead you. For as long as you listen to your heart, you can never go wrong, even if the change of course might take you by surprise. And not only the direction, but also the manner in which it is changed may be unexpected, to say the least. Just know that you are all part of a very carefully constructed plan, so even if you still have to go about this without seeing the complete structure, know that we have it all perfectly laid out. So trust us when we say have fun and let loose. After all, you have nothing left to lose except the limits holding you back from your freedom.