Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Farley. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Farley. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, octubre 30, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Want Vs. Need - October 30, 2021

Want Vs. Need 

My dearest, The Universe may not tell you what you want to hear but, it will always tell you what you need to hear. Now, more than ever, with so much incoming information it is important to keep yourself in a positive mind-set. Know that even through the tough-to-handle truth, The Universe is always there, standing beside and guiding to you a better tomorrow. ~ Creator

viernes, octubre 29, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Flowing Soul . Oct 29, 2021

Your Flowing Soul 

Imagine yourself unfettered, untethered, untied and otherwise unbound by the restrictions of your human body. Your spirit/soul dances, swims, melds with others, separates and returns to you again. You do it every night in your dreams. It is now time to do it in your waking existence. Become FREE! ~ Creator


jueves, octubre 28, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Life - Oct 28, 2021



Everything you touch reverberates with you. Every situation, emotion and experience…..everything

is you and you are everything; the Great Wheel never stops. This has always been a part of The Universal Plan. ~ Creator


miércoles, octubre 27, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Ask Yourself - Oct 27, 2021

Ask Yourself 

As you move steadily through the new changes, you must be very aware of what your body needs. Tune in, ask yourself and your body will respond! It is the same for your emotional and mental states as well. If you slow down, take a deep breath and listen, The Universe will always help guide you in the direction that is right for you. ~ Creator

martes, octubre 26, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Open Your Eyes & Your Heart - Oct 26, 2021

Open Your Eyes & Your Heart 

Dear one, while you are waiting for deep, profound moments to happen you may miss the fact that they are happening all the time. If you open your eyes, your heart and quiet yourself, you will be able to experience them as they arrive. ~ Creator

lunes, octubre 25, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Beyond - Oct 25, 2021



Stretching, reaching, expanding beyond what you felt was possible for yourself is the first sign that you are becoming what you are truly meant to be. ~ Creator


domingo, octubre 24, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Going To Ground - Oct 24, 2021

Going To Ground 

My dearest child, it is time to go to ground. Prepare yourself for the energy releasing and clearing to continue for a few more weeks. This is necessary to make room for new and interesting changes to arrive. Practice self-care and know it is perfectly okay to be a cave-dweller for a while. (Smiling) Once the release has concluded, you will be able to look at the world with new eyes. As always, The Universe is wrapping you in Unconditional Love! ~ Creator

sábado, octubre 23, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Choosing Good - October 23, 2021

Choosing Good 

If you choose one thing to be, be stellar! If you choose one thing to say, say a kind word. If you choose one way to act, act honestly and with integrity. If you choose one thing to do, choose to live life the way The Universe meant you to live your Earth-plane existence, PERFECTLY! ~ Creator


viernes, octubre 22, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Live And Feel - October 22, 2021

Live And Feel 

What you live and feel, you draw to you. If you live in thoughts of fear, desperation, hate, poverty or blame; The Universe will oblige. If you choose to live in peace, love, abundance, responsibility, integrity and truth; The Universe, again, will oblige. Exercise your free will! ~ Creator


jueves, octubre 21, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Respectful & Loving - Oct 21, 2021

Respectful & Loving 

The belief (or lack thereof) in The Universe is as varied as the individuals that inhabit your Earth plane. If a person has a different belief system than yourself, it does not make it any less valid than your own. As you move further into the energetic changes taking place remember…even if you do not agree, you can be respectful and loving to each other. ~ Creator

miércoles, octubre 20, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Song - Oct 20, 2021

Your Song 

You each sing your own song of life; melodies and harmonies ~ flat, sharp or true, dissonant or clear. Sing your song with strength, honor and clarity; it is who you are and how The Universe recognizes you when you return home. ~ Creator


martes, octubre 19, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Did I Forget Something? - October 19, 2021

Did I Forget Something? 

Every time you feel like you have forgotten or left something behind, I smile. You are growing and releasing the old things, my love. It is a happy day! ~ Creator


lunes, octubre 18, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Stay Centered, Stay Grounded - October 18, 2021

Stay Centered, Stay Grounded 

With the changes taking place now and the ones yet to come, it is (and will be) very important to own your emotional selves. While projection seems to have become the order of the day, it will not be able to continue for much longer. The new, incoming energy will bring more honesty and transparency which leaves little/no room for darkness. Stay centered, stay grounded and know you are participating in a once-in-an-existence event. ~ Creator

domingo, octubre 17, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - YES! - October 17, 2021



Say yes as often as possible……….to love, joy, truth, fun, and most of all, life! Your time on your

Earth-plane is too short to let a no, a negative thought or action influence you! ~ Creator

sábado, octubre 16, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - A Little Extra - October 16, 2021

A Little Extra 

My dearest child, there will be times in your life when everything feels completely out of control. It can be challenging to look beyond what you are experiencing in the moment to see any type of ending to the situation. The Universe is reminding you to step back, take a deep breath and look at it from an infinite perspective. Instead of seeing what is directly in front of you, you will be able to see and clear and definitive path on which to move. Remember, there is no rush… take your time and give yourself a little extra self-care. All will be well. ~ Creator

viernes, octubre 15, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Responding - October 15, 2021


As you move forward into the new world you are creating for yourself; you will be asked, moment to moment, to respond to it. You can choose to react strongly, remain neutral or simply walk away. Let your heart be your guide. ~ Creator


jueves, octubre 14, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Family - Oct 14, 2021



It is time…the calling together of your family. It may not be the one your were born into, it may not be the one you think. It is the family you are being introduced to now, the family that will be present at the awakening time. Revel in the love and support of that family, it is a joyous occasion! ~ Creator


martes, octubre 12, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Always Remembered - October 12, 2021

Always Remembered 

For those of you still looking for the grand purpose of your life…you are doing it now! Purpose does not always mean you need to accomplish something huge and unforgettable. Every time you are kind to another, every moment spent helping others or offering a shoulder (or an ear) you are fulfilling your purpose. The seemingly inconsequential things will always be remembered as great. ~ Creator

lunes, octubre 11, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - A Part… - October 11, 2021

A Part… 

You are a part The Universe and The Universe is a part of you. The division lines you have made keep you not only from it, but from each other. The Universe does not differentiate in its love, why should you? ~ Creator


domingo, octubre 10, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Power & Strength - October 10, 2021

Power & Strength 

One of the more powerful gifts you have been given as a human is to identify lessons from previous experiences, acknowledge and release them. In releasing your old, you are changing your perception of power and strength forever. ~ Creator
