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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Creador. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, noviembre 24, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - By Your Side - November 24, 2021

By Your Side 

Never be afraid to be what and who you are. Others that do not understand may judge you but never fear. The Universe is by your side loving you every step of the way. ~ Creator


martes, noviembre 23, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Perspective - November 23, 2021

Your Perspective 

No one sees the world through your eyes and you do not see the world through another’s. Perspectives differ. Rather than asking

the other person to change, honor their vision. In doing so, you will honor your own. ~ Creator


lunes, noviembre 22, 2021


 Blessings Everyone,

We are now at the very beginning of a NEW Timeline. This timeline is one of peace, joy and new Earth.

To join this timeline all we need to do is see this in our minds eye, our third eye. Focus on New Earth where everything is at peace and working as one. Harmony and LOVE abound on the entire planet. This is the timeline coming in, this is the new timeline we are creating.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Peace - November 22, 2021



You may believe peace is something that needs to be created, worked toward and/or manifested before it will appear. The Universe would like to remind you that peace has always been. It is in every thought, every emotion and every action of your Earth plane existence. The only thing you need to do is realize it is there and allow it into your life. ~ Creator

domingo, noviembre 21, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Following Their Path - November 21, 2021

Following Their Path 

Just because people choose to leave your sphere of co-creation does not mean that you are unloved, unwanted or unneeded. It means they are following their path just as you are following yours. ~ Creator 


sábado, noviembre 20, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Just A Moment - November 20, 2021

Just A Moment 

The space between: what you are and what you are to become, what you have and what you will receive, how you think and what you will think in the future is all just a moment away. Be comfortable with the resting spot you’ve chosen. The upward progression of the soul need not be fraught with slings and arrows. A moment is the only thing needed for change. ~ Creator


viernes, noviembre 19, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Eyes Open - November 19, 2021

Eyes Open 

Keeping your eyes open is easy. Catching those, sometimes, elusive moments of miracle may take some practice. They are happening all around you, constantly moving through your Earth-plane, weaving a beautiful pattern into the fabric of your existence. ~ Creator


jueves, noviembre 18, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Own Personal Retrograde? - Nov 18, 2021

Your Own Personal Retrograde? 

You have been receiving The Universe’s energy and changes so quickly that you may feel as if you have gone into retrograde. Do not despair, my dear child! There is resolution and peace on the horizon. Remember to keep breathing, stay grounded and ask to integrate the new information in safety and comfort. Things will being moving forward again…with Unconditional Love! ~ Creator

miércoles, noviembre 17, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Life - November 17, 2021



Give….without expectation.

Love….without boundaries.

Smile….without reservation.

Live….like every moment as if it is your last.

All of these things exist within you. Practice them and watch your world change! ~ Creator 


martes, noviembre 16, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Tribe - Nov 16, 2021

Your Tribe 

As you continue to receive new information from The Universe, it is time to begin using those new tools and skills you have acquired. No quantum leaps are necessary, baby steps are fine. As you become more accustomed these gifts, you will become more aware of others resonating on the same level. This is your tribe, your community and together you will help your Earth plane reach the place where it needs to be to change. ~ Creator

lunes, noviembre 15, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - You Have Everything - November 15, 2021

You Have Everything 

“I need, I need, I need” states to The Universe that there is something you lack. You must fully realize that you have everything you need to create your world the way you like. If your perception changes, so does your world. ~ Creator


domingo, noviembre 14, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - A Safe & Comfortable Space - November 14, 2021

A Safe & Comfortable Space 

There will always be people that enjoy kicking down what you have built. Dearest one, do not take this personally. Each of you carries something painful…the difference is how you choose to deal with and release that pain. You have the choice of allowing it to continue or removing yourself from the situation. It is your right to exist in a safe and comfortable space. Let The Universe help you create one. ~ Creator

sábado, noviembre 13, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Dive Into It! - Nov 13, 2021

Dive Into It! 

The Universe will never make things overly complicated but, you may. Taking a simple change, task or thought and adding additional conditions could keep you

from being bored but, it distracts from a real situation at hand.

Take some time, dear child, to ponder why you are choosing this path and how you can change to make your life as free flowing as The Universe intended it to be. The new energy and new way will always be in your highest and best…release the distractions and dive into it! ~ Creator

viernes, noviembre 12, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - CHANGE IT! - Nov 12, 2021


If you do not like where you are standing, move. If you do not like what you are feeling, change it. If you do not like the situation you are in, remove yourself. Nothing is presented to you without the ability to fix it. ~ Creator


jueves, noviembre 11, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Listen To Understand - November 11, 2021

Listen To Understand 

The Universe is asking you to listen to understand rather than listening to respond. As this intense energy continues, it is very important to completely understand what is going on within and around you. Stay calm, open-minded and send The Universe’s Unconditional Love as frequently as you can as this may be a bumpy ride for some. If assistance is needed, all you have to do is ask. ~ Creator

miércoles, noviembre 10, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The Only Person - November 10, 2021

The Only Person 

If someone is making you feel good, bad, angry or hurt, you are denying your own truth and choosing to let someone else have the responsibility for your existence. Ultimately, you are the only person responsible for you. ~ Creator


martes, noviembre 09, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Made Just For You - November 9, 2021

Made Just For You 

You may be waiting…waiting for a grand sign, the fireworks, an audible and booming voice from beyond or an epiphany that rocks your reality before moving forward. Those things are employed only when you have missed or have refused to see the small and beautiful signs all around you each and every day. If you take just a moment and shift your awareness you will begin to recognize them for what they truly are; communications of Unconditional Love and support from The Universe specifically designed and made just for you. ~ Creator


lunes, noviembre 08, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Beautiful & Amazing Light - Nov 8, 2021

Your Beautiful & Amazing Light 

Dearest child, you may be living a life and experiencing things others do not understand. That is perfectly okay! (Smiling) The people around you may not grasp the concept now but, in the very near future, they will. Until then, just keep shining your beautiful and amazing light. When they are ready to accept, they will know you are there to offer your support and guidance in the most positive way possible. ~ Creator

sábado, noviembre 06, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - And Away We Go! - Nov 6, 2021

And Away We Go! 

The energetic landscape is changing much faster than you may have anticipated and the next few days and weeks are no exception. The years of practice and internal work will help you adapt to the developing reality of your Earth plane. Scenarios you did not think possible are suddenly appearing in your world and it may feel a bit overwhelming. Allow yourself to explore your new and growing reality, knowing it can be molded in a way that works in the highest and best for all. ~ Creator

viernes, noviembre 05, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Upward! - November 5, 2021


The upward curve may feel that it is getting steeper every moment. That is when you may need each other for the extra hand. Take your time, rest when you feel it is right and remember; even though is looks like it will go on forever, it will not. The Universe is right beside you. ~ Creator
