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domingo, septiembre 13, 2020

Selacia - Embracing the Unmarked Path - Navigating the Unknown - Sep 13, 2020

by Selacia

As young children we were very curious about sights and sounds, and interested in exploring the world around us. Before our conditioning kicked in, we had no sense of danger or consequences. 

miércoles, septiembre 02, 2020

Selacia - La Nueva Clase de Fortaleza - Regalos de Crisis – - Agosto 30, 2020

Traducción Alicia Virelli
Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

Septiembre comenzará con una nota de elevada energía con una Luna Llena de Piscis, estableciendo un mes de casualidades de alta intensidad y muchas cosas nuevas que saldrán a la luz. Se sugiere ponerse cinturones de seguridad no sólo para presenciar la locura del mundo sino para navegar personalmente por los altibajos. Continúen leyendo para obtener un panorama general de lo que se avecina y los preparativos anticipados sugeridos.

domingo, agosto 30, 2020

Selacia - A New Kind of Strength-A New Kind of Strength - August 30, 2020

by Selacia

September will start on a high-energy note with a Pisces Full Moon, setting up a month of elevated-intensity happenstance and many new things coming to light. Seat-belts are suggested, not only for witnessing the craziness of the world but for personally navigating the highs and lows. Continue reading for a big picture of what's ahead and suggested advance preparations.

martes, agosto 25, 2020

Selacia - SUPUESTOS Y REALIDAD - Minas terrestres para vigilar- - Agosto 25, 2020

Traducción Alicia Virelli
Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

En estos momentos de caos, división y clima global de insatisfacción, nuestro instinto condicionado es anhelar la certeza y alguna apariencia de normalidad. Estamos programados para estar más cómodos con el status quo incluso si pudiéramos crear una realidad mejor. Las energías del 2020 han cambiado nuestros hábitos y nos empujan a evolucionar. Una gran lección implica desafiar nuestras suposiciones. Continúen leyendo para comprender lo que esto significa en su vida y cómo cambia nuestro mundo exterior.

viernes, agosto 21, 2020

Selacia - Assumptions and Reality - Land Mines to Watch - August 21, 2020

by Selacia

In these moments of chaos, division, and global climate of dissatisfaction, our conditioned instinct is to long for certainty and some semblance of normalcy. We are wired to be more comfortable with the status quo, even if we could create a better reality. Energies of 2020 have upended our habits and push us to evolve. A big lesson involves challenging our assumptions. Continue reading to understand what this means in your life and how it changes our outer world.


It's common knowledge that our assumptions can get us into trouble or simply delay our progress. We all make assumptions, so you're in good company. We can make assumptions about ourselves, other people, situations, the past, the present, and the future. Our assumptions can make us vulnerable to blind spots and translate into a distorted view of our reality.

It's our linear human conditioning to assume things in a black-and-white way - not allowing for variances or a bigger picture. Examples of things we may assume: (1) our car will start tomorrow like it does today (2) our loved one will grow old with us (3) we have X amount of time to prepare for something (4) if we don't have any symptoms of sickness, we are healthy (5) the information we read online is true because it's from a trusted source and our friends believe it's true.

None of these assumptions are guarantees. Our ego-self, however, cannot entertain this idea. This linear part of us wants certainty and sees life through that lens. This cripples us, preventing us from accessing a holistic and realistic view. When things don't show up as planned, it can feel annoying or even devastating.

Our Ally

Our ally for this dilemma is our larger quantum self. As we learn to master connecting with this more aware part of our being, we begin questioning our assumptions with inner inquiry.

Our larger self, aware of its eternal nature and natural cycles of change, understands the futility of assuming that things will continue showing up like they did before. This aware part of us - boundless and quantum - is fearless about change and norms dissolving. When we access this aspect of our being, we have the space and openness to flow with changes and trust that we are continually morphing into better versions of ourselves.

Challenging Assumptions

As divine changemakers, we must challenge our assumptions, applying a higher consciousness that helps us to discern truth and reality. We live in a time when many things have become weaponized to sway public opinion.

In my book Predictions 2020, I wrote:

"As a former journalist working with words my entire life, I've never seen the current level of language manipulation on the world stage. To be sure, some journalists from my days covering the White House and Congress had a slant on stories - a point they wanted to make. That's much different than omitting or changing words or photos to serve as subtle weapons of hate. Our role in 2020 is to develop more discernment as we ingest information. What we want to avoid is tuning out and disengaging. Too many people in our everyday world are doing this now, to the detriment of humanity's awakening."

Assumption Land Mines to Watch in 2020

This year, in part because it's so pivotal determining our future in the next decade, we have a number of assumption land mines to watch.

Firstly, corona virus models based on assumptions - without a full set of data and lacking a coordinated base of facts - can be misleading and inflame society's already divisive social discourse. The second element in some countries like the US involves anti-science leaders inciting a culture war that uses fear and disinformation.

Secondly, this year we are witnessing historic highs of citizen weariness and distrust in institutions and country leaders. It's an election year in the US and numerous other places, too, and the stakes are high in determining the fate of democracies already threatened by authoritarian leaders. Many people may assume that their voice does not matter - that no one in power cares. A good number of people may assume that their vote doesn't matter either, so they may not vote.

Thirdly, due to the pandemic and our upended norms, the universe is nudging us to update countless things. This includes how and where we work, how we interact socially, and how we allocate our time and energy. In fact, the whole notion of time is shifting. Ideas about productivity are changing. Many long-established protocols for daily life have disappeared forever, or are temporarily a faint memory. All kinds of problematic assumptions can be made in these scenarios. Some people assume, for example, that the time warps and currently blocked activities mean it's useless starting something brand new or making the extra effort it takes during the pandemic to make progress on heart-felt goals. Others put off their self-care or inner work, assuming that it will be more productive when they are more inspired and active in the outside world.

What You Can Do

The solution for each of these assumption land mines is action. Examples: (1) further develop your curiosity and inquisitive mind - question what you are taking in from the media, from social media pages, from country leaders, and from your ego-mind with its negative self-talk (2) intend to discover the whole picture of things and how it applies to you personally (3) avoid pack mentality, going along with group-think about issues (4) be willing to regularly revisit issues and update your views (5) in every way that you can, vote - whether it's in an election or expressing your views in the world; more than any other time in history, your vote in elections and your personal voicing of thoughts is essential to both self-evolution and creating changes for a more kind and loving world. 

I look forward to your feedback on these themes and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2020. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Copyright by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

domingo, agosto 09, 2020

Selacia - Social Discourse Norms Upended - New Tools for Engagement - Aug 9, 2020

by Selacia

We are wired as social beings, naturally seeking to connect with one another. From our first moments as a baby in our mother's arms, we crave bonding and interaction. Fast forward to 2020 with its societal division and often mean-spirited social dialogue - when it can feel challenging to reach out like we did before. Continue reading for a big-picture view of our dilemma in 2020 and how we can and must find productive ways to stay engaged.

lunes, julio 27, 2020

Selacia - New Life Directions-Your Alliances with the Outside World - July 27. 2020

by Selacia

As we go into the last days of July, it’s helpful to reflect on the past couple of months of roller-coaster energies. If you’re like most of us, you’ve felt challenged by the continual parade of intensity and escalated emotions. Ironic, you might say, to feel the impact of these things so much when we’re in a pandemic and less tangibly engaged with the outside world. Energy is energy, however, and we can’t escape its effect by being less social. Continue reading to understand both your opportunities now and some welcome energetic relief coming Tuesday.

jueves, julio 02, 2020

Selacia - Life in a Construction Zone-Navigating Time Warps - July 2, 2020

by Selacia

If you're like most of us, life in 2020 seems like a series of endless twists and turns and at times like you're trapped in a construction zone. Certainly with the global pandemic, the energy of uncertainty and unknowns is ever-present. When we temporarily forget that this is global rather than personal, we can feel frustrated or even angry that our "normal" vanished. Even our sense of time has shifted. Continue reading for context and suggestions.

jueves, junio 18, 2020

Selacia - New Potentials Arising-Solstice Energy Gateway - June 18, 2020

by Selacia

We have big changes percolating in this unique cycle of time, each of us and the collective in a massive reflection and review. What we learn about ourselves during this time can lead to new potentials we previously couldn't access or manifest. Seat belts advised. Looking at ourselves in the mirror can be quite challenging. Continue reading to better understand how to approach these moments for optimal results.

sábado, junio 13, 2020

Selacia - Courage to Change-Where We Go From Here- - June 13, 2020

by Selacia

What's unfolding now with George Floyd's death and the protests over racism is an important beginning in changing how we see and treat each other. This beginning - because it represents one of humanity's most challenging issues and is embedded into the very fabric of our society - requires our long-term commitment and courage. Continue reading to understand what this courage involves and how we can sustain a courageous response long enough to affect real change.

viernes, mayo 22, 2020

Selacia - Social Divide Over Masks-Divided Yet Interconnected- - May 22, 2020

History has shown that with great uncertainty comes fear and a human need to control one's circumstances. This is tribal. It is emotionally-based. It can cause adult people to act out like children. And it can divide people - even families - setting in motion even more fear. This destructive spiral is now front-and-center across our world - catalyzed generally by Covid and now specifically by the wearing of protective face masks. Regardless of how you feel about masks, continue reading for a big-picture view of what's really going on.

sábado, mayo 09, 2020

Selacia - Navigating the Void Between Old and New -Personal Life Review- - May 9, 2020

by Selacia

Quite often the place between the old and new can be very challenging - feeling in a void between what was and what will be. Interestingly, however, that void is where we have the MOST potential to create something radically new and wonderful. Continue reading to better understand the void and how to make the best use of it this month.

jueves, abril 30, 2020

Selacia - Urge for Freedom and Certainty-Discernment During Chaos - - April 29, 2020

by Selacia

Anything different or limiting our usual freedom to engage with the outside world - especially that imposed on us due to a crisis - can feel restrictive and even suffocating right about now. We've had weeks of stay-at-home, and even if we usually like being home, this new temporary regimen can get old. We can feel boxed in, even if we truly have plenty of space, and our desire to know "when" the next phase starts can leave us feeling restless. Continue reading for a higher view of our conundrum and suggestions for responding.

martes, abril 21, 2020

Selacia - Campamento de entrenamiento espiritual: estar preparados para grandes cambios - Abril 13, 2020

Traducción: Rosa Garcia
Difusion El Manantial del Caduceo

Durante mucho tiempo, quienes estamos en el camino del despertar nos hemos preparado para esta década de 2020. ¡No estaríamos aquí ahora si no estuviéramos preparados! A nivel del alma, lo entendemos. También empezamos a cobrar perspectiva, a medida que reflexionamos sobre nuestras vidas y sobre cómo hemos vivido, personal y colectivamente. Quienes pueden acceder a vidas

lunes, abril 13, 2020

Selacia - Spiritual Boot Camp-Being Prepared for Big Changes- - April 13, 2020

 by Selacia

For a very long time, those of us on a path of awakening have undergone preparations for being alive in the 2020s. We wouldn't be here now if we weren't prepared! On a soul level, we understand this. We're beginning to have context too, as we reflect back on our lives and how we personally and collectively have lived. For those of you able to access past lives, you likely have become aware of key historical times when you were impacted by disasters, wars, and pandemics. Continue reading to know the big picture of what you struggle with now, and why it's essential to your spiritual progression.

viernes, abril 10, 2020

Selacia - Encontrando Las Vestimentas Plateadas - Observando Nuestra Crisis a traves de los Ojos del Espiritu - Abril 4, 2020

Traducción: Alicia Virelli

Difusion El Manantial del Caduceo

Si sientes que estás en caída libre en este momento, no estás solo. Entre las cosas más aterradoras de la caída libre está la falta de control, la incertidumbre sobre dónde aterrizarás y cómo se sentirán cuando lleguen allí. ¡Curiosamente, también, la caída libre puede catalizar sentimientos de euforia y pura alegría! Cuando te sueltas y te permites conectarte con estos sentimientos positivos, tu miedo desaparece y puedes disfrutar el momento de simplemente ser. Continúen leyendo para comprender cómo esto se aplica a nuestra crisis COVID-19 y qué puedes hacer personalmente para sentirte más cómodo con la caída libre.

sábado, abril 04, 2020

Selacia - Finding the Silver Linings-Seeing Our Crisis Through Spirit's Eyes- - April 4, 2020

Finding the Silver Linings
-Seeing Our Crisis Through Spirit's Eyes-

by Selacia

If you feel like you're in free fall right now, you're not alone. Among the most scary things about free fall is lack of control, uncertainty about where you will land, and how you will feel when you get there. Interestingly, too, free fall can catalyze feelings of exhilaration and pure joy! When you let go and allow yourself to connect with these positive feelings, your fear disappears and you can enjoy the moment of simply being. Continue reading to understand how this applies to our COVID-19 crisis and what you can do personally to become more comfortable with free fall.

miércoles, marzo 18, 2020

Selacia - Respondiendo a la Locura del CoronaVirus-Encuentren Su Calma en Tiempos de Locura - Marzo 8, 2020

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Difusion El Manantial del Caduceo

Es la semana del equinoccio y el comienzo de una nueva estación con energías de alta intensidad en el aire. Algunas energías como las del coronavirus pueden invitarte a detenerte en seco y probar algo nuevo. Otras energías como las que trae el coronavirus pueden detenerte y hacerte preguntar a dónde ir después.

lunes, marzo 09, 2020

Selacia - Cabalgando la Nueva Ola de Cambio- Encuentren Su Centro mientras las Energías Cambian - Mar 8, 2020

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Difusion El Manantial del Caduceo

La próxima ola de cambios de energía llega hoy lunes brindando oportunidades para completar cosas y celebrar el progreso hasta la fecha. Una cosa para celebrar es el fin de Mercurio Retrógrado. También tenemos una Luna Llena en Virgo que está completamente iluminada por el sol de Piscis, realmente poderoso! Esa luna traerá emociones aún más a la superficie y podría ayudar a crear una claridad más profunda que implique las relaciones. Continúen leyendo para aprender a trabajar con estas energías, encontrando su centro cuando la vida se vuelve aún más caótica.

Selacia - Riding the Next Wave of Change-Find Your Center as Energies Shift - Mar 9, 2020

Riding the Next Wave of Change

- Find Your Center as Energies Shift -

by Selacia

The next wave of energy shifts arrives Monday, bringing opportunities to complete things and to celebrate progress to date. One thing to celebrate is the end of mercury retrograde. We also have a full moon in Virgo that's fully illuminated by the Pisces sun - powerful indeed! That moon will bring emotions even more to the surface, and could help create a deeper clarity involving relationships. Continue reading to learn how to work with these energies, finding your center when life gets even more chaotic.