martes, abril 12, 2022

Natalia Alba - Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces - Apr 12, 2022

Beloved ones,

Today, we witness one of the most important days, astrologically speaking. The peak of the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces reigns today and for the rest of the month our Heavens. A Stellium, as it is called in astrology, whose energies will continue amongst us, helping us to transcend an old Cycle, at a micro personal level, and in a macro global one.

A conjunction that comes with magical, mystic, and revealing energies for those who wish to align with it, and receive the unique messages and purpose that this rare event will have for them. It is a day for profound soul communion, and devotion to serving All, beginning with first acknowledging what is yet to be unified within us, so we can continue with our work of assistance.

A time to integrate and release, and a time to also descend the desires that we would like to see manifested. It all depends on where you are in your ascension path.

A passage for us to work on the discovery or expansion of our unique soul mission, for these energies, are going to help us develop the unique gifts that we brought to seed into this Planet. These benevolent frequencies will help us see with clarity our path, the truth that we need to embrace to move forward, receiving the assistance required to deal with all we have to face to dissolve illusions.

Energies that invite us to have faith, in ourselves, in who we are, and came here to be, and in the Divine, for in our human plane, losing faith is very easy, especially when we witness unloving events. However, this is where we most need to have faith, as Guides remind us, for we can never understand the totality of the Divine's plan, from our limited view.

A reminder of what Guides invited us to work with, at this time, a Sapphire to help us integrate the energies coming from this Jupiter and Neptune alignment, and expand our intuitive senses. Although as you know, the intention to commune with these frequencies, is enough for us to establish the proper connection, as all is done from within, always.

Sapphire, is the wisdom stone, a wonderful crystal to help us expand our third eye and bring more clarity to our soul mission. It is one of the best ones to help us establish a connection with our soul, listening to its guidance and directions.

This is a passage for us to merge with the Divine within and begin to create beyond all the illusions of who and what we have been told we are, the path that our soul truly desires for us - embracing our true potential and living as the compassionate beings that we are, in nature.

Let us align with these Forces to seed more compassion.

Let us remain within Divine love for All.

Have a blessed passage Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Art by: Danielle Noel