lunes, julio 05, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Do Not Wait - July 5, 2021

Do Not Wait 

You are awakening. Every moment of every day you are being given the opportunity to learn, grow and find out exactly where you fit into the grand scheme of things. If you are unsure as to which direction you should go, ask yourself these questions;

What do I want to accomplish in this life?

How far am I willing to go to make changes within myself?

Am I truly in a space where I can love myself exactly the way I am?

What do I need to change to become the best version of me?

How much am I willing to take before I say it is time for a change?

For you, as a human, these can be very challenging questions but, when you find the answers within, they ones that will offer the most growth and learning. My beautiful child, do not wait. It is time to go to work. ~ Creator
