domingo, abril 11, 2021

The AstroMedium - ENERGY UPDATE 🔮✨ - April 11, 2021


The AstroMedium


Today is the day! We still have increases in Schumann activity and tonight at 10:31pm eastern time, the sun will form and exact conjunction to the moon in Aries forming the New Moon.

This is the beginning of a new cycle so old energies that are ready to shed may surface. Do not hold back your emotions and it’s okay to need rest or feel anxious.

Find my New Moon in Aries post and swipe left for the new moon ritual so you can best utilize these energies.

Many of the same symptoms are carrying over but I want you to notice that increase in synchronicities and signs that spirit is showing you. I’m sure you have already because they are unmistakable.

Your team is around you, you have universal support to release, process, and focus on your desires and what you want from life.

Today is about you. Take advantage of this energy.

Love you all