jueves, abril 08, 2021

Natalia Alba - As we approach the Aries New Moon - April 8, 2021

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the Aries New Moon, many will begin to feel the ecstasy experienced with the current energies. Frequencies that are helping us to integrate new wisdom but that at the same time can overwhelm us, making us feel exhausted and tremendously tired. It is now when we most need to honor our micro personal processes, for we all experience the organic process of ascension in our unique way, and become our own caretakers, as this is just the beginning of a very intense passage that will culminate on May, with the Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. A passage helping us to complete this process of wisdom embodiment, and hence, soul mission awakening and descension, for there are more stepping into this conscious path, even though the many efforts to cover the Truth.

While we continue immersed on this portal, the current energies from Aries help us to grow in courage, vitality and the determination we need to go after what we consider to be true for us. The most important aspect during the Aries Moon is that it is at the midpoint of Mars trine Jupiter. This is where the energies, if we consciously align with them, will serve us for personal growth and expansion, depending where we are in our unique journey.

It is with Aries that we begin to initiate ourselves, once again, within this eternal Divine Spiral, passing from experiencing the feminine essence and the remembrance of the Illuminated Realms with Pisces, to the power of Fire and the strength, energy and passion it brings, if used wisely. This is a time for us to integrate the masculine, and its power to manifest and protect in the physical.

As we too have the Sun sextile Mars and Jupiter, it is indeed a blessed influx for us to work on confidence, rebuilding our energetic field, and protective shield. This is a time for us to begin embracing our inner power and the required strength to go after our soul desires, and personal mission of expressing our truth, for there is nothing more important that being who we are at this time, when many are trying to spread lies and de-virtualize reality.

For those who at the moment need to move inward for healing, these energies will help them having the strength to visit the depths of their being and face anything that resides in there, having the will to heal what is necessary, for the majority of the times the proper healing we need does not occur due to our fear of looking inside and finding something that we cannot look into the face.

If on the opposite you are one who have integrated your shadows and made peace with them. It is a great opportunity to go further and begin to expand yourself by co-creating, if that is your personal desire and guidance, with the many benevolent beings that are here to show us new healing techniques, as well as many methods to begin the process of creating an earth community, for it is something that many have as a personal mission - to create a community where those who resonate will reunite for the purpose of wisdom exchange as well as uniting in sending healing to All.

Creating sacred spaces has nothing to do with being afraid to what others many think or to hide oneself. On the contrary, when we finally create sacred communities, it is because we have already served All the best we could, stepping now into a new phase of our mission. One that involves a further work that takes a massive amount of energy, and that only those who resonate and appreciate our energy exchange, could value and support.

When we reunite from a soul resonance space, we share equally, respectfully and lovingly and there is no way to enter into endless fights for opposite beliefs systems or any other attack, for we now take care of our energy and focus only into the betterment of the planet, not in entering into useless battles that will drain our energy and will have no loving outcome.

This is a unique time to co-create our own sacred spaces, from a space of bravery and total freedom, for this is the time our soul planned for us to reunite and begin a process of creating a planetary network. A global work that will support the task that many do behind the physical scenes, and that is what in truth is helping into this current transition.

We need to take care of ourselves and energy now more than ever, and even though stepping out and sharing is important, it is too co-creating from a respectful space, for we can no longer allow other forces to distract us from what we came here to do, and that is only the expansion of our unconditional loving and compassionate essence, independently of the many labels we use to name what we do.

It is time for us to know our unique place in the world. For us to realize where our Presence assists more and where to put our energy wisely. For there are many distractions that may make us fall into patterns of unworthiness and hopelessness at this time, which is why it is so important to go within and listen only to our inner voice to understand the uniqueness of our Essence and personal mission.

Ma you always remain into the brave, illumined and loving Essence of your Soul, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Cosmic collage