lunes, marzo 15, 2021

Sandra Walter - Equanimity as Opportunity :: Equinox Gate is Open - Mar 15, 2021

Equanimity as Opportunity :: Equinox Gate is Open

The grids and fields are being saturated with new harmonics and crystalline plasma. Many hear and feel it over the last few weeks. These harmonics are playing our DNA like a symphony, activating the etheric fields/strands to produce new realities – with your conscious direction.

Prepare to receive intense frequency shifts. Detox, reset with a fast, decree, meditate, get in nature, clear your space and crystals. A beautiful passage to begin something new, take action on a new creation, and release what feels dense or cumbersome.

Gaia needs us to be present and unified, to hold the Freedom codes strong as the global narratives shift.

Connect to your own Truth, to your Source within the heart. This is a passage of sovereign wisdom, and releasing of outdated narratives. Divine neutrality holds the sacred covenant of Oneness as the highest truth.

Quantum Free Will steps forth; operating in the highest interest of all concerned. Implementation of Cosmic Law in alignment with Love and Oneness.

Quantum Grace is embodied as Divine Presence, kindness, patience, and balance across all aspects of Self.

Maintain the higher perspective as these energies flip global narratives. Avoid distractions, focus on learning to be an aligned creator. Be witness to the truth of your heart’s desires.

Because #Ascension