lunes, marzo 01, 2021


Every thought you have, every emotion you have, every decision you make, how much of how little you are aware of your heart presence, all of these things and more are IMPACTING your DNA, moment to moment.

YOU are a vibrating frequency that may become conscious and aware of every thought that goes through your awareness. Therefore, manage your own frequency. MANAGE through awareness every moment that flows through you. This is mastery.

People often speak of this or that may change DNA. Well hello, everything that goes through you is impacting your DNA. Once you master awareness of your own inner world of thoughts and feelings NOTHING outside of you will impact your DNA. As you will exist in a world of heart based true love and joy.

Building the foundation of this, becomes then the powerful way you FLOW through the heart as THE DIVINE BEING, consciously.

So as you move more and more into living through your heart, OBSERVE more and more, your inner world, develop self awareness and true love for you. Enter the true Union with your SOUL. Then your very DNA will vibrate with the consciousness DIVINE eternal you. Blessing you all now in THIS. Now. Through love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)