lunes, septiembre 07, 2020

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message September 2020 - September 06, 2020

Pleiadian Message September 2020

Beloved ones we greet you, The energy on the Network Grid within your earth plane is undergoing rapid change. These changes reflect the internal changes that are taking place within your own energetic field and Heart cells. Your Heart cells can be likened to receptors; the cells are being transformed to play another role to accommodate the growing light vibrations that are flowing onto the planet.

They are like waves coming in on an ocean, flooding your systems, preparing you for the powerful upswing of transforming light, which is about to create another level of transformation within the environment of Earth.

You are being asked to prepare your physical systems to support your cellular shifts through consciously letting go. Being willing to allow change, opening your awareness consciously to embrace the coming changes. You play an essential role at this juncture through consciously letting go, even if you are unaware of what you are letting go. Your letting go supports this motion of changing vibration and allows higher realities to anchor within the planet.

This entire unfolding has always been about you, humanity participating by setting in motion the changing profile on Earth. You hold the profile within your energetic light to be the creators of this change now.

We witness you and work in conjunction with you by stabilizing the frequency of the Grids during this unfolding.


The Pleiadians