lunes, agosto 03, 2020

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 8-3-20 - Aug 3, 2020

Dear Friends,

Full Moon in Aquarius is Monday, August 3 at 9:59AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

We are entering into an intense time of change and unpredictability. Use this full moon time to get your priorities straight and your ducks in a row while practicing great flexibility and willingness to let go of what is adjusting itself out of your life.

The theme for this month is "Intense Adjustment" and the forecast and support audio will be forthcoming later today with helpful suggestions on being proactive with these current influences.

Take some time around this full moon to reflect on your personal goals and focus on opportunity instead of restriction. It is a good time to think outside the box and to use the aquarian energy to invite new ideas and insights into your field. Practice seeing beauty and spirit in everything. "When one door closes another one opens” is the thought for the week.
