miércoles, junio 03, 2020

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 6-5-20 - June 3, 2020

Dear Friends,

Full Moon in Sagittarius is Friday, June 5 at 1:12 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

A penumbral lunar eclipse is exact at 1:25 PM. Eclipses always amplify and intensify what the influences are and this full moon we struggle with the balance between what is dissolving and where we need to focus. Clarity of goals is illusive right now and motivation may be questionable.

It is probably best to take a complete break, toss out the leaky bucket, and set a new container for your future that includes a deeper trust in spirit that all is as it should be. The intention you set for yourself should be about how you wish to feel about your life as you emerge on the other end of this interesting time of upheaval and change. The eclipse triggers our instincts and we can either take them into a negative fear reaction or an experience of trust and support as we work with the earth.

Make sure you take some time to be out in nature, anchoring your grounding cord to the earth. If you have issues around your sacrum, pelvis and hips, ask the earth to support that foundational part of your body. You may have old patterns of false support that are being dissolved and causing discomfort in that area. This too shall pass. Do your work. Trust the earth. Keep it moving. Keep it positive.

