martes, enero 14, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - DIVINE MOTHER - JAN.2020

The above image was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff 
through ©PsychicArtbyJanine. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! I am Divine Mother. I come to bring you a message of love and hope. There is much that is going on in your world, much that is being cleared, many energies that are coming up as a result of the great cosmic love energies that are being directed upon your world now. Dear Ones, please be patient with yourselves and each other. Know that this IS necessary. All that is not in the vibration and frequency of the great love, of the great Light of the Creator must now come to the surface and be cleared and transmuted. Sometimes, this is not a pleasant experience, but ALL is being cleared now, right into the core of the Earth.

All that has been hidden within must be dealt with. This may seem a little chaotic for those who are going through this experience. Know that all is well, that this is in accordance with the Divine Plan for the Earth and all her inhabitants. We have all come at this time in Earths history to bring love, peace and harmony back into this world. We have come to raise the vibrations of this world, to raise the vibrations of every man, woman and child upon this Earth and it is happening NOW, Dear Ones!