Dear Ones,
The Activations from the 11:11 portal are creating a deeper alignment with your Soul’s Divine Blueprint.
Energy upgrades are taking place that allow you to build a new
structure for your energy system to be housed within. These downloads
will continue until the powerful 12:12 transmissions.
Your new aligned Light Body has
been prepared diligently over the past few years so you could receive
the new codes of ascension more freely. As expected, the
physical bodies have been the areas most at odds with the new energy.
Symptoms have been rampant that displayed the dismantling of the old
structures held within you for so long. This has been very
uncomfortable, yet highly purposeful. Maintaining a positive outlook as
your body reorganized down to the cellular level has been difficult for
most people.
This is especially true when looking outside yourselves to see the world dismantling in a similar way.
The good news is that you have come to a turning point.
The place where those at the forefront of the ascension wave are
beginning the process of rebuilding the physical structure required for a
new life within the higher frequencies of Light that make up the 5th
In this new time, your energy
systems have begun to enjoy the upleveling energies inherent within the
process that are quite exalted. Even though your nervous system
may still feel as though it has blown its circuits at times, there is
an expansive gain in your heart’s understanding of the massive shift
taking place within you.
Providing space for the restructuring process will now take the place of the continuous dismantling
that has occurred since 2012, and for some of the Wayshowers well beyond.
Dwelling in the shadows has been a fruitful existence. It
has enabled most of those who have been finding their way through the
morass of overflowing past history to absolve themselves of blame and
open the doors of their perception to look outside the inner turmoil.
The sashes have been thrown open from the windows of the mind and light
is pouring into all the dark corners. You are able to freely access
those situations that have caused so much of the tumultuous learning
processes necessary for your Soul’s education.
Now is the time for more Divine Insight to take root within your knowing.
Whether it is clear or not, all of your past experiences have had a
bigger purpose than what has been obvious. You have been provided with
the actions necessary to clear your Akashic records down to the bare
foundations — the bedrock of your life known as the zero point.
From here, it only goes up as you begin the rebuilding process of your
physical structure to hold the higher frequencies.
You are the empty vessel that has been prepared to hold the Light of Divinity as a sacred chalice within.
Remember this as you create the next steps in your life. Take your time
to access the inner knowing as you live your physical existence. What
you put into your sacred vessel includes your attitudes and outlook on
life as you begin to build your physical structure from the inside out.
yourself to be a sacred chalice to hold Divine Light affects you on all
levels. You will need to be serious about taking yourself lightly!
Make sure you provide yourself with plenty of time in sunshine and in Nature.
You are being fed like the new leaves on a tree with the Light of
photosynthesis. A process is afoot that will enable you to hold this
energy as food, just as a tree with its roots in the Earth and its
canopy in the Light. You are building the forces that will allow you to
thrive in the midst of change and inevitable challenge.
Never doubt the presence of your Spiritual Resources that are working with you to insure you are guided in every moment. You are loved eternally as all you need is provided with Grace and Ease. All is truly well. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 12, 2019