viernes, noviembre 08, 2019
Lisa Renee - The Rise of Ideological Conflicts
Transcript - I would like to bring up the intentional creation of division in the public through the weaponization of topics that are used for spreading ideological conflicts, because they’re such a hot topic in the outer world right now. It's so important to discuss this openly, because knowing what we are looking at will help us to better understand what we’re seeing implemented as a psychological warfare tactic that is happening in the outer world.
I've been talking in the community about Alice-In-Wonderland tactics, which are military grade mind control confusion tactics used to promote nonsensical gibberish, illogical and surreal debates, and generalized bizarre behavior in the media outlets and into the public platforms in the environment in order to confuse and derange groups of people in the outerscape. Controlled mainstream media is directing an all-out warfare strategy against the population to give well-funded platforms to non-sensical, unstable and irrational people that are used as puppets to generate further division in those particular reality bubbles, in order to generate schisms between groups of people that automatically and subconsciously separate themselves into boxes with specific classifications.
This is a psychological warfare strategy deliberately designed to create many levels of separative boxes and walls that are then made into an assortment of ideological conflicts, seeding them within the various cultural norms and then spreading these conflicts out through society at large. Many of the issues were or are non-existent or only existed at an extremely small scale, statistically speaking, and have now been exploded into the media outlets with massive funding and backing of special group interests used by the Controllers. Understand that pitting different groups against each other is not a random event; the attempts to heighten violence and vitriol between the assorted reality bubbles has been meticulously planned and well-staged. This is a part of the controller mind control mechanism used to target the masses to shape and enforce the narrative of 3D reality. They are intentionally pushing a divide between the population by pushing an assortment of ideological conflicts that are then represented in the mainstream media as some kind of class struggle, severe class struggles within some of the marginalized groups that are identifying with the ideology inherently designed to create the violent conflicts.
But really, what this entire agenda is designed for is getting the New World Order agenda fulfilled on a global scale, because through their problem-reaction solution propaganda, they want to roll out a totalitarianism world government made through the marketing of a Marxist-Socialist type of ideology that they sell to the public as an collectivist ideology. The marketed propaganda tells the population while flooded in total chaos that this ‘socialist manifesto’ is going to be the solution to all of these class struggles generating violence and chaos in the world today. So the controllers, and the controlled and manipulated media, they are aware of the instinctual mentality of the masses much better than the people really know themselves. Thus, those behind the monopoly of controlled digital media realize that they have a much greater advantage at manipulating the masses into emotional reactions, even hysterical instinctual reactions that through desperation, influence them into certain directions in which they will make populist decisions that further inform politics and legislature.
The game of psychological warfare is designed to get the population very angry, upset, emotionally triggered to exploit their negative ego, exploiting the pain body of their intended targets. So for the Controllers, they've helped to create the many problems as a part of the larger plan of control and subsequent dismantling of human rights as valued in western cultures, and now the solution they're presenting really has an end game of putting into place a totalitarian dictatorship. However the propaganda being used to market this end game is currently being marketed as socialism or an collectivist ideology in which no individual has access to private property and privacy. And again, in the promotion of the collectivist ideology includes the destruction of existing structures and history, as they state the destruction of our past history is going to solve all of our current planetary problems with poverty and human suffering.Unfortunately, this is a bait and switch tactic, as until we have a full disclosure event, we cannot connect the dots and see who's really behind the controller mind controlled reality that hides behind the pyramidal scale of the esoteric knowledge and black magic manipulating reality.
The socialism-collectivism moniker is giving the NAA and their controller puppets another layered facade to hide behind an inverted system that is being used to compartmentalize and hide true and accurate knowledge and information that empowers the public to use critical thinking and common sense on a path towards self-determination. And so they can continue to radically confuse the public, dumbing them down, in so that the masses are not aware to the true Orwellian purpose that this agenda is hiding. When we bring to mind the values held within an ideology, what I'd like you to also remember, in connecting to that ideology, is to connect to the negative ego attitudes and have an greater awareness of the false identities and the false sense of self that is propagating these divisions and classifications. Because a lot of people on this earth hold belief systems on the nature of reality and have an ideology that has evolved into a core value system, and then this value system is directly tied into their sense of identity. And the question to ask when observing ideology in action is “why is that right? who are you? who are you representing really?” and to see the war over consciousness playing out as a game, there is strategy of control and manipulation that's being played out upon the masses. Once you identify with an ideology and you believe that that is your real identity, then by default you are a puppet on strings that can be manipulated in every direction by external forces. So it is very important to know how amplifying nonsensical behavior along with promoting ideological conflicts in the outerscape, works as a form of psychological warfare and why weaponizing narratives works so well to intimidate and control the public.
Let us reflect on why people can be instigated into mob hysteria so easily. In order to understand this phenomena we have to understand most 3D people's motivation, combined with the fact that a person's belief system and ideology are directly tied to their sense of personal identity; this is their personality. Many people, if they feel that you are representing a value system that is threatening their personal beliefs, then immediately without even thinking, you are assigned to be a threat to the personality, a threat to the existence of their ego, and thus they will generally react in unpleasant ways. The current population has been classically conditioned to be an emotionally reactive culture, reacting in hostile and angry ways to different or opposing viewpoints, and this is understanding the negative ego in action. This is negative ego 101 to really get a clear understanding of how the three levels of ego function and to see it when it's in action, because it's surfacing into violent conflicts everywhere around us.
So in further exploring the nature of ideologies: ideologies are core value systems people are motivated by through a sense of identification or personal meaning. They’re beliefs held within a group of people that identify with whatever this ideology is exploring or stating. So bring to mind a few labels of what people believe they are classified as into groups, they identify with some kind of classification some other external force has told them exists, or through their own interpretation of experience. Then note how this is used to divide and separate people through the aggravation of confusion, anger and violence in emotionally unstable people. Today they are pushing for generating classifications that are entirely ridiculous, some of these ideologies that go into race, to color of skin, to defining gender and sex, to transgenderism which is an weaponized arm within the controller agenda. This is what the controllers want the masses to get lost in; the never-ending classifications, because this is exactly how you divide and conquer people and weaken the whole species. It is important now to recognize how the obsession with ideologies are being developed in this way, as in the creation of a new religion - the ideology - that gives meaning to some people’s lives. These ideologies are spread intentionally to become strongly tied to the person’s sense of self, to their identity, to their personality, to appeal to their negative ego function at the lowest levels.
Now generally, ideologies are kind of constantly in flux as they evolve to be relevant to current events and cultural attitudes. Some people are more mutable and impressionable because they take in the stimulus of what the environment is telling them is right or wrong, and then they adopt this ideology they have been sold and go along with its agenda. This is a person that is not a very strong person in their core self. Most of the time they don’t know who they are and so they don't have a developed personal value system, they don't abide by their own core values, and that's generally the profile of a undeveloped and immature person that hasn't done any inner work at all. We must make the effort to know ourselves, a person must have some self-awareness to be able to know what their personal values and motivations in life actually are. Today, most of the values that are being promoted out there in mainstream are ideologies that are directly related to the survival of the negative ego. Many of the belief systems are often in association with cognitive dissonance, because a person may say they have a core value or support an ideology, but they are in cognitive dissonance with that belief system because they're unwilling to look at the actual source of their own conflicts. That which may be something unpleasant to face or which would require that they do more due diligence to explore the truth in the matter. To get to the truth inside all things, we have to dig deeper, we have to do some work on ourselves in order to become in charge of our own thoughts and choices in the world. Ideologies are constantly being interpreted in the face of things that are ever changing in the current global events, and the consensus of the media, what the masses are told to repeat or parrot to the rest of the population to keep them in line.
Understanding that ideologies are used more like a guiding strategy to the subconscious, and many people do not have core principles that they follow strictly, because they are totally unaware of their hidden deeper motivations. So this is why it's so important to deeply know yourself, to become clear about your own personal value system, and to understand that this is how you develop personal integrity, to follow your core principles that hold meaning within your heart. You must decide what is right for you and then act accordingly; that's how you build personal integrity, and then it requires that you are also able to see all of this mind control madness that's playing out in the external world. Many people are fracturing and rupturing under the pressure of the mind control experiments they are targeting the public with, especially the young adults and children. So understanding that ideological conflicts are heightened now in the current warfare, and that the reality of life on earth is knowing that it is really one big lesson in group conflict resolution. That's most of what we’re dealing with down here on planet earth; a lot of conflict resolution, so we need to get more comfortable with that process.
One big theme to remember is that most people in their ego will feel conflicted when they perceive their ideology is being challenged, or that their belief in the nature of reality is being called into question. And many times they are resistant to resolving any of this with you or others, because now they're going have to make changes in their lifestyle if they were to admit the possibility that this could be true, or their ideology is flawed. Again, if a person or group starts to have an ideological belief system in that they think this is how the world works, and then they discover that they were believing in a fallacy, now where does that leave that individual or group? How are they going to resolve this conflict? Most people choose to ignore it out of fear or apathy. However, it is critical that we all learn how to resolve these conflicts within ourselves. Otherwise we are living in fallacies and deceptions and there is no way to be guided towards truth and clarity.
Some people choose to stay in cognitive dissonance, because they don't know how to resolve the conflict they have. This is another point as to why we must develop critical thinking skills and intuitive skills, to actually come into an deeper self awareness and take any inventory on that content within ourselves. Because you'll see within the current death culture what's being promoted in terms of the ideological conflicts growing in the masses, this is about triggering people into high defensiveness, so that they just emotionally react from their pain body; and when we react in this way, this reaction, this impetus that comes from instinct, thus we don't have any impulse control. This removes the logical and critical thinking, because now we’re just reacting, and we can see this being repeated over and over again in the environment. The mass manipulation with the media, in the intended cultivation of abusing and weaponizing the term “political correctness”, but we may also understand what political correctness actually means in this context. Actually, in the way that political correctness is being used as a weapon, this is really a mind control tactic that is being used to influence and target free speech.
People now live in fear that they will accidently say the wrong thing and then be called a bigot or racist by the cultivation of mob hysteria, and they can lose their job and be blacklisted in their career, persecuted and made an example for public humiliation. They Controller groups are doing all they can to censor our language and our words, confound the communication between people. So as well, in our society unfortunately, people are not encouraged to know themselves or communicate well with each other. So this is really what I want to leave with you, with this information, is to know yourself deeply and learn how to communicate well. At least attempt to be able to communicate, make improvements in your communication with others, because most people do not know how to communicate with others, especially with kindness or with compassion and empathy. This is a critical skill set now in the current outer terrain of radical psychological warfare being targeted into the population. I really encourage us all to be aware of the importance of compassionate communication, and nonviolent communication, of which there is more information that is in the Ascension Glossary under those terms.
So recognizing what it means for the ego aspect to have ideological conflicts. If there is a conflict in someone's belief in the nature of reality, most people will feel a sense of threat. So this is understanding, that when you see people react in hostility or rage that this is generally because there is a perceived threat to the ego personality and its belief systems. This can define a classic narcissist. You may be the catalyst in that way to others, just being as natural as it is to be yourself. The person actually feels threatened that you have a different perspective than they do. This may seem ridiculous at times, but it's true and is something that should be pointed out more, in helping people to release their fears of feeling threatened by belief systems that do not generate physical harm. Why do they feel threatened? People tend to take incoming information and distort it so they can maintain the core identity of their personal value system, whatever the idea is that they may have about the nature of reality, and this is a part of the confirmation bias to reinforce the 3D narrative.
Confirmation bias means that you only select things that actually reinforce the things that you want to believe, and are unwilling to look at anything else that may contradict your beliefs. This is a part of producing extreme mental rigidity which can be observed in over intellectualized people with closed hearts. The ego mind produces this mental rigidity, where one can only live in the confirmation bias, that mental rigidity will not allow for opposing views or debates about anything, because that person’s ego feels threatened.
Those of us in our community need to be the first line in learning how to be compassionate communicators with being able to have opposing views to someone else; do not perceive the opposing belief as a personal threat and then to seek to find a resolution when it is possible, to envision a higher resolution through the conflict. But in noting as well, when people feel threatened, usually the first thing they will do is to perceive the person that's challenging them as lesser than, they'll dehumanize that person and the make wise cracks, or they say something mean or nasty about them. Ridicule is the way the threatened ego and dark forces tend to crush people with opposing views. And again this is the classic tactic of manipulators; this is playing out the dramas in the victim-victimizer game, a classic tactic for divide and conquer of groups. Beyond the classifications, beyond the ideologies, we've got to come to an understanding that we are the human race, we are the human species, the earth is the home of the human race and this is the number one consideration. True humanity. That's who we are; everything else should really fall aside.
So in learning how to seek clarity and agreement on the terms for discussing ideological differences and conflicts, a good beginning is by learning how to become a safe person relationally, and establishing ways that a trusting relationship can coexist despite different points of view, despite the range of ideological differences. And in my personal view an easy way to do that is just to bring the Golden Rule into your life. If everybody had their own belief systems and ideologies, but were committed to uphold the Golden Rule, which is a commitment to be respectful and harmlessness to each other, imagine that! We would be able to coexist a lot easier. And as well, here in our community there are many things that we learn about lying tactics, manipulation strategies, in order to see how fears are being exploited in the masses for generating ideological conflicts.
The many things we learn in ES is also about checking energy signatures and boundary testing; and this is also very helpful in being able to better discern the mass confusion that is out there, that is being created into chaos from this psychological warfare method. Again, “Alice-In-Wonderland” technique is creating mass confusion using terms under the guise of political correctness and ideological conflicts in order to confuse people into believing in these classifications that don't really exist, and are meaningless in the larger picture. This presents an opportunity to learn better skill sets with compassionate communication, speaking with kindness even with opposing viewpoints. It's very productive to learn how to apply nonviolent communication towards every aspect of our lives, towards every aspect of our interpersonal relationships, as we are facing personal issues, massive planetary issues. These are core principles that empower us on the way to improving self-mastery and self-awareness during the bifurcation cycle. Focusing upon observer point and conflict resolution is a very powerful process to help us bring more peace, and more harmony between many opposing views and heated interactions.
To further discover more about the military intelligence’s Alice in Wonderland confusion tactics to stress out the population, Amazing Polly does a great job breaking down this mind control tactic into smaller parts that may be helpful in registering how this is being used against the population at large. Her video is here.
(Source: Ascension Q&A October 2019, Transcript by Annie)
Publicado por
Ángeles de Crystal

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Lisa Renee,