Pluto & Saturn (in Capricorn) mean business and they are now marching directly toward each other, gathering momentum for their BIG meeting which won’t be until January 2020…however, October is showing as the kickoff to these huge transformational shifts. On a personal level, think back to April when these seeds where planted…the place in our lives where we were faced with THE “persecution wound”…where we experienced a major death.
Now, after five months of being fully present to the crippling suppression of our soul, Pluto & Saturn want to escort us out of the crucifixion story and into the resurrection…out of the Piscean Age and into the Aquarian Age…out of the “lessons and into the blessings”…out of the karma and into the dharma. The last 3 months of the year are ushering us (personally and collectively) into the new paradigm at the ground level while bolstering us with the strength needed to call back our authority and reclaim our sovereignty…to tear down the old structures of our lives and build anew.
As we settle up the last of our (karmic) debts, pull out of those remaining places of powerlessness in our lives, withdraw from all insincere relationship dynamics and stop lending our energy to what doesn’t serve or support our highest good, we will have much more life force available for MUCH greater affairs. We have reached THE END of the draconian order, of enslavement programming, which means that anything left that opposes our original, divine Truth…limiting/defeating thoughts, sabotaging self-talk, any lower mindset that convinces us that we are less than, unworthy, unvalued…that talks us out of who we authentically are and/or what we want to create/experience…is going to be so easy to spot and drop now.
All those karmic battles of the past are neutralizing, dissolving before our very eyes because we have been clearing the final layers that were concealing our original blueprint, making it so much easier to self-correct, to walk away from that life, and to cut the cords that kept us bound to it. And in its place, new levels of Cosmic LOVE are starting to stream in, empowering us from within, restoring our equilibrium, invoking new passion & drive, replenishing our devotion to complete our liberation.
It is time to begin filling up our own cup from the fountain of Truth…and we can already taste it.
The (universal, unconditional) Cosmic LOVE of the Mother IS our liberation, our Get out of Jail FREE card…our emancipation from the human condition that permits us to return to our natural state of BEing, of feeling GOOD, because…and you may have forgotten this…but feeling GOOD is is actually our natural state. Novel concept, I know. And to bring it way back to basics…feeling GOOD is also the state of effortless attraction and manifestation.
So get ready to turn your life around. October is showing as no-nonsense but very busy month with a growing (and possibly unending) TODO list. The incoming energies will not only be fortifying, but they will also provide us with a preview of the new year….and with only three months to get there.
Those three months…which include the final Mercury retrograde of the year (10/30)…will be an important time for receiving, renewing and resetting our coordinates from our origination point→ all in preparation for building our/the New Earth foundation in 2020.
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