domingo, junio 02, 2019

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - June 2, 2019

Pleiadian Message June 2019
Sunday, June 02, 2019

Beloved Ones we greet you, Change is the constant flow, which is operating now within your lives and throughout your physical and energetic systems. This reset current has begun and it will not cease until the mission has completed itself on your earth plane.

There is actually little you have to do, simply let go and Be, allowing yourself to be taken by the flow. Being within your Heart accelerates your fusion to your unique divine flow of light which is growing brighter and brighter within the Universal consciousness.

The flow is relentless, so don’t fight this pulsing rhythm, which exists within the current, just breathe, and let everything fall away that is illusion. Illusion is everything that does not exist within your Heart. Each individual is being taken, absorbed through a specific energetic pathway for realignment and refinement to the sacred Higher being aspect.

We witness you in this sacred juncture, which was set in motion from the ‘Awakening of the Dove’. This is your blessed journey.


The Pleiadians