viernes, marzo 01, 2019

Natalia Alba - March is a month in which we dive deep into the ethereal - Mar 1, 2019

Beloved Light Emissaries,

We are about to welcome one of the most creative and magical months of all the year. March is a month in which we dive deep into the ethereal, bringing profound revelations for us and our unique human journey. During this month - as its 6 universal frequency remind us together with the Full Moon in Libra and the Equinox, at the end of the month - the importance of being balanced and grounded is going to be pivotal for us to focus on the proper embodiment of these benevolent energies in both our human self and physical plane.

This six universal month is also related to family, not just our earthly one but our galactic soul family. This is a month where many will continue to experience soul gathering, for there are more souls who are beginning to step into the path of consciously leading others into the integration of ancient Truths or simply the opportunity to remember who they really are, in Essence.

To align with the creative, revealing and harmony frequency of this month, although the pure intention to do so will serve, I have received that the peak of these energies will come on the 3/3 within a 3 universal year. This is a time for us to anchor balance, work in the stabilization of the Earth Fabrics - for those who have this as part of their mission, as this month is going to be very intense for the ones who are stabilizers - and bring deep healing in all aspects of ourselves and lives.

The frequency of this month is introduced by the numbers 15 - 6 reduced - as a sign of the stabilizing energies that we are going to receive for us to work on self-balance. Number six is a message for us to bring synthesis into the aspects of us that are in rebellion, as if we wish to create harmony and peace in the physical, first we need to embrace the aspects of us that are dwelling in fear, in pain and hence, in separation.

Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner synthesis, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality.

As another confirmation of the loving and liberating essence of March, which is one of unity, harmony and profound healing, this month begins with Venus entering into Aquarius on the first day of the month and with Mercury turning "retrograde" in March 5, something that as you probably know, I simply leave as an informative planetary data, not as something I believe or make real, for this is in truth an illusion from our Planet, and I do not focus on illusions or something that has no effect in my own path. I leave it to you to make of this event what you consider more relevant, for your own path.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Free Aquarius is going to assist those who are working on liberate themselves from limited or fixed beliefs, especially related to abundance, which is another form of love, and from attachments in relationships, for this is pivotal to be able to create an equal and balance reunion between two sovereign individuals. This is going to be an opportunity for us to work with our emotional plane regarding stuck emotions as well as the limited beliefs some have about the way in which abundance flows to them, for there are many who are still attached to the old ideas of how to sustain themselves.

Precisely on March 6, we have two important events: Uranus entering Taurus and a New Moon at 15 degrees of Pisces, which also coincides with the universal number 15 of this month. Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, and the first of the transcendental Planets, in Taurus will assist us to reinvent ourselves, breaking free from old mental chains, finally expanding into new horizons by creating that which is finally aligned with who we have become. Uranus's frequency is meant to destroy old worlds, obsolete ones that impede us in embracing our true potential and experiencing new realities.

Traditions, old habits, what is familiar... Uranus's essence will dissolve all that is keeping us enslaved, helping us to remake our entire world, so we can move into a zone of infinite possibilities, whether known or unknown, for Uranus does not fear what is new, on the contrary, it dwells in what is genuine, unknown and inexperienced.

As Uranus will stay in Uranus for seven years, this will also cause not just many changes in our physical lives but globally, for as it happens within it is without. During this time we are going to see many changes that will have to do with breaking old rules that coerce people and the fall of many structures that were only meant to diminish our true potential. This will be an Era of new inventions and great inspiration.

Secondly, we have the New Moon in Pisces, which will be all about surrendering, letting go and be open to receive the Truth/Revelations from the Illumined Realms, that we many need to continue with the path that we have chosen. We have the Sun and the Moon all conjunct in Pisces. This is an invitation for us to wonder to what we are clinging on to and we also have Mercury in Pisces, it will be an opportunity for us to remember how important it is to speak to ourselves kindly, with compassion and with the love and affection that we will give to a child.

We are innocent beings having a human experience. The majority of us who have chosen to be in this evolutionary journey do our best to fulfill a path that is not easy when one is constantly releasing fake/half truths and integrating new ones, for we have to leave it all behind. Therefore, treat yourself with respect, for this is not an easy or one day process and it takes time, devotion and discipline. While having Mercury in Pisces is indeed an opportunity for us to watch our thoughts, observing in what way we speak to ourselves and others.

Until March 20, we do not have more activity in our Heavens, for this is a month where all the influx will be concentrated in the first and last week of the month. During the first week will be more a period of integration and receiving new direction. On the last week, the energies will be for us to stabilize that which we have been integrating/creating/expanding.

In this day, March 20, we have three important events: the Sun moving from Pisces to Aries, a Full Moon in Libra and the Equinox, when the energies will reach its maximum apogee. This is a day to assist, for those whose mission involves restoring the Earth Fabrics, stabilize and anchoring the codes received from the star gates. We all can help in bringing deep cleansing and healing into the Planet, in our unique way. For others, this will be a day to focus more on themselves and the things they have to clear or harmonize. Again, every time we choose to work on ourselves, we are also helping healing the whole, so no matter what we choose to do, for as long as it will be about bringing more focus on unity and love, will serve All.

This is, at least for me, a day to spend in profound silence, away from social media, for in the moment you are focus on being constantly chatting, sharing etc, you are not focusing on the importance than being present, integrating this frequency, has. It is a day to fully focus on our connection to Earth, and in anchoring this light for All. Finally, we also have a wonderful and stabilizing Full Moon at the special 0 degrees of Libra. This will equilibrate the energies that during the Equinox were poured into the Planet.

We end the month with Venus entering into Pisces on March 26, Mercury turning direct on March 28 and Mars entering into Gemini the last day of the month. The energies that we are going to receive from the cosmic and magical encounter between Venus and Pisces are formidable healing ones for both, the unresolved healing issues with our own selves and with our relationships.

Pisces invites every planet that dwells in its deep Waters, to go deeper into its visionary and healing frequency to realize if challenges, and our deep sense of separation, have been transcended and if not, to integrate all the experiences and wisdom acquired in order to move forward by being renewed and with an open heart to embrace that is meant to touch our life, next.

For those of you who have already integrated the knowledge received from past challenges and its wounds, it is going to be a time to go deeper into your unique process of alchemical union, as the inner process of soul integration never ends, and start anchoring all the magic, manifestations and soul encounters desired from this same place of openness and wholeness, by knowing that you need no one else or any other external thing to make it happen.

For others that have not yet integrated all the fragments of their souls, this is a cosmic gift for you to work with self-love/acceptance, and forgiveness when the echoes of the past begin to come back again, without judging the self or any other soul involved in this process. It is a time to surrender, to become the observer of all the past relationships we maintained that served a purpose and that for some reason, we have not released yet and are not allowing us to fully step into new enlightened relationships.

Visualize all your soul past encounters, and surround them within Golden/White Light, feel the heat of the love, become aware of the perfection that these souls, in Essence are, see them as Divine beings and not as someone who hurt you. Speak to their souls, their human body may not be present, but their souls are fully aware of this healing process of integration and the recognition that you both are equal beings helping each other into this earthly realm to embody higher levels of love and consciousness.

Venusian energies in Pisces together with the powerful ones of Neptune in this same Water sign, connect us with our inner creator, something that will be enhanced in a month whose main frequency is one of love and creativity, represented by the numbers 6 and 3s. This energies will help us giving birth to our new visions, expanding ourselves into our soul desires and other realms of existence, as this is a time for us to immerse ourselves within our inner senses - connecting to our souls, listening to its guidance - and Divine inspirations - more than focusing on the outer.

March's gift is for those who are brave enough to transcend old patterns, as Piscean energies invite us to do, ways of being and begin to embrace their true essence and unique abilities. When we decide to become the pillars of light, the embodiment of Divine Light that we are, we begin to realize the tremendous power that resides within ourselves and that was wasted by giving it to others. This is indeed the continuation of the energies that began with the previous month and that invite us to begin being in love, and in joy, for all of who we are, and share.

I wish you all a creative, revealing, and blessed March, Beloved Companions!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba