lunes, marzo 18, 2019

Lena Stevens - Patricia Liles - Full Moon/Equinox Update 3-20-19 - March 18, 2019

The Full Moon is on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:42pm with the Equinox being on the same day at 3:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

This is a Super Moon and a rare and powerful event with the Equinox landing on the same day. You have an opportunity, a portal through which this power comes through, to set some intentions for potent and inspired new beginnings. All those things you have been dreaming about can now be supported by the fertility of this Equinox. But be careful what you ask for. Make sure it is what you want and not someone else’s dream.

The power of this full moon will energize whatever you put into motion. It is a feminine time but supported by the masculine. A perfect combination of balance between the Sun and the Moon. So we honor both of them on this day. What do want to plant the seeds for, to give birth to, to have manifest in your life? How are you willing to take disciplined action to make it happen? What are you willing to change, give up and push through to move forward into a new landscape?

It is definitely a day to honor the Equinox and Full Moon in some ceremonial way and if you can do it with support and community, all the better.




Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at

Libra Full Moon


Sun in Aries 0º ~ Moon in Libra 0º

Wed. March 20, 7:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time

(Thurs, March 21, 1:42 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Equinox is one of the four most powerful solar points of the year! With this equinox we are blessed with a Full Moon/SuperMoon marking and expanding that fertile point of new beginnings, the zero Aries point. We begin the new cycle of the zodiac wheel backed by the full emotional power of the Full Moon. The Aries Sun will lend us courage, initiative and a willingness to take a risk and the Libra Moon will emphatically point to emotional cooperation and partnership and bringing more beauty into our life.

Libra is a diplomatic, gracious sign owing to its rulership by Venus. We refine how we engage others, how we approach them, consider their needs, how we negotiate to get all parties needs heard and met. We gather socially with intention. Libra has both the objectivity of an air sign and the heart of a Venus-ruled sign (like Taurus). Libra gets what it wants, but also keeps in balance with those it deals with. So, we not only have the powerful Sun in balance with the Earth, but the Moon in the sign of balance and harmony in Libra. What will you do with such an auspicious start to this season? When you find yourself on the other side of this transition time about two years from now at Equinox 2021 – what do you want your life to feel like, what do you want to be doing, and who with? What are you releasing to make way for the new? Now is the time to initiate and strengthen those threads.

Chiron is also highly influential here riding within a degree of the Sun at 1º Aries. Consider how Chiron will manifest for you. Chiron is not only the ‘wounded healer’. It also calls in the teacher/mentor, sharing the medicine and wisdom they have earned from their life experiences and challenges. Chiron, a centaur, half animal half human, has lineage in the instinctual realms, the nature realms, linking us to the natural world with support from the animal, plant, mineral and deva kingdoms. Chiron teaches holistic respect for the body giving us contact from our intercellular workings right out to the interconnectiveness of all life. Chiron integrates the mind and body, the instinctual and the intuitive. Chiron is here to remind us of our shamanic origins for healing. In the solar system, it sits between Saturn, the physical, and Uranus, the intuitive aspects of our psyches. Chiron is a wild, unconforming maverick walking his own way in the world responsive to his instincts, connected to nature, sensitive and wise. Chiron is often prominent when a major transition requires a big decision – maybe a hybrid decision – the best under taxing circumstances. Unique insightful solutions can present themselves in the area this Sun/Chiron conjunction resides in your chart. Great benefit can be had from this combination. What we heal personally will bring more intimacy, more joy de vivre, more depth into our relationships. The Moon in Libra opposes the Sun bringing great awareness of what needs to be healed within us individually so we are more present for the other.

Venus in Aquarius (23º) as chart ruler has four strong aspects.

1) A conjunction with Black Moon Lilith and Venus reinforces and mirrors the Sun/Chiron conjunction in expressing our instinctual selves – that which holds our basic creative drives, being true to the self despite the pressures to be acceptable and fit in with the status quo, walking our own true path unwilling to see ourselves as victims, claiming our wholeness and fire.

2) An exact square from Mars in Taurus to Venus in Aquarius – so there may be areas where we are stuck, digging in our heels, or resisting moving into new or unfamiliar actions (where sharing with an intimate may help us see our lives from a new perspective)

3) A close trine with Pallas Athena in Libra to Venus opening a channel where inspired music, poetry, or ideas may lead Venus to open our hearts and let in the electrifying zap of a shift in attitude or the warmth of love from an unexpected source or kick up some artistic or strategic planning part of ourselves.

4) An easy, exact sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius from Venus in Aquarius says ‘there’s always help along the way’, people reaching out with support, growth in our social circle, connection that begets opportunities.

Mercury in Pisces, yes, still retrograde and still doing its dance of forgetting and dissolving with watery Neptune. Is it possible to make cookies and forget the sugar; is it possible to appear in the kitchen with both your shirt and pants inside out? Oh yeah… This retrograde seems to have the quality of forgetting, items/reality going invisible, blinking on and off. Mercury retrograde especially in Pisces is about slowing down, surrendering some of that roadrunner busyness, and visioning where you want to end up in the big picture. Mercury conjuncting Neptune three times in six weeks, 2/18, 3/24, 4/2, supports loosening the linear mind tethers that bind us to consensual reality. Apparently we are being called to dream and float and intuit and surrender in order to dissolve walls and boundaries.

Mercury in Pisces goes direct on March 28 at 16º and is out of its shadow period and moving forward, picking up on April 16 at 29º Pisces where it left off when retrograde began – Nine weeks in a sign where it normally spends three.

Underlying all the energy of rebirthing that Aries brings is still a strong current of surrendering and releasing the old – millenniums worth of old. We’re digging deep here with Pluto and Saturn, those Grand Pooh Bah heavies, nearing conjunction with the South Node in Capricorn where we relinquish the past. We’re finishing up and releasing loooong cycles here. Mars is in a very helpful aspect (all earth signs involved) so, a big push, huge effort, aggressive action may move you through those releases and into a new frequency of productivity.

Make of this what you will: The majority of the planets in this Equinox chart are once again in feminine signs, but the five out of six counted asteroid goddesses are in masculine signs drawing down action, decisiveness, and showing up for what you stand for and value. Celebrate the Sun AND the Moon at this Equinox time of balance.

All times are in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

03/28 Mercury direct 16º Pisces until 7/7

04/05 Aries New Moon 15º 2:51 AM MDT

04/19 Libra Full Moon 29º 5:13 AM MDT

04/20 Sun enters Taurus 2:55 AM MDT

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at

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