The main theme for March is “THE NEXT STEP”
In taking that “next step”, we are also dealing with anxiety, fear, confusion and trusting the unknown.
We exit the month of February with lots of bits and pieces on our plate. Some are clear, some make no sense, some fit the puzzle, some don’t, some have come out of the blue creating sudden change, and some feel like road blocks with no clear solution……yet. There will be those of you that begin this month in a slight state of overwhelm and anxiety. Others will be excited about the possibilities and ready to launch into that next step. A lot was put into motion last month and some of it is just beginning to manifest.
The “next step” is on everyone’s mind. We all know that we are moving forward in some way. Some of you know exactly what that is and are chomping at the bit to get there already. But for many there are still unknowns, loose ends and gaps in clarity that may be producing anxiety, worry and fear. We know we are going somewhere, creating something new, we just do not have all the parts together yet, and the fear is that we will fail or be disappointed and unsuccessful in reaching our goals.
As we evolve, we are inevitably moving into a higher octave, a higher vibration, the upper room. But our fears are holding us back as we cling to what we know, as unsatisfying as that may be. There is no stopping the evolutionary process. It is like telling your hair or fingernails not to grow. The more you cling and hold back, the greater the possibility you will end up in depression and despair with blocked creativity and a feeling of stagnation.
Will we survive? Of course, we will, but our instinctive centers are not convinced of this. They will dig out from our subconscious every reason not to take a risk towards improvement and stir up every fear from the past causing us to worry and be anxious about what has not yet happened. If you are waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety that has no connection to anything in your life, this is the instinctive center reacting to the collective non-specific anxiety triggered by change and what has been activated. (The monthly support audio for this month includes a helpful process on the instinctive center)
What we need this month is to quiet the mind, nurture the body, and eliminate the worry about the future by staying present as much as possible. When you are focused on the present, the past disappears and the future does not yet exist. What does it mean to be present? Being present is a constant discipline of pulling your attention away from the past and the future and staying focused on what is right in front of you. This requires trust in right timing and that your unseen support system will guide you to the right place at the right time and keep you on that golden line towards your intentions, your true path. (A process on Presence is included in our monthly support audio)
Because the future we are dreaming up is filled with unknowns, the mind cannot process the next step and has no information for us about how to get where we wish to go. The good news is that the greater dreams and intentions have already been put into motion and we just have to get out of the way and allow them to manifest without micromanaging the details or focusing on what seems to be negative and destructive around us. Since the mind only pulls information from what it knows from past experiences, it cannot possibly have the information about the future until the future becomes the present. Therefore, “the next step” requires trusting in the unknown and being fully present to take advantage of the opportunities that show up, some suddenly, and some little by little.
The whirlwind of action, change, disruption and chaos will get a reprieve this month as Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th for three weeks. As inconvenient as this can be for communication, timing and mishaps, it does give us the opportunity to take a breath, look at all the pieces and see where they either fit or do not fit into our next step. Everyone has a next step and there is always a next step. It is important this month to honor and focus on what the next step is so you don’t get stuck in the despairing thought that this is as good as it gets.
So, set your intention from what has been activated last month. Include your passion and emotional enthusiasm. Set it on the golden line. Calm the instinctive center of its fear and anxiety. Keep a “don’t know mind”. Trust the unknown. Set good boundaries against other peoples’ drama, fear and anxiety. Have some fun! Life is an Adventure and Adventure is one of the needs of the year, so enjoy!
How the month shows up:
The mantra for this month is “I come first”. It is time to put your needs above others and create space for yourself to move into that next step. Often what holds us back is the notion that we have too many responsibilities and not enough time, energy or inspiration to move forward into that next step. The responsibilities often have to do with what others are expecting of us. It is time to question the motivations behind our actions and reset our priorities if we need to. You may disappoint others in the process but if you don’t consider your own next step first, you may miss an important opportunity.
This month you need to ruthlessly review where your energy leaks are related to responsibility for others as well as habitual behavior that throws you out of the present and keeps you from moving forward. It is a discipline to stay present and out of worry about others, especially loved ones.
No one can take the next step for you and you cannot take the next step for anyone else. However, when others witness you moving forward they may be inspired to do so as well. That is how you can serve. So, take the mantra to heart and put yourself first this month. Whether it is taking more time for yourself, or doing more of what gives you joy, or saying “no” without the worry of causing disappointment, or being clear about who you want to spend time with, you owe it to yourself to move into that next step with as much clarity, presence, personal power and energy as possible.
There is not one relationship that can claim there is no next step. Especially relationships that have been in the same place and feel a certain sense of stagnation, could use a prompt into a next step. So, from “I come first” to “what do you need?” is the next step in seeing where the puzzle pieces fit in any relationship. Maybe it is spending more time, maybe it is getting on the same page over an adventure, maybe it is becoming more vulnerable, facing truth, or opening up emotionally.
Whatever the case, relationships can grow this month in mutual support without having to compromise what is important to you. Especially if what nurtures you is nurturing someone else. The challenge in relationships this month is to stay out of blame and judgment. When feeling trapped or victimized, we might see others as standing in our way of moving forward onto our next step. Take responsibility at the same time as honoring the boundaries of others. Remember that we have Greed and Self Destruction alive and well this year so watch for bad behavior, excess, the “grass is greener on the other side” syndrome, and any irritation around feeling you are not getting what you want.
The positive is that your important relationships can grow into more intimacy and mutual support as you learn to trust the connection, the unknown and the next step.
The challenge this month will be to manage the anxiety and fear that comes up around the unknown. This affects the physical body, the adrenals, sleep patterns and digestion. The body needs nurturing and comfort this month as much as possible. It can seem like a paradox with the need for adventure, but you can have both. Balance is the key.
The goal of growth for this year, as it is paired with abbreviation, is allowing abbreviation to be in the driver’s seat as needed. If you get the flu or are taken down by low energy or the inability to “think straight”, don’t fight it. It is designed to give you some space to assimilate change and reboot yourself to a higher vibration.
The instinctive center, where fear patterns that trigger anxiety, worry and depression live, is very active this month. Look to the grounding aspects of the earth, root vegetables, and warm and cozy environments that provide emotional safety to offset the instinctive reactions related to the unknown.
What is the next step for you regarding your health and well-being?
Is it changing your diet? Is it getting more exercise? Is it working through old ancestral patterns of dysfunction mentally, emotionally or physically? Or perhaps it is just being more present with your body, listening to it, giving it what it needs and creating some new disciplines ad practices that nurture and support it better.
For business, partnerships and projects this month support a next step of improving something, changing something, upping your game, setting better boundaries, and trusting a risk that feels right. Make a move to expand something but watch the greed factor as it could easily lead you down the wrong path. Make sure your plans are well thought out with emotional intelligence and that your projects have a grounded and practical side to them.
Collaboration is the key to success as well as trusting in the support of your allies and that golden line as you step off into the unknown. There are many who resist asking out of the fear of being rejected or shut down. So, from an early age we don’t ask for help, support or advice. This is the month to turn that around and practice ASKING for what you want. Ask with confidence, humility, deserving, purpose and intention. Ask and you shall receive but be ready to claim what comes your way.
We focus on the earth as an element for grounding, safety and nurturing. This month is a good month to re-establish and honor your connection to the earth. As we approach the change of seasons, find ways to engage with the environment and the natural world. As you cultivate a garden think of it as symbolic of cultivating your own personal new growth. As you clear weeds or do some deep cleaning in your home, acknowledge that you are doing it for your energy field at the same time.
Practice presence around your environment and pay attention to how it supports you in the moment. Be aware of how the bed, the chair, a table or your desk, your vehicle or a room you are in, either support you well or not. What would be the next step in improving your environment to support you better? Remember that you come first this month. With that said, there is always a need to honor the greater environment, climate conditions, unexpected phenomena and earth events with flexibility and without resistance.
March 1-8: This time frame is up and down like a bouncing ball or a yo yo. The energy cycles between overwhelm, excitement, fear and anxiety. The best discipline during this time is to seriously practice being present as a way to focus and stay grounded and also as a way to prepare for our Mercury retrograde time beginning on the 5th. In the first few days of the month you might want to consider completing any unfinished business and procrastinated correspondence.
It is also wise to create a healthy and practical list of projects, intentions and action plans before we succumb to the influence of a more instinctive time. Use part of this time frame to sort and review what is on your plate. What are the pieces? How do they fit together, or not? What does not support your next step?
March 6: New Moon is Wednesday, March 6 at 9:04 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST). This is watery, dreamy, inspiring New Moon with the potential for raising the spiritual bar and anchoring some beautiful new energy. Clear any fear and anxiety and use the New Moon as a reset to your spiritual anchor with the intention of bringing in more confidence and trust in the unknown. Be willing to open and listen to your intuition. Honor your allies on this day as they are the greatest help to you during this month.
Take advantage of this new moon and join Anna for a very helpful remote Shamanic Healing Wednesday March 6 at 7PM
March 9-16: This is a time frame where you may be experiencing the inspiration for reaching for the next step but not quite grasping or feeling confident in its manifestation. If the big picture eludes you and you are frustrated with not being able to show any results, try pulling your intentions into smaller steps for more immediate gratification. Increase your confidence and your havingness around attainable goals connected to your next step by making them easily accomplished. There is nothing wrong with engaging baby steps as a way to continue progress along your path. As long as the energy keeps moving, you are not stagnating.
This is also a time where you may recognize that some of the pieces on your plate that you thought would be part of your next step just do not fit. It is OK to let them go. Continue to dream big, staying present with trust in the unknown but keep your tasks grounded in tangible results. Tell the truth about what is working and what isn’t.
A reminder that daylight savings time begins in the US on March 10. “Spring ahead” setting your clocks ahead by one hour.
March 17-23: Some of you may be feeling challenged, impatient and irritated with the starts and stops plaguing projects and intentions. One minute something is going ahead, the next it comes to a standstill. The more moving parts, the more challenging this time frame will be. Look at this time as good training for juggling many balls at one time. The artisan role of the year comes out and pushes us to multitask and wear many different hats in order to navigate our next step.
Watch for doubt, despair, depression and a sense of futility attempting to creep in and feed the false personality the lie of failure. Keep your eye on your goals, keep your mind in optimism mode, keep your heart engaged, keep your body active and keep your spirit in that higher octave.
March 20: Full Moon is Wednesday, March 20 at 7:43 PM with the Equinox being on the same day at 3:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) This is a Super Moon and a rare and powerful event with the Equinox landing on the same day. It is definitely a day to honor this event in some ceremonial way and if you can do it with support and community, all the better. More on the full moon and Equinox will be sent as a Power Path Update (sign up for the mailing list above, at the top)
You can also sign up for a remote shamanic healing session with Jose on Thursday, March 21 at 7PM just after the Full Moon.
March 24-31: The next step has definitely been set into motion and there is a feeling of being past the point of no return. We move between feeling elated, excited and unbelieving around how good and easily some things are coming together and manifesting, and fear and doubt around what hasn’t happened yet or what seems to be challenged at this time.
The biggest asset you have now is your trust and your perseverance. If you get thrown off the horse, get right back on before your false personality can talk you out of it. This is also a good time to set strong boundaries against judgment, projection, fear and negativity from others. Even if you are not yet seeing the results or great progress on your next step, know that it is in motion and the results, progress and evolution will come.
Mercury goes direct on the 28th so that day may be a bit cranky.
Have fun!
Have a wonderful month!
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