martes, marzo 05, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - You Are Being Deprogrammed - March 5, 2019

Well here we are, the first day of Mercury Retrograde, and the energy in the air with the New Moon tomorrow, is palpable. The now and also, present moment unfolding. Although it may feel mysterious, and the mind may go crazy with a myriad of thought forms and battles attempting to figure out the why.

Or the emotions attempting to control, what to the mind, may feel like a losing battle.

In the heart is peace. In the soul is peace. In the so-called after life is peace. In the now, is peace.

Peace may not seem as glamorous or as fashionable as obsessive need to control outcomes.

It is however; is what frees you from your belief in current restrictions.

The shifting of worlds, parallel worlds, entering new timelines, is always a match with your frequency.

When you are at peace, you are emitting a coherent frequency wave. All desires that are coherent, then become part of your awareness as not separate from you. As this is in harmony with your energy as consciousness, frequency waves.

When we become fully coherent through our heart and live in peace, we automatically, exist in higher worlds, where, that peace and harmony, is all there is.

If you are in the midst of a struggle, you may not want to hear that. The good news is, getting from where you are if in turmoil, to peace, may be shifted in a moment.

It is a call to now.

Breathing slowly and consciously, focus on your heart space and feel the loving golden light, surround your heart, then surround your form. Breathe this light. Stay with this for a few minutes.

It may at first be a practise to come back to now. The thought forms in mass consciousness although weakening, feed of itself, in a struggle with time, to gain control.

Here in the higher dimensions and parallel worlds, there is no control.

Only being in a state of being. Again, this may not be completely in fashion yet, as the majority, may still be addicted, to the patterns of adrenaline, pulsing through their veins. Feigning, an experience of adventure. 3D does this feigning very well. A master at, what may seem like. Only to awaken, recognizing you are in the trap of your own making.

Peace and Love, through the heart, opens all dimensions and parallel worlds to the true union, that it is already.

Sound too easy? If so, live in total peace and harmony, about everything about yourself. What you will find are all the years of conditioning, and the deprogramming experience, may not be the choice for the faint of heart.

Again, in this state of constant struggle, with time, what you want, dog eat dog, enter that breath, slow it down, feel my light surround you, flow through you.

Feel this stream from the heavens, be here now, because it is.

You are deprogramming, to your new state of purity, that was always present, under the conditioning.

Your thoughts may create a battle. Recognize you are not your thoughts, or your body screaming for its addictions.

You are light and you always be light. There is no dust unto dust. Only light forevermore.

There is no ending and there is no beginning.

What is above in the higher is just as true, here in the lower.

You are simply being deprogrammed.

Mass consciousness is being deprogrammed.

Experiences are simply moment to moment levels of perceptions through filters, or no filters, which have created the reality and dimension one exists through. When all beliefs and filters no longer are present, then one only knows ITSELF BEING an Eternal Being. And nothing else.

Everything is shifting.

Everything is now.

And you are loved, blessed, and held in the highest of frequencies, as you enter into your new timeline. In love, always.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.