miércoles, marzo 06, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Reality of What You Were ~ Is Now Dissolved - March 6, 2019

With the advent of this New Moon, parallel worlds are shifting and have shifted. Timelines are shifting here and you are in the midst of it. You will awaken from the dream, with this new life, not sought after, but showing up arrived.

Breathe in this new reality; bespoken, for you and your frequency.

All is merging and is merged.

The contact desired, has been completed, in the hearts of those appointed in their awakening, for this consciousness adjustment, and timeline shift.

You are blessed with the grace, many only dream of, unaware.

Held in the hearts, of those that unfold, the glorious light, of the once held dream, before time.

The awakened ones, will not know of time, in their existence, the bells of awareness, lives within the flow of their hearts, glorified awareness.

The beatific beauty, held in eternity, lays at the feet, of what was, a dormant reality. Void only in the external appearance, of man-made plans.

We live and breathe now in the age of freedom, as the heart joins the chorus, with the angels and ascended Beings, we have become.

The reality of all that you were, now dissolved, in the love filled grace, of eternal being.

We anoint all as this momentous transition, plays out on the stage, of the new divine world.

We are with you, now and forevermore. In the Love, desired and known, as the first breath, of a birthed sun, that has realized its glory.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.