lunes, marzo 11, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - Our Changing Earth, Sun and Spring Equinox ~ The Frequency -

Approaching the Spring Equinox on March 20th, 6:58pm ADT, the shifts on the Earth are palpable, as well as with the Sun, beginning its new cycle.

The Suns significance and influence on Earth are astronomical. Our Sun is always busy fusing hydrogen into helium. And goes through its own magnetic cycles.

We celebrate the seasons, the equinoxes, the solstices, based on the Earth orbiting the Sun. The Suns gravity pulls on the planets, creating the orbiting and the cycles, based on the Sun.

The spiritual Sun, often referred to the Sun behind the Sun, represents the force of creation, representative of Light, warmth, nourishment, vitalization and that growth of all things, created and born into life.

Within our heart space is the central magnetic force that vibrates of this Spiritual Sun Light of creation, love and frequency.

When we focus on our hearts, we pay attention to this vital force, beyond this Earth. We live and breathe as our own Sun, which then has its own magnetic force, in which all objects, people, are drawn. Everything surrounds us and we become our own center throughout the Universe, of cause.

Celebrating Light, we merge and activate our own conscience magnetic frequency, through which we are connected to the vital force of the Sun, Spiritual Sun, dimensions and the Universe.

Beings of Light not on form on this Earth now, exist within the magnetic frequency, of the very conscious, DNA system, created as the Earth Program of Light.

The orchestration of frequency timing, events, destiny, have been planned out, as the elevated frequencies of Light that are activating the New Golden Age, through the spiritual Sun, continue to increase and shift, all matter.

We experience revitalization, ascension, actualized through our form, through this magnetic frequency.

For now, as that is all there is, I activated this Golden Light sphere of heightened awareness, around all of you reading this.

You are part of the Universal Shift, and all things as planned, are flowing through you.

Embrace this golden light, this center within your heart.

Feel the blessings of the Sun and Spiritual Sun.

Feel the unfolding, the profound love, unfold through you, as I now activate you and surround you, with my love.

We are the Divine Council of Overseers. We are unconditional love, Harmony, Light and we are present, Now, with you.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.