miércoles, marzo 07, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Light Ship ~ Activating - March 7, 2018

Light Ship ~ Activating

Welcome aboard the Light Ship of your Transformation.

Your consciousness knows this.

To feel THIS ~ Breathe.


We suggest you always consciously be aware of your breathing.

Being connected to the creation of this Universal system of Light, we WEAVE within your DNA the codes of your remembering.

In the crystal City of the Elohim we announce our arrival.

Energetically we take you aboard our Light Ship for your initiation.

As the Dimensions transform your consciousness, feel your heart awaken and remember.

We have many names, yet we are known without a name.

In your DNA you remember us as the Blue Avians, yet we are not limited to that name. We existed far before you knew us as that.

We are eternal and we are the essence of our Light.

We transmit to you now the codes that were created before your time.

Your experience now, may seem like a distant dream. It is because it is in your DNA and always was.

You do not need to consciously understand to breathe and receive.

Our Light Ship is VAST in its ability to transport all those that are ready. To the higher Dimensions which you might call your parallel worlds.

Words are not important.

It is the experience you are receiving.

We now enter the vastness of the higher unfolding of the plan since before Earth.

We welcome you Now.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.