Of my favorite passions is the never
ending quest to locate all the members of our incarnate Soul Group, or those
special friends and even family members I affectionately refer to as ‘Soulies’.
There exists a school of belief that these incarnate family members are our
Soul Mates, and these souls incarnate into many lifetimes together, playing
various roles and assisting each other to facilitate the learning of one’s
spiritual lessons.
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Soul Groups |
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Extended Soul Group or Monad |
There are also those who believe that
Soul Groups actually change over periods of time, and the special souls you
have incarnated with for this lifetime were considered a better match for your
evolving frequency, and were also a better match for what you wanted to experience
together in this lifetime. I am a firm believer in the existence of the Soul Group,
and being the diehard treasure hunter I am, I cannot resist the search for
these celestial siblings. If you would be interested in learning more about Soul
Groups, I highly recommend the ground breaking book entitled ‘Journey of Souls’
by Michael Newton.
I understand this knowledge is not necessarily required for a soul to prosper, but I can’t help but be endlessly fascinated by the thought of recognizing your incarnate ‘nuclear’ family that you may have incarnated arm in arm with for perhaps, hundreds of lifetimes. I can frequently be found daydreaming about all the meaningful people in my life, especially those who I feel I have learned so much from through our experience together. I also always find time to sleuth through the vast internet in order to pick up some valuable clues or hints I may have hidden for myself in the form of word clues that will point me in the right direction or allow me to draw another landmark on my treasure map.
I cannot say for certain how many members of our Soul Group there are to be discovered, and I would not be surprised in the least if there are indeed individuals I have yet to meet in this lifetime. I do though, have some very good leads and I believe that I have in fact identified most, if not all, of these individuals based on simple deductive reasoning for some and more of an intuitive ‘feeling’ for others, and naturally, my favorite investigative tool is the word game. You may find as I have, that many ‘soulies’ have chosen names that would one day reveal a clue that would link them or identify them as members of the same Soul Family, and it is this link we are searching for as we continue our treasure hunt.
In brief review before we proceed today with our discussion, we have already discussed in part one of ‘The Great Universal Treasure Hunt’ the best place to begin our search for clues would be right there at home within our own names. Remember, your first, middle and last name can all be researched and your first and middle name would have to be researched using a separate database program or website then your last name or surname.
I have also recently posted a ‘channeled’ communication with my higher self, and it was my higher self who pointed out to me that a clue was left for me right there emblazoned on our own family crest. I therefore must recommend to everyone to research your own family crest and discover for yourselves what clues might be found there for you. Many do not realize, but even if you have a very popular name such as Jones, when you research the family crest of the Jones family, this would be your very own family crest. This may come as a surprise to many who feel that since Jones is such a popular name that there must've been people named Jones that sprouted up within separate areas of perhaps several countries. This is actually not the case, though, there certainly may be a few exceptions, but this is certainly not the rule.
How it works is this; a family, or what was known thousands of years ago as a clan, began in one particular area. Let's take for instance my family, whose roots go back to the days of the Vikings. These Vikings emigrated from the Normandy region of France to England after the battle of Hastings in 1066 when England became colonized by the Francs. Many Vikings were given land in England for their roles in this sacking or invasion of England. So it was there where my family's roots can be traced. My family’s roots can be traced all the way back to one particular county of England, and I am told by friends who live in England that practically half of the citizens of that county are named Giles. I am sure this is an exaggeration, but nonetheless, this is where our clan began, so it makes sense the name Giles can be found on so many mailboxes.
This would be the same for you and your family. So go ahead and research your family crest, because that crest is just as much your family shield as anyone else's and you may take great pride in it just as your ancestors did when they designed it perhaps more than one thousand years ago. If you ever find the spare time, I highly recommend researching your family’s history on a website such as ancestry.com, as you may find a wealth of family treasures just waiting to be discovered.
Now, continuing on with our discussion of Soul Groups, here is how you, as the diehard treasure hunter you are, can search for clues. Take a pencil and paper, and remember, these lists that you create are your treasure map, so think them out well and print them neatly, as you may preserve them for many years to come and you may wish to reexamine your treasure map one day or you may even wish to add to it whenever new clues are discovered. So begin by compiling a list of who the most special people in your life have been and are today. Do not neglect the friends you have had even in kindergarten, as although many people may have come and gone in your life, it doesn't mean they are not special to you, and this certainly does not mean that they are not a member of your Soul Group or Soul Family. So you may have a lot of thinking to do and a lot of memories to enjoy.
Always remember, if there are memories of your past that cause you pain or discomfort in any way, try to view these memories as they are merely someone else's movie and you're sitting in the audience with a bucket of popcorn, for indeed, this is exactly what your past is, no more and no less. It is not good for you to reabsorb yourself within these painful emotions. Remember, our lives here on earth were never meant to be a joyride, so for many, looking back in the ‘rearview mirror’ is not always easy. We have journeyed here to learn lessons and some of these lessons we had to learn the hard way, and there is absolutely no reason for you to have to relearn a lesson that you have already endured and have already learned from.
So enjoy your journey back to your past as you protect yourself with the powerful shield of detachment, and try to remember all those special friends in your life that have touched you in some way or have allowed you to become the soul you are today. These souls may even have pointed you or pushed you towards a new direction in your life, a direction that you yourself asked them to point you in before you both incarnated together.
Once you feel you have gathered up all of the special friends you have had throughout this lifetime, you may then begin to research just what their names may reveal. Yes, your friend’s names are just as important as your name, as they may certainly be members of your incarnate Soul Group and you may have all put your heads together before your summer filed trip and left a few clues to help spark your memories that some of the most special people in your life are actually very old friends.
You will have some research to do, and do not forget to also research their last names as you may be very pleasantly surprised at what you may find there. I certainly was, and in Part 3 of ‘The Great Universal Treasure Hunt’ I will share with you some of the hidden clues I have found through my research in the hope that my treasure map may help illuminate yours. Part 3 will also reveal additional hiding places where you just may discover more priceless treasure that awaits the clever hunter.
You have a lot of treasure hunting to do and I wish you all great success, and remember, don’t forget to have fun with this, as this is one of the reasons you may have left all these clues for yourself. You wished to have fun once you began to reassemble all the missing puzzle pieces of your life, so give yourself just what it is you wished for. Happy Treasure Hunting!