Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Christine Day. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Christine Day. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, junio 02, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message June 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

The universal community are collectively holding an expansive framework of light around the planet to support you in moving into a higher energetic synergy with the God consciousness state that has always existed within this resident Universe. Earth has been held separate from this higher frequency state of being until this juncture. The Network of light that has been caste by our community is designed to aid your next step for your re-orientation of these expansive changes. These higher multidimensional settings that are encompassing the planet have begun to anchor energetic roots through the magnetic core of Earth.

miércoles, mayo 03, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message May 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

A sacred field of light will be descending on Earth during the timeframe of May. You are being called to align through your Heart and open consciously to be received, to be realigned through this field of light. This sacred light will encompass the planet. The Network of light that has surrounded the planet will begin to anchor its roots physically within the earth plane and will open this platform of light consciousness.

martes, mayo 02, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message May 2023 Article - May 2, 2023

Pleiadian Message May 2023 Article


Beloved ones we greet you,

The great winds of change are influencing a shift in the tides within the energetic rhythm that exists throughout the earth plane. This shift is creating a build-up of pressure within the Earth’s magnetic core. This pressure is forming an expansive momentum of fluid light, which is being released from the magnetic core, like a huge wave, that is flooding and impacting the Vortexes, Ley lines and Portals throughout Earth. This momentum is heralding in a time of sacred resurrection for the planet. This resurrection includes the re-establishment of a brilliant magnetic field of light that is once more being made manifest, creating the interaction between all sacred sites within the planet. Each singular sacred site is being evolved back to its original pristine frequency.

miércoles, abril 05, 2023

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - April 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

The great winds of change continue to flow throughout your planet. There is a sacred resurrection of monumental proportions opening throughout Earth as the consciousness of the multidimensional magnetic core within the planet shifts. The picture: a lotus flower opening, the petals pure and white, a sacred violet flame arises within the very center, surrounded by a soft pink hew of pure life force rising upwards, outwards.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message April 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

Beyond the veils within this resident Universe exist the pure frequencies of multidimensional forms of love that are embodied by the God Seat of Power. Within these sacred spaces Blueprints of past present and future all exist in one united frequency.

miércoles, marzo 08, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message March 2023 Article


Beloved ones we greet you,

There are vast energetic changes taking place within this entire residential Universe. This shift of energy has happened since the anchoring of an expansive network of webbing that took place on Earth as you entered the time frame 2023. Through the dramatic multidimensional access openings on your planet at that time the Universal consciousness grids have been sending their tentacles of energy to interact through the Vortexes and Grids throughout the earth plane. A vast rearrangement has taken place with the magnetic core of Earth shifting the structural form within the Grids and Vortexes. The energetic profile of Earth is rapidly undergoing change, it is being realigned magnetically to the Universal consciousness grid and this is creating what we call, ‘the great shift’ on your earth plane.

martes, marzo 07, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message March 2023

Pleiadian Message March 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

The winds of change are flowing across your earth plane. Within this flow there are powerful vibrations of love that have originated from the Universal consciousness and are transmitting out this pure flow to be absorbed through the energetic web that is encompassing Earth. This pure vibrancy of light is being aligned through the magnetic core and is pulsing across the earth plane, interacting directly through the heart cells of all humanity that is ready to receive, to remember.

jueves, febrero 02, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message February 2023 - Feb 2, 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

Your planet has moved into a higher paradigm of activity as alignments to the sacred consciousness of divine oneness within the Universe has been forged through Earth. The magnetic core of your planet holds an anchor through its center, this can be likened to roots of a tree growing down into the Earth. This anchoring has and is creating a vast expansive series of light patterns that are being pulsed from the magnetic core of Earth outwards across the planet and actively aligning through sacred connections within this resident Universe. These waves of patterns are having a strong impact within the Universal realms as the vibrational recalibrations of Earth are finally able to realign to the essence of the sacred formed energies within the sacred Spheres that make up the Universe.

miércoles, enero 04, 2023

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - Message January 2023

Beloved Ones We Greet You,

Be still and know that you have now entered a higher path on Earth where the vibrational patterns are able to descend from the Universe down onto your planet’s surface. These vibrational patterns of higher consciousness are interacting through your magnetic core, creating waves of pulsing light designed to move outwards across the earth plane interacting within your heart cells and nervous system. You have entered a next phase of your destined path on the Earth.

The entire Universal community have created and are holding an energetic aura, like a womb around Earth during this next transitional phase. As you entered 2023 a more expansive energetic system was linked from our resident Universe to your earth plane setting in motion a series of profound energetic shifts throughout the planet. A new Blueprint of Earth has been made manifest holding the sacred texts of light that will be significant as this next phase unfolds. The Earth has aligned to an energetic hierarchy within the Universal consciousness framework and has birthed a sacred link of consciousness from Earth to the entire Universal community.

These links are setting in motion an enormous potential for those of you who are willing to actively engage to the greater community which you have always been apart. This is a returning for you, a time for you to individually take your place within the sacred communions that have always existed through all time. This is the moment for you to conscious choose to set in motion, to re-engage through the avenue of your Heart space, to fully link into this higher line of communion.

As you entered 2023 your DNA strands were repositioned in readiness for you to initiate these reconnections, to launch yourself within your consciousness. Your DNA plays a pivotal role in your ability to return to ‘remembering’. There is no such thing as time and in one moment you can simply realign to your full sacred aspect of consciousness. There is nothing you have to change about your human aspect in order to activate the reconnection to your sacred component. This is destiny in motion at this juncture, this process is what you have pre agreed to achieve now.

You are naturally a multidimensional being having a human experience. Through the doorway of your Heart, you realign into a higher state of self-empowerment. Your Heart has begun a metamorphic shift in response to the repositioning of your DNA. These changes within the DNA strands have enabled you to return, to align to the power of your multidimensional heart space.

This is your time to actively engage through the powerful transmutation of your Heart. Your Heart is to play a more expansive role than ever before. As a multidimensional tool your Heart is your authentic guiding compass and is destined to bring you into a deeper knowing wisdom and Truth. The Heart’s primary role is to orientate you to navigating your alignments to the Universal community, including your family of origin that exists off planet.

Your Heart’s energy is like a helping hand reaching out for you. Link into your Heart and allow your next step of being launched to another phase of your awakening. There is a rapid reset which was promised, prophesised and this reset has been realized as you were moved into the aligned energies of 2023.

You must be actively engaged through your Heart to receive the full reset and to claim your heritage through your heart space. Engage with the reset by utilizing your awareness within your Heart, this is the entry point for your transition. Through the repositioning of your DNA strands coupled with your conscious interaction within your heart space the energetic reset can be activated through your systems.

From this reset you carry the energetic design within to enable you to enter this higher energetic arena of the new Blueprint of Earth. Your role is to initiate an alignment to this higher Blueprint that is now part of Earth’s makeup. These alignments can be set in motion through the activation of your Hearts divine frequency and in turn you anchor further within your Heart’s knowing to your unique divine signature of light.

This is a sacred timing for all of you on the path. This reset, once activated by you, will automatically recreate an alignment between all collective Heart frequencies, forging and anchoring a higher collective consciousness light through all conscious communities on Earth. Let go and simply take the step. This process is natural, organic and it is not about you achieving perfection, rather for you to be aware of the sacred component of yourself that simultaneously exists within you, within your Heart.

Remember you are to have your human experience and to simultaneously reawaken. Each time you choose to open to that truth, and simply hold that truth and take a Conscious breath you shift beyond the cycle of limitation. This is your time to move through the veils of illusion and claim moments of being in truth, the sacred truth of yourself. The words, ‘I AM’ activate this truth through every cell in your Heart. Allow us to support you, call us forward in moments. Our role is to assist you during this transition. We part the veils of illusion, giving you moments to return to wholeness.

You have taken a journey of unlimited proportions by agreeing to come to the planet at this time of transition and play your unique individual role on Earth. Remember you said ‘yes’ to being here. Your Ego mind may not remember the pre agreements that you made for this juncture of time however your Heart holds the frequency of these pre agreements. Your Heart is your only true reference point to aligning you Home, to the higher state of Self. This time is about you learning how to utilize the tool of your Heart, to forge a higher path of consciousness for yourself. This can be achieved through aligning deeply within your unique flow of light consciousness within your Heart. The essence of your Heart’s tool can be seen sensed or felt and is ready to reveal to you a limitless form of Self.

Take the time to unveil yourself to you, be still and focus on the goal of self-realization through your Heart. The words, “I AM” link you to a reuniting of your presence. We witness you and hold the platform for those of you who have said ‘yes’ to playing a pivotal role in the self-resurrection process of Earth.



NOTE: You will be utilizing what is called a Thought Code, which is a sacred frequency, and it is to be placed in your Heart by thinking it, not making a sound. Wherever you hold your awareness the Thought code automatically is placed. You are recognized by the unique frequency that you create with your Thought Code. This frequency that you create is like no other in the Universe. Your heart cells respond to this frequency you make and begin to open like a flower to the sun. You can bring your Thought Code into your Heart as many times as you feel.

1.Bring both palms to connect to your upper chest. Feel the warmth of your hands or pressure of your hands on your chest. Take a Conscious breath and let go. Remember the Conscious breath is a breath taken in the mouth and released out the mouth.

2.Hold your awareness on these connection points, then bring in the words, I AM, place these words into your Heart space. Do this three times.

3.Bring your awareness within the space that is opening further, whether you see sense or feel your Heart space, take another Conscious breath and let go…

4.Place your Thought Code, ZHAHNNN… (pronounced Zarn) into your Heart space, feel see or sense the Heart cells opening responding to the energy of the Thought Code. Do this as many times as you feel.

5.See sense or feel how your Heart energy is expanding outwards, move your awareness to fill the space of your Heart, this may go well beyond the physical body.

6.Then move your awareness to where you feel your hands resting on your chest and align.

Know that you can do this process as often as you feel. We witness you as you reclaim your heritage.


The Pleiadians

miércoles, octubre 05, 2022

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - October 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

At this juncture of powerful transmutation, each one of you is being launched on another level into a next phase of awakening. This is your time for a rapid reset and as you are moved into the calendar of 2023 you are destined to undergo a huge shift in the perceptions of your inner sacred makeup. For those of you who are awake, this means those of you who are consciously aware of the sacred part of yourself, there is to be a resurgence of your sacred intelligence.

viernes, septiembre 02, 2022

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - September 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

You are being called forward within the vast spectrum of God consciousness light to begin to enter and anchor within a different arena of yourself. There is a parallel state of existence that is in essence a more complete multidimensional aspect of you. This higher state of your being has been directing you through intuitive guidance that you have been receiving within the space of your Heart. This guidance has brought to you a level of clarity, of inner knowing and a deepening of the understanding of your mission here on Earth. This guidance has been instrumental into you self-launching beyond the illusion of the drama in life, to align to the vast light of Truth which co-exists simultaneously here on the planet. You have been enabled to re-align yourself to paths of higher consciousness and growth beyond the 3rd dimensional drama, and this guidance has been providing you a support system of how to work with your human aspect.

viernes, agosto 05, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian August 2022 - Aug 5, 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

Within the Universe the star systems are aligning differently to a vastly changed energetic Earth. These star systems have shifted the veils which have been in place for lifetimes and sacred mysteries interwoven within the intricate pattern of the Stars are being revealed to mankind. Made available to those of you who have open Hearts, the Heart cells hold the knowledge of the awakened frequencies within these sacred configurations. You are being called forth to open into the night sky and allow this unveiling to be bestowed to you.

domingo, julio 03, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message July 2022 - July 3, 2022


Beloved ones we greet you,

Earth has entered a next phase of its destined transition. The Galactic community is playing a greater role on the planet at this juncture. They are here specifically to support those of you who are ready to be launched into more complete relationship with the Universal life force groups which exist throughout your resident universe. They will bring essential understanding to you and your communities for your self-empowerment. This is the time for you to flourish on another level, you have been waiting for this next phase of expansion.

domingo, junio 05, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message June 2022 - June 5, 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

Your energetic world is transforming on Earth, opening like a flower would open its petals to the Sun. There are sacred flows of light consciousness expanding, linking you from the Earth into the multidimensional states of light, creating pathways, opening doorways to you back to Self.

This ‘Self energy’ is a natural extension, a part of your sacred makeup. You are being given stepping-stones back to realignment to your fluid flow of unique consciousness light. You are now being enabled to link within the unique flow of your higher consciousness state of being. This flow, which is the natural extension of the makeup of your own consciousness is available to you and can be accessed through an alignment to your heart space, which is your physical chest area.

lunes, mayo 02, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message May 2022 - May 2, 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

You hold the sacred Chalice within your Heart’s structure. An original blueprint that you have always been destined to return. Your sacred blueprint is uniquely yours and it exists within the multidimensional fluid realm within your Hearts structure. This Blueprint has begun to vibrate, there is a quickening taking place within your sacred essence, which is interacting within your brain cells of your telepathic center. The Pineal is beginning to respond to these activations which have been set off through a destined time clock within you.

Christine Day - Pleiadian May 2022 Message - May 2, 2022

Pleiadian May 2022 Message

Beloved Ones we greet you,

There is a gathering momentum of brilliance building around your Earth. From across the entire Universal multidimensional plane, we get to witness a series of transforming light patterns emanating outwards from your planet, like a heartbeat. This pulsing is arising from within the magnetic core of your Earth, and this pulse carries a potent frequency aligning your planet to the natural communion frequency that exists throughout our resident Universe. Earth is returning to the whole, to the sacred communion community which has always existed within our Universe.

viernes, abril 01, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian April 2022 Message - Apr 1, 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

Vast flows of electrical light are radiating from the Sacred Sun onto your earth plane. These pure rays of consciousness are eliminating further layers of illusion that has been held in place for lifetimes. The releasing of these veils is naturally aligning you into another level of the higher potential of Self. Bringing to you an access beyond the density, revealing pathways to higher consciousness realms that have always been in existence on your planet.

This is the time for you to evolve through this opportunity of opening, for you to return to another phase of your existence beyond the human reality. For you to re-enter the multidimensional states that have always existed simultaneously on your planet. Mass transformation to your Higher Self is now possible as you choose to accept your divine heritage. As you are repositioned your perceptions are adjusted, your awareness is moved beyond where you have been aligned previously. You move into other realms to a self-realization as you reconnect to the unlimited spaces of your higher consciousness that awaits you, fully intact just beyond the veils.

domingo, marzo 06, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian March 2022 Message - Mar 6, 2022


Beloved ones we greet you,

This is a moment of divine timing on Earth as a next step energetic phase begins. The magnetic core of your planet is ready to go through a series of expansive shifts, which is designed to reposition Earth in relationship to the Sun. The Sun has two faces, one face is bringing light warmth and nutrition to your planet. The second face holds a mirrored illumination of the light of your Higher Self. We refer to the second face of the Sun as the Sacred Sun.

This is the first time in the history of your planet that the true elementals of the sacred Sun are being revealed to humanity. The sacred Sun has a consciousness of its own and holds the capacity to mirror your brilliance to you through its rays by radiating a pure consciousness imprint directly into your Heart and through the cells of your entire physical body.

jueves, febrero 03, 2022

Christine Day - Pleiadian February 2022 Message - Feb 3, 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

An aura of brilliance, that we liken to a Nova, surrounds your Earth. As you entered the new time framework of 2022 there was a brilliant explosion of liquid light that emanated from the magnetic core of the earth plane. As this light traveled across the planet, it also moved outwards shifting the entire makeup of the magnetic field of Earth.

Over this last calendar month these brilliant frequencies have begun to ‘settle’ into an energetic multidimensional landscape, while continuing to build in vibrational waves, dramatically shifting the Earth’s functioning. This expansive brilliance of consciousness has formed a continual spiraling energetic light movement, like a Nova. This Nova is encasing the planet as it is continually growing and becoming more expansive in its form. Your planet’s frequency has fully aligned with the signature energy with the rest of the Universal God Consciousness state.