Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sirian AA Hermes. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sirian AA Hermes. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, marzo 18, 2015

Sirian Archangel Hermes - Reveal the Truth, Expose the Liars - Mar 18, 2015

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now with a series of astrological, solar, lunar, geomagnetic and equinoctial events all taking place now within your linear time space. All of these events happening at the same moment within a space of linear time signals a cosmic calling, the angels trumpets are sounding more each passing moment, and those whom have been blessed with the eyes to see, and the ears to hear, are using their voices to speak! It is through our voice, our channel, that I speak to you now, as many, as one.
There have been more signs than ever before in your skies, upon your lands, and beneath your seas, yet, we of the sirian archangelic league are still working with a sense of urgency with many of you, who remain blinded and unable to break free. Political events are all coming to a head and the dark cabal continues their efforts to initiate a full scale world war. We wish to be very clear in this channel, with our message, as the time has now come to separate the wheat from the chaff.

lunes, octubre 20, 2014

Sirian Archangel Hermes - 10/20/14

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as solar energies are flooding your planet with invisible plasma rays of light!
As revealed in our last channeling, the second half of the Hyperborean series eclipse nears within your linear timespace. Many have been feeling the roller coaster ride of emotions and ultra dimensional experiences that accompany ascension of consciousness and infinite time awareness, wonderful indeed. I say to you, if you think this was an intense period of linear time since the lunar eclipse, to prepare yourselves for even more intensity as the solar eclipse shall lift many veils, so to speak. Many who have long remained in denial of what they know deep within is their truth, shall no longer be able to dismiss it. They will finally find the courage to stand and act for what they have long known, is what they should be doing. The bondage and energy draining aspects of their everyday matrix lifestyles will begin to fade away, and some of the events that will lead up to this from their personal lives, shall be quite severe.

martes, octubre 07, 2014

Sirian Archangel Hermes 10/7/14

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now with messages concerning the entities you know as the archons and how the efforts of the ground crew are making progress against them.
Within your linear time space, there eventually comes select points in the linear timelines where a portal of energetic consciousness is opened. These often occur around the times of your equinoxes, solstices, or lunar and solar eclipses, as more are becoming aware of extra and ultra dimensional openings within linear time space. Two such events are set to occur in your month of October.
One must remember that time is a concept of the mind, it is mans comprehension of gravity, magnetism and bi polar light. Therefore, not everyone reading this will be on the same timeline, in fact, some of you reading this will have already witnessed the eclipse, and many others have yet to witness it. Many remain anchored to linear, three dimensional time, and breaking free of this mental sphere of time can be difficult. This is why these events are set to occur, or have already happened, to give mankind a boost, to make them more balanced and equal with the other stellar races on the planet which have long held a great advantage over them.

domingo, diciembre 22, 2013

Sirian Archangel Hermes 12/21/13

Greetings fellow beings of light. I come into your perception now as your linear timeline of the winter solstice once again bridges our consciousness.
As many of you who shall read or hear this message are becoming aware, timelines that you have been upon are changing rapidly. More are now able to affirm that they exist in many timelines, and that all of them are becoming more and more complex. This is manifesting in transcendental synchronicity, so clearly that it can no longer be denied or dismissed by the ego. While some experience this synchronicity, they begin to discover that it is their own level of consciousness that is creating most of their every day perceptions. They begin to notice that some are able to see, and comprehend the same things that they themselves are, and that others are unable to see or comprehend it. This will be a sign for you all, of those whom are on your level and those whom you resonate with. Which leads to my next message from the Sirian Archangelic League.

viernes, noviembre 22, 2013

Sirian Archangel Hermes – 11/21/13







Sirian Archangel Hermes

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as we are approaching very closely in your linear timelines to a point of great celestial influences.

The comet that your earth scientists have labeled ISON, which is a clear and obvious clue to the adepts, is brightening and is now just moments away from either the end of its journey, or to emerge and begin another cycle. This will represent a shift in the linear timeline you are currently experiencing. Should the comet and your sun star merge, its energy will be projected through the solar disc and then transmitted to your solar system. If it emerges from around the sun, and begins a new cycle, it shall then make a close approach to earth, close enough to effect the planet and its inhabitants more than it has so far.

domingo, octubre 20, 2013

Sirian Archangel Hermes 10/20/13

Greetings fellow beings of light. I come to you now with several messages as the rainbow light codes of awakening are being transmitted through the multidimensional nodes of consciousness into your planetary matrix.
I come to speak of the Divine Feminine, and how it has, is, and shall play a key role in your ascension. The aspects of the divine feminine energy are manifest through the nurturing, loving, and healing of the holy spirit. The cosmic womb nurtures all and never asks for payment in return, for the payment is the development of all inhabitants of her womb. Many new age scholars will say that the divine feminine is an aspect of chaos, and they are partially correct in this, for the divine feminine is a mirror, reflecting, and then projecting the energy that was originally cast upon it. She can be love and order, or she can be fear and chaos, it all depends on you, the observer, the host, which energy will you choose to embrace?

domingo, septiembre 01, 2013

Sirian Archangel Hermes – Wes Annac - 8/31/13

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as the growing numbers of consciously aware people increases to new levels. Wonderful indeed, this will result in my messages becoming more frequent as I have stated in recent sessions, I am becoming manifest in the minds of more people now and this will result in greater clarity and frequency between us. It can no longer be denied, that a shift is underway, and has been for some time now, the only reason some have not yet felt it is because everyone develops at their own pace.

jueves, agosto 22, 2013

Sirian Archangel Hermes – 8/21/13

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as my channel has received this transmission and is ready to transmit it to all those who shall read or hear these words.
I wish to speak firstly of the trinity. The trinity which has given all of you that which you now possess. This trinity is known by many names and forms, I wish to be clear so I shall explain in the most simple of terms. The trinity is the spirit, the soul, and the body, the Father, the son, and the holy ghost. These can be classified into many singular terms for each, the spirit could also be known as the consciousness of the divine, your inner ethical and moral consciousness, the Father. The soul could also be known as the consciousness of man, of inner desires, ego, and emotion, the Son. The body could also be known as the consciousness of the vessel, of physical energy and sensory consciousness, that where the spirit and soul have taken root, the Holy Ghost. Think of this trinity as the left hand of god, the right hand of god, and the mind of god.

jueves, julio 25, 2013

El Arcángel Sirio Hermés – Vengo a compartir con ustedes algunos conocimientos de astrología - 22-07-2013

Hermes dos
Vengo a compartir con ustedes algunos conocimientos de astrología y la manera como esto afecta directamente sus conceptos de tiempo y espacio.
¡Saludos, colegas seres de Luz! Vengo a ustedes ahora como energías planetarias, y las alineaciones en esta línea de tiempo están creando un portal para servir de puente entre mi conciencia y la suya propia.
Ustedes se sintieron atraídos a leer este mensaje que están leyendo ahora, lo cual no es una coincidencia, ustedes y yo compartimos ahora este mismo espacio.
Vengo a compartir con ustedes algunos conocimientos de astrología y la manera como esto afecta directamente sus conceptos de tiempo y espacio.

miércoles, junio 19, 2013

Sirian Archangel Hermes – 6-18-13

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as the energy of the solstice allows me to enter into your conscious perception. With the increasing harmonic resonance and heightened awareness now reaching new levels of manifestation, this allows for communication with greater clarity and frequency between us. In the coming months we shall become more adept with our communication, you shall begin to feel your other mind senses informing you of my presence. The Sirian Archangelic League is poised to begin action on new frontiers, this you shall begin to see manifest in subtle ways at first, then becoming more obvious to those who have become aware.