
miércoles, febrero 28, 2018

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - A Gift to Heart and Mind - Feb 28, 2018



The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Dear Grounded Ones,

We, the Arcturians, are sending to our Grounding Ones, this message about “Remembering your OWN Inter-dimensional SELF.” We have also included a list of questions that we hope will assist you to better REMEMBER YOUR TRUE, GALACTIC SELF…

WE ARE the Masters of our Minds
And the Servants to our bodies

Jim Self y Roxane Burnett - Tus Cuatro Rostros - Parte 4



Spatia es un agregado único a la creación de esta fiesta y de tu vida; de hecho sin ella la fiesta no se desarrollaría armoniosamente y suavemente. Spatia no levanta las mesas con Philip, ni planea las actividades con Mendelson ni siquiera elige la música con Emma. Spatia supervisa toda la operación y es la colaboradora espiritual de todos. Se asegura de que ellos estén haciendo lo que les gusta y que reciban la validación y el aliento que merecen. Tu Yo Espiritual reconoce e intuye todas las necesidades y las preguntas. Ayuda a dirigir a cada Yo a las mejores soluciones. Es la fuerza tranquila, callada e invisible en el fondo, que sostiene toda la fiesta.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

You are learning to live from your Spirit

from your intuition

from your heart.

Now this will take a few tries

a few steady beats

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Day The Sky Shifted ~ Being Transformed - Feb 28, 2018

It seemed like a regular day, then the SKY Changed.

Lights were beaming down on me and I looked above and saw a gigantic Light Ship, literally scanning me. Beaming me with light. The grass and earth around me shifted colours. Back and forth and everything stayed different colours for hours.

I communicated with the Beings in the Light Ship, they knew who I was. I could literally simultaneously see the view from where they were transmitting to me with Light.

Natalia Alba - March Energies - Feb 28, 2018

Beloved Ones,

We are entering into the realm of Pisces, where magic, intuition and creativty dwell. March is a month in which we passed from the calm frequencies of February that allowed us to take some time to consciously integrate all we are facing, to the new galactic waves coming from this new month. If February has no Full Moon, for its most important cosmic event was the Eclipse, March has two Full Moons and a New one. Another confirmation that we are leaving fixed events aside, for eveything happens not according to a human plan but to a Divine One.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 28, 2018

There are so many things you can do if you are not sure how to proceed in your life. You can simply be present and embrace the opportunity to get some rest and more clarity. You can practice gratitude, which is a wonderful energetic sorting and feedback tool. You can ask for signs or guidance on what the next steps are. You can practice self love and acceptance. You can play with the divine combination which is surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

Jennifer Hoffman - Completion and Closure - Feb 28, 2018

Any situation where we need to end things, whether it is a relationship, a life situation, a part of our life path, or a belief or mindset, we want closure and to be complete with it so we have no regrets, grief, sadness, or trauma. And yet that almost always happens. In spite of our best efforts and deepest desires to be finished with a situation, we struggle with being ‘done’ because a part of us wants to know if things could have been different. How can we move on? By understanding completion and closure and learning how to let go.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Martes, Febrero 27, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros 

Martes, Febrero 27, 2018

Estás tropezándote con tus respuestas ahora.

Están justo delante de ti
mientras estés dispuesto
a abrir los regalos

L’Aura Pleiadian - Most Powerful Shifts Taking Place ~ The 5th Dimension Now - Feb 28, 2018

ALL Night long…could not move as event after event unfolded. My room shifted and changed to the Dimension I was experiencing..

Shifts began as I found my phone time changing time again and then I was catapulted into Being in the center of the Universe as it was being birthed into existence.

The Events Last Night were beyond what could be imagined. The world of energy as Light and Frequency is merging the 5th Dimension in consciousness HERE ~ now ~ at an increased rate of frequency.

martes, febrero 27, 2018

Sandra Walter - March Amplifications: Solar Flashes and the Ascended Lightbody - Feb 27, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

When we activate our Solar Heart Center, our connection to the Solar presence becomes stronger. We witness the increasing pulses and flashing activity coming from the SUN, which has been occurring over the last year.

You may see this flashing activity when meditating with a Solar heart focus. It is very vibrant, unmistakable, and you don’t have to be gazing at the SUN in order to see it. It does come directly from the Solar Beingness, when you intentionally connect with the SUN. Please do not confuse it with flashing activity in your personal fields. This is Solar-connection-specific, and the flickering flashes grow brighter, stronger and more activating.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Full Moon in Virgo March 1st, 2018 ~ Facing What is Now - Feb 27, 2018

This Powerful Full Moon in Virgo is on March 1st, 2018 at 8:51 pm AST.

Facing what is Now ~ that is, what is coming up for you and BEING present with the experience. Not having to always like it, but being honest with yourself, of what is your experience. Allowing your Presence to shine its light upon it.

Sheldan Nidle Update~2-27-18~As the light grows, the dark shrinks

As the light grows, the dark shrinks. You tremble now on the brink of disclosure, heralding a golden era of unimaginable peace and the dawn of limitless prosperity! The old reality is waning and a new and glorious world is being established firmly in its place!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 

Symbol For The Sirian Star System

Selamat Balik. The clean-up operation continues. Our crowning victory grows closer each day. Most of the major bases and strongholds of the cabal have been utterly destroyed. Our list of arrests grows longer by the minute. Meanwhile, the plan presses on to implement the New Republic, empowering our allies to ultimately take over USA, Inc. The RV continues to roll out and move forward. Our allies are discovering just how weak the cabal has become. Its few remaining strong points dwindle with every day. The long-promised prosperity is systematically approaching its delivery date. A most auspicious moment has arrived when the foundation will be laid for a new reality and a golden age.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon Update 3-1-18 - Feb 27, 2018

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Thursday, March 1 at 5:51 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

We start the month off with a full moon that invites us to dream, refine, balance, and take practical action in the direction of those dreams. This full moon sets the tone for the month promising creativity, inspiration, movement, new ideas and emotional healing as long as there is a willingness to be flexible, adaptable and teachable. We’ve gotten a bit used to feeling grumpy and expecting others to be grumpy too. This pattern can change with a focus to improve attitudes and expectations. How do you want your month to be? What seems to be in the way of you simply enjoying life? You will find that it is usually your own attitudes that get you into trouble.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Ring around the Rosie.

You are tripping over your answers now.

They are right before you

as you are most willing

Mahala - Planet Alert March 2018 - February 27, 2018

How has your weather been for the past couple of weeks? We have had cold weather and some snow in Seattle and a lot of snow in the mountains. Snow in the lowlands is very unusual for this time of year. February is usually a very nice month with the Daffodil bulbs starting to sprout and buds on other plants and trees. I hope they all survive the cold weather. I’m ready for some warm spring weather.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Lunes, Febrero 26, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros 

Lunes, Febrero 26, 2018

¿Qué tal si estuvieras retrasado?

¿Qué tal si ya estuvieras listo para abrir
tus alas expansivas de luz
y probar tu poder?

Eso es lo que estás haciendo.

Estás permitiendo que la verdad reine.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Beyond the Veil: the ‘other side’ of Self – Feb 27, 2018

We are clearly in an unprecedented time. I know that, in the parlance of our times (hail to The Dude), that statement is largely overused but we are truly in such unchartered territory. And it feels it. There is so much change taking place beneath the surface that is begging to be born in the world of form and while that might feel very far away at the moment, the birth of our higher plan/purpose begins this year, this spring in fact.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 27, 2018

There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of movement as safety, so it will often do whatever it can to stay the same, often through the use fear and doubt. But you cannot create big change and expansion by staying within energies that have already been experienced. The fact that you are seeking lets you know that what you are wanting exists in the energies beyond where you are. If where you are held the changes you seek, you would already be experiencing them.

Jahn J Kassl - Master Mary - YOUR PATH TO MASTERY - Feb 22, 2018


Message from Master Mary

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Achieving mastery – of what?

Mold yourself into the master of your base motivations and achieve mastery of your primitive instincts! Achieving mastery of oneself means exactly that.

Beloved humans,


Today we want to address your divine nature, your divine essence, and look at how you can best live on earth with full awareness of your divinity.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - A TIME FOR MAINTAINING BALANCE - March 2018




Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we wish to discuss the importance of maintaining balance.

You are making great strides on your ascension path. You have maintained a center of balance as you have mastered many challenges and risen above obstacles on your journey. Your Light is radiating throughout the dimensions.

Jim Self y Roxane Burnett - Tus Cuatro Rostros - Parte 3


El Yo Mental se puede comparar a un mazo o martillo grande y poderoso. Este martillo es una herramienta perfecta para clavar clavos y sacar listones. Como es tan capaz, y como vivimos en una cultura que valida mucho según lo intelectual, le pedimos a este martillo que haga trabajos para los que no es adecuado. Tu Yo Mental (Mendelson) está ansioso y dispuesto a hacer lo que se le pida. A veces crea una justificación según la cual su método es el correcto. Por ejemplo, si le pides a un martillo que decore una torta, creerá que está haciendo un gran trabajo y tratará de convencerte. Sin embargo la torta no va a tener un aspecto apetitoso ni buen sabor. Frío y racional, lógico y sensato, Mendelson está seguro de poder hacer cualquier tarea, y si el resultado es menos que óptimo será debido a un problema externo. O la torta la sirvieron demasiado tarde en la fiesta, o a nadie le gusta el chocolate, o la fuente no tenía la forma adecuada.

Aisha North - Soul Invictus - February 27, 2018

Soul Invictus

The celestial Sun is singing.

A pitch-perfect clarion call

intended to set ablaze

the Sun of your soul.

That smell speck of light,

lunes, febrero 26, 2018

Jahn J Kassl - Master St. Germain - FRIENDSHIPS AND FAMILY - Feb 11, 2018

Resultado de imagen para st. germain

Message from Master St. Germain

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

What is the deeper meaning of friendships, and what does it mean to be a family?

● Friends serve each other as a mirror. How else could humans grow and develop? Up to a certain degree of development, this is impossible without a counterpart.

Friendships break because of a lack of trust and because of the fact that these human beings don’t possess enough inner connectedness with each other.

Kara Schallock - Avanzando Más Allá - 20 de Febrero 2018

Traducción: Fara González
Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Continuamente atraemos de manera indetenible, frecuencias cada vez más elevadas. Podemos sentirlas con mayor fuerza durante los eclipses y los ciclos de la luna y no obstante, ellas fluyen continuamente hacia nosotros para ayudarnos a elevarnos en conciencia, lo que afecta todas las áreas de nuestra vida. No es que tengamos que ir hacia esos sitios superiores de los Códigos de Luz de alta dimensión, es para hacer que ellos desciendan a nosotros; hacia dentro de nuestras células, nuestros cuerpos, nuestro sistema eléctrico y ADN para que podamos realmente elevarnos y para ser quienes somos realmente. No hay líneas de tiempo; solamente creencias y patrones que se deben transformar para que podamos integrar esta Luz.

Jim Self - Tus Cuatro Rostros - Parte 2



Tu cuerpo fue diseñado para moverse y trabajar. Los cuerpos aman estar activos. A diferencia del Yo Emocional, se nos permite expresarnos físicamente. Puedes personificar tu Yo Físico de manera que represente actualmente tu relación con tu cuerpo. ¿Será un grandote musculoso y fuerte, tal vez hasta molesto por su volumen masivo? ¿Es pequeño como un pájaro, o grande, fofo y débil? Permite que Philip (tu Yo Físico) aparezca y actúe como realmente es. El trabajo de Philip es sobrevivir, y lo hace con pasión. Solo piensa y se concentra en esas cosas que ayudan o dificultan la supervivencia del sistema. Como el Yo Emocional, Philip no habla, de modo que debe recurrir a expresar sus necesidades por medio de patrones de conducta, caprichos, sensaciones y movimiento.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Conscious Communication with Your Galactic Family - Feb 26, 2018

                   Conscious Communication with Your Galactic Family

Perceiving what you imagine and Imagining what you perceive!

By the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, are here now and feeling joyous to talk with you about the experience of Conscious Communication with a member of your Galactic Family, and/or with your beloved Earth Mother, Gaia.

Only Unconditional Love can create a deep enough state of consciousness within your being for you to be able to receive, interpret and understand a fifth dimensional communication.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, February 26, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, February 26, 2018

What if you were in arrears?

What if you were ready to open up

your expansive wings of light

and test your power?

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2018

A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, powerful co-Creators!

We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

Our writer has a question she would like to ask, which she will share now with all of us:

COR: My friends, I spoke with you about six weeks ago (in the January 8 “Message to Lightworkers”) about how so many people are feeling devastated right now, not only for themselves, but for the state of the world.

L’Aura Pleiadian - YOU Exist in The 5th Dimension Now - Feb 26, 2018

YOU Exist in The 5th Dimension Now

Remember You exist in the 5th Dimension Now.

YOU exist in all dimensions now.Your Divine Blueprint is Being Activated now.

Birthed as your Soul Star Matrix ~ your Unique Frequency of Source Light ~ YOU still exist as that NOW. This is your Original Light.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday February 26, 2018

Is your human self cooperating with your higher self and your guides and helpers through the use of surrender, faith, flow, and trust to move forward in the most amazing and empowered ways possible? It is when all those aspects come together that the ideal team is formed that makes the greatest co-creations happen. Your highest self and your guides are always ready and waiting for you to join them in the creation of your most wonderful life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Brenda Hoffman - Your Crowd-Pleasing Days are Over - February 26, 2018

Dear Ones,

We are amazed at your tenacity and yes, strength. For throughout your 3D eons of earth lives, you forced yourself to follow society rules instead of daring to be you. So it is that you did physical, emotional, and spiritual harm to your being to be part of the group.

Now that you are of 5D, you are beginning to proclaim your individuality. Something not necessarily easy. Not because it is wrong, but because it is so foreign to the 3D society with which you are familiar.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Domingo, Febrero 25, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Domingo, Febrero 25, 2018

Estás subiendo de rango
y se nota.

Estás demostrando valor y fé
y compromiso con tu Ser.

Ahora, esto es
lo que te asegura una silla.

Estás dispuesto a reconocer
esa voz dentro de ti
 que lo ha sabido
todo el tiempo.

Y así es.


domingo, febrero 25, 2018

Mike Quinsey -su Ser Superior - 23 de Febrero, 2018

El futuro está en las manos de cada alma, mientras que algunos proyectarán cambios específicos a los que darían la bienvenida, otros simplemente querrían mejorar sin ser necesariamente específicos. El resultado neto es que como colectivo Humano determinaréis lo que os guarda el futuro. Ya habéis sido informados de nuevos avances que se han estado desarrollando mientras tanto y que simplemente esperan el momento adecuado para ser introducidos. Sed conscientes de que siempre habrá de esos que intentan mantenerse en los viejos métodos, pero estad seguros de que el progreso no puede detenerse. Estáis en un nuevo ciclo y con él llegarán muchos cambios que afectarán a diferentes aspectos de la vida. Las pruebas y tribulaciones del viejo ciclo no volverán, y tenéis mucho que ganar que elevará la calidad de vuestras vidas. Habéis sido puestos efectivamente en un bucle temporal y se os negaron muchas mejoras que no habéis conocido desde entonces y que ya no pueden seros negadas durante mucho tiempo más.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (47) - Toronto, Ontario, Canadá, Febrero de 2018


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (47)
Toronto, Ontario, Canadá, Febrero de 2018

Saludos, queridas hermanas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

De modo que nos estamos encontrando otra vez. Y muchas de ustedes dirán "No recuerdo que nos hayamos encontrado antes." Mi socio se aleja.

Esto es, ¿no es verdad? el aspecto multidimensional de todo lo que ustedes enseñan, que es: ¿nos conocemos entre nosotras? ¿Han escuchado a Kryon en el pasado? La respuesta probablemente es no, y sin embargo tal vez reconozcan la energía. Me gustaría hablarles de maneras en que no lo hemos hecho antes, solo por un momento.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, February 25, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, February 25, 2018

You are coming up the ranks and it shows.

You are demonstrating courage and faith

and obligation to the Self.

Now, this is what secures you a seat.

You are willing to acknowledge

that voice within

that knew all along.

And so it is.


Lisa Transcendence Brown - Supporting Your Multi-Dimensional Body for MORE LIGHT to be held by YOU! - Feb 25, 2018

It's going to be more important than ever now to honor your physical body, with your Living Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activating at an Accelerated Rate

Aloha Light Family,

With each activation and phase, our DNA awakens our physical body to come online more through Higher Consciousness, while making unconscious programs visible/audible/feelable so we can identify them for transcending from within.

What your body will "need", will be different all along the way. There are no more "have to's" or "should's", like there was in ego dominant realities. Here, there is what feels right, what resonates, what speaks to you, what you know inside and what your body/higher self/Universe shows you/tells you. Those "random" thoughts become Universal Messages (light encoded information) for you to pay attention to and "learn" how to utilize this information to enhance your own life.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful - February 25, 2018

All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.

Dear One,

You have come to a time when acknowledgment of yourself is necessary. There needs to be a truce between the warring factions of your mind. One part of you is diligently watching to make sure that you never make a mistake. When you inevitably do, it leaps to chastise and remind you about all the ways you are wrong. This judgmental mind is never happy with your progress. Nothing you do could ever be good enough. It is relentless in its pursuit of your wrongness. It is time to tell this part of your mind to take a vacation. It needs to lose itself in the beauty of nature, and leave the rest of you alone.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Entering Deeper into LOVE ~ Releasing Fear and Judgement - Feb 25, 2018

Transitioning from fear to love, is the freedom you desire.

This is about you LIVING that life beyond your wildest dreams. Where you are fully loved, received, accepted without judgment.

Lingering fears act like a placeholder for the level of awareness that you hold consciously.

When you hold your fears truthfully within your own awareness of your consciousness, something happens.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - 2018 Upshifting in the Crystal Vortex - February 2018

2018 Upshifting in the Crystal Vortex
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Copyrights Duly Reserved 2018

Greetings! I am Metatron, Angelic of Light! I am joined by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service as we encompass each of you in a vector of Unconditional Love, within crystalline light.

It is 2018, Year Six of the New Earth, of the crystalline shift. And there is much movement! For the transition is quickening. Dear Ones, we understand that the up-shift has not been easy. In the present you are in an overlapping phase of the old & new. The dichotomy is difficult, polarity is extreme. The earth's gravity is in an unusual low cycle. The planets polar magnetics are in an oscillating phase of extreme electro-magnetic distortions. These factors are influencing your emotions, creating phases of challenge.

Shelley Young -Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday February 25, 2018

So many of you are wishing to move into divine intersections – those experiences of being in the right place at the right time in order to move into your next phase of creation. If you are desiring to meet the next great love of your life, find a solution to move beyond a blockage, discover your next meaningful service path, or the ideal place to live, all of them come together as divine intersections. Simply put, a divine intersection is aligning you with the discovery of your next highest experience.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Feb 25, 2018

FEBRUARY 25, 2018

We of the Arcturian Group honor you who have chosen to assist Gaia and her people during these times of change and awakening. Thanks to you, many are beginning to see for he first time which is adding more light to world consciousness.

Many young ones on earth at this time have incarnated for the sole purpose of assisting the ascension process through their Light and awareness. They carry with them no karma to balance, no lessons to learn, and no energy to awaken, but rather chose to incarnate out of love, for the sole purpose of assisting in the awakening of a world still held in, but ready to graduate beyond the third dimension.