
domingo, febrero 25, 2018

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - 2018 Upshifting in the Crystal Vortex - February 2018

2018 Upshifting in the Crystal Vortex
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Copyrights Duly Reserved 2018

Greetings! I am Metatron, Angelic of Light! I am joined by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service as we encompass each of you in a vector of Unconditional Love, within crystalline light.

It is 2018, Year Six of the New Earth, of the crystalline shift. And there is much movement! For the transition is quickening. Dear Ones, we understand that the up-shift has not been easy. In the present you are in an overlapping phase of the old & new. The dichotomy is difficult, polarity is extreme. The earth's gravity is in an unusual low cycle. The planets polar magnetics are in an oscillating phase of extreme electro-magnetic distortions. These factors are influencing your emotions, creating phases of challenge.

Much is occurring around you as the planetary gravities & magnetics waiver into anomalous lows, as the earthen resonance & grid continue to adjust from magnetic into crystalline. In these times of gravitational low-flux and magnetic reduction, masses of humanity are out of sync. Masses of humanity are feeling uncertain, confused, and anxious & out of balance. In this rather chaotic timing of frequencial imbalance & polarity extremes, it is essential not to lose equilibrium, not to lose faith, nor fall into dread, apathy or depression.

There are in the present, contra-positional hetero-lateral energy streams broadsiding the planet. For the masses of mankind, the lows can be extremely low. The higher positive stream requires determined effort to access & consistently maintain. In this time of topsy-turvy chaos & lopsided extremes, there is an asymmetrical aspect in which the positive & negative fields are widely separated, the two repel. But we wish you to understand, despite the chaos and imbalance around you, that the 'Crystallization' of the planet, and the shift of humanity into crystalline format, is absolutely on track. And indeed, the process of planetary upshift into crystalline frequency is necessary for the eventual Ascension of Humanity. What is happening is an evolutionary leap, and it is logical that moving from one energy resonance into another, has a 'learning curve', and will require adjustment and effort. But the rewards are incredible.

Before we move into our primary topic, let us remind you of the importance of keeping your etheric field, your auric energy intact. You are in the Crystalline Transition, and crystalline minerals, are now in an extremely vibrant resonance. Use minerals and crystals to support your auric field, and indeed in the chaotic energies about, such living tools are of great and greater importance and assistance.

Those of you who pilgrimage to Arkansas, are encourage to obtain the 'Blue -Flash' Law of One' crystals, and use this incredible crystal as both an auric tool, and a connection to the energy codes of the upshift. Indeed many of the Law of One are called to return to the Crystal Vortex, coded by the spiritual Scientist Priestesses & Priest of the benevolent Law of One, for being in the midst of this energy, the frequency of crystalline shift coding is much more concentrated, and the human aura of the seeker, is recharged and inducted with codes and uplift, as the 33 chakra system is aligned.

2018 Resonance

And so we speak of the Crystalline Transition and its anchoring in the Crystalline Vortex of the sacred ARK. In the final trimester of 2018, another great shift will occur in moving the planet forward into even higher crystalline frequency response. Between the September Equinox and December Solstice of 2018, another incredible coding-upshift will occur in the planetary Crystal Vortexes of both Arkansas & Brazil. The codes further embed the 'human transition 'by activating the complete 33 crysto-chakra system. (As explained in the Metatronic Keys).

Your Edgar Cayce spoke of humanity having had multiple physical shifts throughout mankind's evolution & devolution on the earthplane. You are now upshifting into the fifth bio- format (sixth if we include the Atlantean) . The new bio shift, as foretold by Cayce, will first occur etherically, through crystalline induction. The crystal vortex of Arkansas, in the northern hemisphere, and Brazil in the southern hemisphere, are the receivers and transmitters of the crystalline codes. This is why so many are now being called to pilgrimage to the Crystal Vortex. For within the concentrated energy of the benevolent, awakened crystals, you receive activation codes. These are received thru induction & are embedded etherically in your auric field. These occur in astronomical events, eclipses, meteor showers, equinoxes and solstices. The September Equinox of 2018 Spawns an incredible phase of new downloads.

Arklantis Crystal Vortex & the Shift

The crystal region of Arklantis is far more than rare minerals & geology. It is a vector point, a frequencial stargate. The former creates the latter. The crystals enable the stargate. Accordingly within Arkansas, resides a living crystalline energy field that is playing a major role in both planetary and human shift. Crystals receive, store and transmit information, sacred codes. Arkansas because of its massive quartz content, is receiving the crystalline codes of upshift, thru harmonic oscillation. This occurs in somewhat the same process that your silicon base computers store 'digital data'.

The crystalline energy received in Arkansas is transformed & transmitted globally. However, it is much more concentrated within the Arklantis crystalline fields. Being physically present within this energy aids in activating the new 33 chakra system, and the activation of the crystalline lite body. It is a logical process of induction. Again, this is precisely why many of you are being drawn to the Crystal Vortex.

The 2018 activity of the Crystal Vortex is quickening. We have told you in previous channels that the vortexial portal of Arkansas has now emerged to be the most important and powerful crystalline energy on the planet. It has grown logarithmically over the past 5 years, since the 12-12-12... and many unusual phenomenon are beginning to be noticed in the Crystal Vortex. We tell you that other 'unusual' incidents of quartz properties have been occurring as a result of the crystals activating and such events will continue to manifest. Quartzitic energies have myriad properties when combined with magnetics that are as yet unknown to your scientists. Magnetite is widespread and abundant on earth, but magnetic minerals with properties exhibiting intrinsic polarity are quite rare. One of the most potent concentrations of intrinsic polar lodestone is in the quartz bearing center of the Crystal Vortex at Magnet Cove, Arkansas near Hot Springs.

Crystalline quartz when blended with certain magnetic properties is capable of opening dimensional apertures to create what you term stargates and wormholes in space. These are intermittently occurring, appearing and disappearing in random apertures above the earth's surface in the crystal vortex at present. This activity will become much more regulated after the alignment and recoding of the Crysto-Sun Disc, in Arkansas, near Little Rock between 2018 and 2020.

We tell you Masters, this is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.

Arkansas is the largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the northern hemisphere, and the second largest deposit in the world, second only to Brazil. But it is the largest unsegmented, continuous deposit on the planet, and contains the most resonant crystals, indeed programmed and coded crystals from the Law of One. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 177 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles.

Arkansas also contains very unique combinations of magnetic minerals, radium charged aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this rare blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. Arklantis is the Trigger of the Ascension, and the epi-centre of the Human Bio Shift into crystalline format.

Crystal Sources

Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Pleiadian-Sirian Alliance & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of activation. These awakenings have spawned efficacious dynamics and energies which create unusual phenomena.

Now, there are places within the Crystal Vortex in which extraordinary multidimensional experience can occur. There is a heliotropic aspect to dimensional gateways and time gate aperture in the crystal regions of Arkansas....meaning that solar & stellar angles activate the portals, particularly within specific planetary alignments.

There are numerous vectors in the Crystal Vortex in which gateways exist. Among the most potent & accessible are: 

Talimena Ridge - (Queen Wilhelmina State Park)
Mount Magazine State Park
Magnetic Mtn - Eureka Springs
Pinnacle Mountain Sate Park
Toltec Mounds State Park
Crater of Diamonds State Park
Hot Springs National Park

Being within these pockets of extraordinarily concentrated energy enables the two sides of the human brain to be uniquely hemispherically synchronized. As the Monroe Institute has discovered in 'Hemi-Sync' technology, the human brain will react to certain dual- toned pulses and sounds, and alternate brain wave states are induced enabling astonishing varieties of multidimensional experience. The dual sounding is the polymorphism effect of varied crystal forms. Not simply the alpha & beta crytsals, but also the magnetic influence altering the tone resonance.

It is however, important for those seeking such an intra dimensional experience or journey across time, to not only be an advanced initiate of esoteric wisdom, but to also be of sufficient auric fortitude and light quotient.

The Crystal Bowl Effect

In a very real sense, the post-2012, vortexial triangulation of the ovalesque vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field has the effect of what you term a crystal bowl.

In 2018, the 'Ark' crystal vortexial 'bowl' projects more diverse activating tones in the geo-crystalline particulate wave-spectrum. The differing 'keys' are determined by the indigenous mineralogical polymorphic energies. For example, the area of Magnet Cove will have a differing tonal resonance than that of Crater of Diamonds or the Radium Waters near Hot Springs. The 3 Atlantean 'Temple' Crystals placed in Arkansas prior to the deluge, offer incredible nodes of concentric concentrate of life force energy, crysto creation energy.

Astral travel, remote viewing & 'Time-Scape' visioning can occur under the right tonal vector induction. The same occurs around the Crystals of Sound and Regeneration in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively.

However, this is not for the unprepared novice. It is possible for the uninitiated to be unexpectedly whisked away thru dimensional doorways, and such an experience could be quite unsettling. Advanced souls, those who have developed an awareness of hyperspace capabilities have a much better opportunity of integration in this unique experience.

Crysto-Coded Structured Water

The natural living waters beneath Arkansas are structured waters. Most of you attribute the wisdom of Japan's Dr Emoto as having been the first in modern times to reveal the living nature of water with the ability to form benevolent crystalline patterning. In truth Dr Marcel Vogel was the first in your 'present' time to rediscover this attribute. We tell you that waters that flow in the subterranean springs and aquifers within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, are extremely beneficial 'structured' waters....' Living' waters that carry the crystal codes. Those of you called to be in the Crystal Vortex are encouraged to drink the waters and bath in the springs. These uniquely structured waters not only offer astonishing health benefits, but provide a quicker induction of the Codes of Bio Shift. You will in time learn of the life force and unique telluric charges within these waters, for waters that flow above and through crystalline strata take on Akash, Adamantine Essence. Your Dr Marcel Vogel was very aware of the benefits of crystalline waters, and indeed charged waters with Phi Crystals. You may easily imagine the increased potency of natural waters that flow thru massive quartz deposits! Your Edgar Cayce spoke of creating gem essences by structuring waters with gem stones.

The earth duality experience offers many different ways to express mind, spirit and body. It is important that balance of these three is maintained. Exaggeration or neglect of one aspect over another can bring imbalance, and difficulties.

Masters, take a moment to feel our energy. Pause for a moment, close your eyes, and sense our presence, for in the now moment that each of you read these words, an energy is available to you. It is the energy of crystalline light.

Tri-Helix Vortex

The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then rapidly reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is most unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic, centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in the area of Hot Springs and the radium Hydro- energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet arc- gyros, which are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.

The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area.

An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source

Dear Ones, Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.

Crystals are great receivers and transmitters and a strong communication network occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals. The two most powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network. Two Master Temple Crystals are located in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energies of both are maintained and reactivated in Brazil and connected to the 'Law of One' Crystals in Arkansas. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.

Spiritual Emergence in Crysto-Magnetics

The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is far more powerful, and serves a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans placed the aforementioned three Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida. The purpose and potency of these Temple-Crystals have created resonance that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to the huge natural crystals of Arkansas add their succinctly specialized conscious programming's of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose and balance.

It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact, that has held these crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra (the spiritual scientist-priest of the Law of One) specifically selected this area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening.

The Graduation

The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible transformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is vastly increasing the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Human Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points of Arklantis & Brazil are Cosmic Triggers, harmonic aligned connections to the Divine.

I in this New Crystalline Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise. It is why so many of you are called to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, who lived millennia ago in the beautiful crystal land of Arklantis....and the group who programmed, placed & groomed the Sacred Crystals. You have a soul contract to lead the way, and bring in the new Crystalline Age.

A Living Energy

Before closing, we wish to re-emphasize that the 177 mile singular deposit of quartz crystal in Arkansas is also highly benevolent & exquisitely self-aware, and moving from states of relative dormancy to great and greater awakened clarity. These natural quartz crystals were formed over 200 million years ago, and have consciously worked with the Atlantean 'Law of One' and Atla-Ra for millennia, before entering a phase of planned dormancy. These also produce brilliant conscious emanations, especially the 'blue' crystals of the areas below Hot Springs, Jessieville and Mount Ida, and are tuning & aligning to the Master Crystals. A simplistic analogy of natural crystal to Master Temple Crystal would be of angel to Archangel. Do you understand?

Law of One Crystals

The Law of One Crystals of Arkansas are differentiated by the linear (horizontal) patterning and blue flashes that they emit. These are extremely conscious crystals, some of which are available near the surface in the Jessieville and Mount Ida mines, in which they consciously offer themselves. The massive 100' crystals are much deeper, and provide incredible emanations within a naturally protected depth and matrixial enclosure, away from mining concerns by design, you see.

In your initial awakening to the metaphysical and spiritual attributes and energy of quartz crystals, many decades ago, the term 'LeMurian Seed Crystals' was assigned to certain crystals of Brazil and Arkansas, crystals bearing certain 'etchings'. We tell you in truth these are 'Law of One' crystals. Your Edgar Cayce told you that the Law of One Atlanteans of the Golden Age achieved the highest state of Spiritual vibration ever achieved on the Earth-Plane. We will add that this is in reference to duality earth. You see, the Golden Age of LeMuria occurred before the 'Fall of the Firmament', prior to Earth being a free will University of Duality. The LeMurians were largely residents of nonpolarity, a euphoric realm....not a part of the lessoning 'cause and effect' curriculum of the duality phase of the Omni Earth.

The Great Crystal awareness & benevolent crystal technology development and use occurred within the Golden era of the Law of One, in the wonderful phase of spiritual Atlantis, prior to the Aryan Sons of Belial. Many of the LeMurians went underground, and exist as the advanced subterranean blue beings. The crystals were developed and groomed by the Law of One Atlanteans, and guarded by the 'Blue' race of LeMuria after being placed in hyper dimensional lock.

Crystal Center

The crystalline energy is centered in the Hot Springs - Mount Ida portion of the state. The crystal-bearing quartz deposits occur in strata 35 miles wide and 177 miles long, extending from Little Rock to just beyond Talimena. However, the richest deposits occur in a powerful area between Hot Springs, Mount Ida and Jessieville. The mega-crystals are deep below the Hot Springs area, and these combine with the three 'Atlantean Crystals placed in Arkansas by the Law of One. The serve as generators.

The radium bearing thermal waters that give Hot Springs its name are protectors for these crystalline generators. The 47 hot springs along the forested southwestern slope of Hot Springs Mountain gush forth nearly a million gallons of 143°F water every day. The water is slightly radioactive, with a very clear, focused energy. This water is remarkably healing, and contains higher dimensional energy codes.

Quickening the Shift - Hydro Coding

The living thermal radium waters are very potent, and indeed carries a unique frequency that has long been recognized by the ancients. Bathing in the waters not only refreshes the body, these waters now in 2018 are carrying new code catalysts that quicken the DNA shift, the transition into crystalline body. You see the waters of this area, are structured waters, carrying geometric patterning. And as we have told you, this was first recognized in modern times by Dr Marcel Vogel and the work was carried forward by Dr Emoto. So it is logical, is it not, that these waters will be imbued benefactors of the codes influx occurring at this time in November of Year Three.

Those of you pilgrimaging to the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas from September, would be remiss not to bath in these unique living crystalline waters.

We also suggest that those pilgrimaging to Arkansas in the September -December Meteoric Code Influx Apex, take time to visit at least one of the sites of the Master Crystals. For the astonishing energy these are emitting is differentiating into even greater concentration in the advanced stages of their awakening, as we have described, in the emission of their succinct life force capacities in a manner much more capable of being sensed by the seeking visitor.

I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. You are beloved!

And so it is...And it is So...

All Copyrights Duly Reserved to J Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper