
miércoles, febrero 28, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Most Powerful Shifts Taking Place ~ The 5th Dimension Now - Feb 28, 2018

ALL Night long…could not move as event after event unfolded. My room shifted and changed to the Dimension I was experiencing..

Shifts began as I found my phone time changing time again and then I was catapulted into Being in the center of the Universe as it was being birthed into existence.

The Events Last Night were beyond what could be imagined. The world of energy as Light and Frequency is merging the 5th Dimension in consciousness HERE ~ now ~ at an increased rate of frequency.

You may call this an accelerated momentum, beyond anything previously imagined.

When Myself from the 5th Dimension in the NEW Earth appeared to me, which I here, usually visit there…(as I do all dimensions) the news was, the form here is taken care of as the final merging takes place.

One could say my future self visited me. I have experienced this throughout my so-called time on earth. The other worlds., higher dimensions and what would be considered the past (in time) I would go to and enter, as if now. Because it is all now.

I have had constant physical phenomenon show me that the results and impacts of these visitations, impacted all the dimensions and shifted things here. In the physical.

It is easy to understand when you come from the foundational energy it is all Light. It is all connected. There is no time. That it is all connected NOW with no limitation.

The energetic influence of what takes place, through the shifts in awareness within, impacts and shifts matter, consciousness everywhere.

Here we are ~ on the verge of all NOW Newness.

Of ALL Being our Multidimensional selves.

OF physically being aware of what matter is, how we impact it, how we are BEING all of this now and how we are connected in all Dimensions, now.

This is VERY Real..Very real as YOU are now aligning and merging with this at the deeper levels. Which shifts your reality and level of awareness. NOW.

Shifting now, feel this through your Breath.

With love and the Divine Council of Overseers activating you NOW. And So it is. Now.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.