
sábado, septiembre 30, 2017

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - YOUR ASCENSION? ANYTIME - September 29, 2017

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

Time withdraws and eternity emerges.


How can you strengthen yourself these days? How should you proceed in case dark forces beleaguer you and cause unease? Become the prayer, become the meditation! Stop being the one who prays, stop being the one who meditates, but become the prayer and the meditation.

Matthew Ward - 25 de septiembre de 2017

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Las profundas preocupaciones que rodean a Corea del Norte han llevado a preguntas como "¿Pueden aterrizar las naves si la presencia ET evita una guerra nuclear?" Y comentarios como "¡Sería muy útil si la divulgación y los aterrizajes de las naves espaciales ocurren pronto!" Queridos, permítannos asegurarles que la intensificación de la retórica no conducirá a la guerra nuclear, y si se lanzan misiles con ojivas nucleares, las tripulaciones de las naves espaciales evitarán su detonación.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Sky is Not Falling / Nay to the Naysayers Weighing Truth, Wisdom & Discernment - September 30, 2017

The Sky is Not Falling / Nay to the Naysayers
Weighing Truth, Wisdom & Discernment

AAMetatron via James Tyberonn

Copyrights Reserved 2017-Earth-Keeper

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. ...

Rumors and warnings that the end is near have been projected by seers and overheard by kings, sages and sires throughout the fabled history of your planet. The present is no exception.

The jolting nature of any 'doomsday' prophecy, in which prediction is haphazardly applied to the kaleidoscope of probability is a confusing & difficult one. On the surface it is an acclamation that naturally draws attention & alarm. And so the lingering question that jags beneath the fearful claim, "Is this real & if so what can I do about this?"

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Mensaje Final del Tour de Fátima - Oporto, Portugal, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Oporto, Portugal, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Final del Tour de Fátima

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Es el final de un evento de tres días. No es por accidente que sea un tres. El 3 suele representar la energía del catalizador, en que una energía cambia a la otra. Mucho se ha dicho, y se ha visto. En el comienzo de este evento les conté sobre Lucía. Les hice recorrer lo que ella vio, por qué fue elegida, la inocencia y la belleza de una niña.

Selacia - Ancestral Patterns and Love-Key to Understanding Our Divided World- - September 30, 2017

Relationships need more tending now as very old ancestral patterns rise to the surface and create separation, distrust, and prejudice. We are in a phase when humanity's unhealed wounds are getting a big spotlight at every turn. We see this daily somewhere in society, and of course it's very personal too. No one is exempt. Continue reading to better understand the connection between ancestral patterns and the loving world we seek to inhabit.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Fátima - Parte 2 - Excursión a Fátima, en Portugal, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Excursión a Fátima, en Portugal, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Fátima - Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos sentamos a orillas de un lago en la tarde. El mensaje es personal, para quienes están aquí; no necesariamente para quienes están escuchando más tarde. (Se oye el ruido del viento). Queridos, al finalizar un día como este podemos tener energía como en ninguna otra ocasión.

Muchas veces he dicho que el Espíritu conoce sus nombres; es verdad, muchos Maestros han dicho esto mismo, que Dios sabe cuántos pelos tienen en sus cabezas.

Asara - Adama's Latest Energy Update - September 30, 2017

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Dear Ones, at this time, many of you are processing vast amounts of old energies and beliefs from your third dimensional experience.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Portugal - Fátima - Parte 1 - Fátima, en Portugal, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Excursión a Fátima, en Portugal, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Fátima - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Una vez más estamos en el bosque, en un lugar muy precioso. Una de las famosas apariciones sucedió aquí, en Fátima. Acude regularmente una concentración de humanos y celebran, rezan, cantan y rinden culto. Y más.

Shekina Rose - The Blue Ray Hermit Shell: The Blue Ray Transformers Why We Need our Alone Time for Ground Zero. We need to be with the Trees - September 30, 2017

The Blue Ray Hermit Shell: The Blue Ray Transformers Why We Need our Alone Time for Ground Zero. We need to be with the Trees.

Are you From the Blue Ray? The Ultra Sensive Empath Starbeing

Your connection with Gaia is essential in feeling her response within you that empowers your spirit deeply. It is an empathic exchange that recharges, balances and stabilizes your energy field. If you have been exposed to many energies, overwhelmed or fatigued the is where it can be released, recalibrated and made sense within your energy field.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Lisboa - Parte 3 - Lisboa, Portugal, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Lisboa, Portugal, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Lisboa - Parte 3

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y así llegamos a la última canalización de este día. Todo lo que ha pasado antes está diseñado para crear la energía en este salón, que está lleno de compasión. Otra palabra: permiso. Ser humano: tienes libre albedrío; este es un permiso para pensar más allá de lo que te dijeron y tal vez sentir por primera vez la increíble libertad que tienes como ser humano en una nueva relación con el Espíritu. Una que tenga sentido, llena de amor, sin reglas. Y las reglas que sentirías, vendrían de tu interior: integridad, honestidad, equilibrio y compasión por los demás.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Planetary Graduation: human to divine law - September 30, 2017

Planetary Graduation: human to divine law

Even if we are hard pressed to yet define it, everything has changed. In the wake of the Great American eclipse, a persistent, deafening silence resounds in the ethers, a stillness that all of nature seems to honor as sacred…which seems to indicate more change to come. Life is dutifully responding to this veritable transformation and we Know nothing will be the same again.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Lisboa - Parte 2 - Lisboa, Portugal, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Lisboa, Portugal, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Lisboa - Parte 2

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Alguna vez se han preguntado cómo es el otro lado? ¿Queridos, están enterados de que este es el otro lado? Y cuando no están aquí, están en casa. Los he llevado en varios viajes antes para ayudarlos a entender cómo podría ser. Solo hay amor. No pueden concebir su realidad interior; es casi como una parte de ustedes se hubiera vuelto a reunir con el Creador mismo. Y oyen la música.

Queridos, otros canalizadores han dicho lo mismo, informando algo que a ustedes les parece tan inusual. Siempre se oye música, pero no como ustedes comprenden la música; es como las estrellas cantando juntas, como si la luz cantase y todo sigue una melodía gloriosa, y aunque la oigan una y otra vez, es la música del hogar.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Saturday September 30, 2017

Dear Ones, do not be concerned if all your chores are not done because you need to rest or make self care a priority in order to release, heal, transform, or integrate energy. Trust us when we say it is irrelevant to the caterpillar if his cocoon is messy or not. ~Archangel Gabriel

viernes, septiembre 29, 2017

Arcturian Update with Sue and Shawnna From: 09-27-2017

From: 09-27-2017

Arcturian Update with Sue and Shawnna

Part ONE

Blessings, We are the Arcturians, and we have come to you within this now to speak with you. Shawnna, is also here to ask us some questions, and to assist in making the information something that is usable in your daily life.

Shawnna, would you like to begin by asking us a question?

SHAWNNA: Yes, thank you as always for being here to guide and assist us. Many of us have felt an increased intensity of energy fields. Since the eclipse, there are more amplified energy fields and a growing exposure to a higher and higher awareness. At the same time, you are getting a deeper connection to the planet.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – September 29, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Friends and Fellow Light Warriors!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
This week we are being asked to answer several questions. They are interesting issues that the Light Community has been asking in different ways for a while now.
One Lightworker has asked:
“Can you tell me if the Earth has split? Are we in the 5D New Earth?
If so, why are the bad people still amongst us as neighbors, and in our towns and cities? When will we know if it has split?”



Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discuss your shining Light.

You have within you a beautiful shining Light. It resides in your heart center and contains a spark of the Divine. It is often referred to as your Divine Spark of Light. It is the part of you that connects you to All That Is. Your Divine Spark of Light was part of the Great Creator before you burst forth as a brilliant individualized Spark of Light.

When you were a part of the Great Creator, you were in perfect harmony with all of creation. You moved and flowed in a harmonic resonance with all other parts of creation. Your goal was highest good. You had peace and Love at the center of your Being.

Nancy Tate - Messages of the Moment From Horus - 09-29-17

Messages of the Moment From Horus

09-29-17: There is something coming for all of you that is the epitome of what you are searching for. All you need do is to live your life in the fullest way you can bring to it and know that you are the power of the creativity that you desire in your lives. Give yourselves that opportunity to bring about that which you desire, and know that the mainstream of life is already past and the new way of life in the moment is within and around you. I am Horus, and I greet you all once again, in utmost Love.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Friday September 29, 2017

We understand that you have been shifting at an unprecedented rate and the sheer magnitude of the releasing and integration you are under can seem overwhelming at times. Let us reassure you, you are ready and more than able to do this!




Beloved masters, it is time to take an inventory of what you are thinking and the emotional energy you are projecting during these days of conflict, turmoil and stress on your planet. Are you diluting or distorting the aura of harmony you have created around you by allowing yourself to be caught up in the chaos of miscreation and destruction that is taking place on planet Earth at this time? Are you engrossed in the scenarios that are being presented over and over again via the television, radio and newspaper media? Have you once more allowed yourself to be drawn back into the density of the negative environment of illusion? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you are fueling the chaotic vibrations of the world situation with your energy instead of adding your Love/Light/Power to that of other emissaries of peace around the world. Will you stand on the side of those whose greatest desire is to bring about a peaceful solution for the greatest benefit of all, or will you unintentionally align with those who wish to perpetuate separation, suffering and domination?

Natalie Glasson - Master Kuthumi - Alignments of Truth - 29th September 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

Greetings, I am Master Kuthumi, the World Teacher at a Planetary Level alongside Master Jesus. I come forth with news from the Creator which has been filtered through the dimensions of the Creator’s Universe to the Planetary Level. This information, I, Master Kuthumi, wish to share directly with you as I believe it will support you in discovering greater clarity within your being, reality and ascension.

The Creator is emphasising at this time, through the deliverance of energy waves, enhanced alignments of truth. Every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes is aligned with the truth of the Creator. The truth, essence and all that is the Creator exists within you and can be accessed with your intention and conscious awareness. In doing so, you access and enter into the consciousness, awareness and energy of the Creator, experiencing expansion, bliss, clarity and oneness. As an awakening being on the Earth, you are constantly in the process of remembering the Creator. You are continually recognising your alignment, connection and integration with the truth of the Creator, how it resides within you and around you.

awakening5dhealing - Waking up to a quantum world who do we trust? - September 29, 2017

Awakening is more than seeing the truth in global politics. It is more than recognising the plight of millions. It is more than meditating every night with mantras of manifestation. Awakening is a mystical experience. It is a multi dimensional shift in our consciousness. It is our energetic systems waking up. We come online, tuning up to higher wavelengths. We access those higher frequencies on the dial of life. There is peace, harmony, abundance, mystery, magic and beauty in the higher dimensions. Just as there is beauty in the third dimension, yet here the duality and polarity of our world is the dominant force. Higher frequencies exist in parallel worlds to ours, infinite universes and timelines. To be in the third dimension is to have no knowing or understanding of the infite possibilities of the universe. To awaken is to open our mind to these concepts. It is to connect with our body as an integral part of our being. It is to meet our higher self through an awakened soul. To have our chakra system activated. To become a unified trinity being mind, body and soul.

jueves, septiembre 28, 2017

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, September 28, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, September 28, 2017

You are always in your right place.

Count on it.

That is why it is so important and crucial not to avoid that which comes up and surfaces.

Not to run with fear and avoidance.

" Who me? I didn't look away. "

John Smallman - Saul - Knowing yourselves is a major aspect of your awakening process - 09/28/2017

The energy of the Tsunami of Love is strengthening and intensifying daily, and many of you can feel it. Many others, who remain very much involved in the 3D issues of daily life as a human, are also aware of and feeling these energies, which they find disruptive and confusing because they are bringing to the surface of their sensory faculties emotional issues that have lain buried or denied for a long time. It is very unsettling for many.

Ron Head - The Council – What Am I Doing Here? - September 28, 2017/

The Council – What Am I Doing Here?

What am I doing here? What should I be doing? Would it surprise you to know that these are the most frequently asked questions of us when people consult those whom they hope can help connect them with us? Would it surprise you that these questions are always asked? Now, we have looked at this before, but as usual we have more to say on the subject. That likely does not surprise you either.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Thursday 28, 2017

Dear Ones, everything you could ever imagine exists in the universe. The solutions to your biggest challenges and your wildest dreams and beyond all exist energetically in the pool of Source energy that is All That Is.

Lisa Renee - Causa y Efecto

Causa y Efecto
Agosto de 2016

Traducción: Luis Betanzos de Mauleón y Marco Demartis

Querida Familia en Ascensión,

Durante este tiempo de bifurcación, nuestra integridad energética interna está siendo puesta a prueba. Este es el tiempo de hacer un inventario de qué tan bien nos estamos acoplando a la locura de la Tierra, mientras la mente colectiva de la humanidad atraviesa su Noche Oscura del Alma. Ya sea que estemos dormidos o despiertos, nuestra auto- maestría está siendo medida en la forma de cómo lidiamos personalmente con el estrés y con el caos. Ninguna persona en esta Tierra está exenta de las exposiciones a los campos masivos de caos, confusión y oscuridad que existen en la mente colectiva de la humanidad.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Portugal - Lisboa, Parte 1 - Lisboa, Portugal, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Lisboa - 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Quiero que sientan la energía en este salón. Dios es bueno. Dios es benévolo. Dios es amor. Dios te conoce. Dios es bueno. Dios es benévolo. Dios es amor. Dios te conoce.

Queridos, hay tanto para discutir aquí en este bello lugar con la asistencia de almas antiguas. Pero la historia es hermosa. Hoy, más tarde les hablaré de algunas cosas específicas, sobre lo que pasó en Fátima. Pero en este momento quisiera hacer de esto una historia personal.

Laura Pleiadian - Aligning with Your Divine Presence ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - September 28, 2017

Your Higher Self is your Divine Presence that is in DIRECT Alignment with your Soul and the PRESENT Moment, through your Heart.

This is Your Original Light.

Attempting to change things, manipulate outcomes, is the egos way of keeping itself functioning in 3D.

IT seeks to change things for a future it feels separated from.

It seeks to relentlessly lives in past memories, defensively reacting through hidden fears, as energetic impulses of memories in your subconscious mind.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - En el Barco - Volviendo de las Islas - Baviera, Alemania, 10 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Baviera, Alemania, 10 de septiembre de 2017

En el Barco - Volviendo de las Islas

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para los que escuchan: estamos de nuevo en el barco, y ahora otra vez sin conexión a tierra. Queridos, esto es nuevamente una oportunidad para hacer algo inusual; puede ser notable, y es algo que pueden hacer las almas antiguas. Una oportunidad dorada, otra vez más, para un paquete dorado de compasión: juntos en un lugar sin conexión a tierra, para hacer algo muy cuántico.

Quiero explicar algo antes de cumplir en este barco con algo que nunca hicimos en canalización. Quiero explicar algo y luego darles un concepto que está lleno de lógica, algo que comprenderán plenamente en un momento.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano ~ 10 de septiembre del 2017

Queridos míos:

Venimos hoy a hablar sobre el amor y las ramificaciones del negarlo y suprimirlo. El amor es la energía cohesiva de todas las cosas y es omnipresente, pero hasta que no se reconozca como tal puede aparentar que no existe. Nunca olviden que ustedes son creadores.

El mundo sostiene una multitud de conceptos en lo relacionado al amor, todos reflejando varios sistemas de creencias. Sin embargo, inclusive el estado más denso e inconsciente de conciencia no puede cambiar el hecho de que el Amor es y sólo puede ser Todo Lo Que Es. El Amor es el pegamento energético que une a todos los seres vivientes dentro del UNO íntegro.

miércoles, septiembre 27, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Un Mensaje para los Trabajadores de la Luz - 31/agosto/ 2017

La última guía de los Maestros Ascendidos, los Galácticos, los Elementales de la Tierra, los Ancianos Hadas, los Ángeles y Arcángeles conocidos como el Colectivo:

¡Saludos, Guerreros de la Luz, que están anclando las frecuencias de la Quinta Dimensión en un planeta que está renaciendo!

Ustedes han sido testigos dentro de tan sólo un mes de su calendario dos terribles eventos — uno en Virginia, donde hubo una iracunda oleada de banderas rojas, y otro en Texas, simbolizado por las miradas perdidas y de pánico de quienes fueron arrojados a situaciones de supervivencia básica debido a un severo huracán.

Ailia Mira - The Masters of Creation - The Best Possible Way to Be Here, As You - September 27, 2017

Message from the Masters of Creation
Channeled by Ailia Mira


We connect today with you and are pleased to do so. We intend to share with you our view of you. We do so, because we love you and so that you might feel the fullness of who you truly are.

It is easy in your world to forget how you came to be here. You may have ideas about this during your life, but generally you don’t trust them very much. You think of them as ideas. (Smile.) Often they are very accurate insights. We digress.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Isla Femenina - Baviera, Alemania, 10 de Septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Baviera, Alemania, 10 de Septiembre de 2017

Isla Femenina

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y ahora estamos en la Isla Femenina, y otra vez conectados a tierra. Quiero contarles una historia, y es una historia hermosa, y hemos esperado hasta ahora para dársela.

Mi socio ha contado esto muchas veces en idioma inglés, pero no tanto en alemán. Entonces para ustedes, para plena comprensión, les doy la historia de las mujeres.

La historia de la creación del planeta es bien conocida, y muchos sistemas y escrituras hablan de ella. Dicen que no hace mucho tiempo hubo una energía que vino al planeta y habló a aquellos que eran hombres y mujeres y les dio algo que no tenían anteriormente: el conocimiento de la oscuridad y la luz. Esta historia se repite a través de la mitología hasta los sistemas modernos. Así es como es, no importa qué crean que sucedió. Esto fue verdaderamente el comienzo de la raza humana; cuando recibieron esa semilla de comprensión, y luego recibieron el libre albedrío y realmente tomaron la parte de Dios que es su alma. No fue hace tanto tiempo - menos de 100.000 años que la humanidad recibió lo que ustedes llaman la energía del alma (pausa: se oyen siete campanadas lejanas). Y allí empieza la historia de la mujer.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 27, 2017

Dear Ones, if you are running into difficulties, it can be helpful to stop and ask yourself, “What am I pushing against?” Often your blockages come from engaging with what is unwanted. Then ask yourself, “What do I want to flow toward?” and start to navigate from there.

martes, septiembre 26, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Most Powerful StarGate Alignment Ever! Power Portal Activated, Huge Collective Clearing of Victim Energy of BEing DisEmpowered from Within, Close the Stories/Timelines Out, NEW Divine BEginnings, Higher Consciousness Timelines Ready for Implementation - September 26, 2017

Yesterday's StarGate Alignment was OFF THE CHARTS POWERFUL and ran strongly all through the night.... Inner Earth/Galactically/Our Earthly & Planetary Bodies Cosmically Re-Aligned and WOW at the awesomeness of the feeling of "being back". Whew, what a month of identifying/recognizing our old loop cycles/old programming and refusing to allow them to play out (again), holding the highest timelines fully from within and anchoring these new codes within our physical body templates/structures in order to bring our bodies through to a MUCH higher dimensional timeline experience!

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Ascending with Gaia through Service to Others - 9-26-17

Ascending with Gaia
through Service to Others
Behind the Scenes Discussion with the Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop
We are on a journey to remember who we are, why we came to Earth, and what we are supposed to do on Earth.  This is where humanity is within this NOW.  It is the NOW for humanity to begin to wake up and realize that they chose to come to Earth. Humanity also needs to remember that they are the creators of their reality. In fact, their fifth dimensional self chose to take a 3rd/4th dimensional body to assist the planet.

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de la Federación de la Luz - 23 de septiembre de 2017

Blossom: Hola. ¡Yo aquí! Sabiendo que todo está bien con ustedes, ¿puedo empezar por hacerles una pregunta sobre la “Rejilla Energética” de la que han hablado? ¿Bastantes personas están interesadas en saber más? Gracias.

Federación de la Luz: Bienvenida usted y todos los que participan en la lectura de nuestros mensajes, que como usted sabe, Blossom, las sacamos a la luz para el Purísimo razonamiento, y ayudar a aquellos en su Planeta a comprenderse a sí mismos, y por qué participan en este Juego / experimento. Cuanto más nos hemos estado comunicando con usted durante muchos años, hemos visto a muchos más "subirse a bordo" y cambiar el patrón de pensamiento y, de hecho, cambiar de corazón. Esto nos parece muy alentador.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Isla Masculina - Baviera, Alemania - 10 de Septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Baviera, Alemania, 10 de Septiembre de 2017

Isla Masculina

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

La mayoría de ustedes están parados entre un grupo de árboles aquí en la Isla Masculina y todos están conectados a tierra. De hecho, a continuación del mensaje anterior, incluso sería una buena idea abrazar alguno de los árboles antes de dejar la isla.

Este mensaje en esta isla será una breve sesión sobre un tipo de evolución que ustedes no esperan. Pero antes de hacer eso, les daré información polémica sobre la historia muy reciente aquí en esta isla. Será significativa, o no, mayormente para los bávaros, porque hablamos del Rey. El rey de quien hablamos es Ludwig, que construyó un castillo en esta isla.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Barco - Yendo a las Islas - Lago Chiemsee, en Baviera, Alemania - 10 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Lago Chiemsee, en Baviera, Alemania
10 de septiembre de 2017

Barco - Yendo a las islas

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

(Se oye ruido de un motor) El grupo está flotando, y no es la primera vez que hacemos algo, cuando se reúnen cientos de personas y no están conectados a tierra.

Recordamos la ocasión en un lugar que ustedes llaman Israel, donde 300 personas en tres embarcaciones flotando juntas, disfrutaron de un trance, una canalización, cantando juntas como una sola. Lo mismo pasa hoy, solo que son 400. Queridos, de eso quiero hablar; algo puede suceder en este barco.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Preguntas y Verdades - Minas de Sal -Berchtesgaden, Baviera, Alemania - 9 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Minas de Sal -Berchtesgaden, Baviera, Alemania
9 de septiembre de 2017

Preguntas y Verdades

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos encontramos en la profundidad de la Mina de Sal, cubiertos por la montaña, y aquí, con libre albedrío, ustedes están aislados; aislados de todo. Para algunos, esta es la primera vez. ¡Imaginen un lugar donde simplemente no hay ningún sonido! Quiero que escuchen por un momento. (Silencio de 10 segundos). Queridos, esto es aislamiento; es un tiempo para la introspección, no hay distracciones, cuando no hay sonido a su alrededor, no hay parloteo de la Tierra, esa es una de las razones por las que se construyó esta cámara, porque incluso quienes se van al desierto, en la naturaleza, no tienen esto. Es un momento en que su percepción va hacia adentro. Llamaré a este mensaje corto " Preguntas y Verdades"; es hora de que se pregunten algunas cosas.

Suzanne Ward - Matthew Ward - September 25, 2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Deepening concerns surrounding North Korea have led to inquiries such as “Can ships land if ET presence would avert a nuclear war?” and comments like “It would be really helpful if disclosure and spacecraft landings happen soon!” Dear ones, let us assure you that escalating rhetoric will not lead to nuclear war, and if any missiles are launched with nuclear warheads, crews in spacecraft will prevent their detonation.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Tuesday September 26, 2017

Dear Ones, as the energies continue to shift, your relationships will start to evolve as well. The time has come where the old templates of conditional love are being dismantled to be replaced with new templates of unconditional love.

Nancy Tate - Horus - Message of the Moment - Sep 26, 2017

Message of the Moment

If you come to the understanding that there is no future, no past, only the present, then you begin to live your life in that truth. Then you will find the answers will be swimming at your shore and the truths will give you another step into the ultimate life of your Love manifestation.

As I told these ones in this home last night, “ Stop waiting in the wings, for the wings are flying and they will lead you to what it is that you desire. This is Horus, and I Love you all!

Thank you so much dear Horus,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

Sarah Varcas - Fierce Love Born of Awe-Full Grace - Sep 26, 2017


Sarah Varcas

Dates of Exactitude between Jupiter and Uranus:
*26th December 2016, 3rd March 2017, 28th September 2017
Dates of Exactitude between Jupiter and Eris:

*17th January 2017, 22nd February 2017, 9th September 2017

*All Dates are UT

This opposition makes 2017 a year of surprises and unexpected twists and turns, ego battles, spiritual stand-offs and defining moments in the unfurling of this evolutionary time. Just when we think we’ve got it sussed we may find everything turned on its head and the rug pulled from beneath our feet. Just as we feel we’ve found our way a new possibility rears its intriguing head and we are once again in a maelstrom of change. A year of both unsettling uncertainty and unbridled possibility, it is up to us what we ultimately create from the surprises in store.

lunes, septiembre 25, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday September 25, 2017

The universe is continually adjusting to match your intentions and desires. Have you ever had a thought of a small, random thing you would like and had it show up for you out of the blue, as if by magic? The reason it happened so quickly and easily was because there was absolutely no resistance toward it, which allowed it to manifest for you with complete ease and efficiency.

True surrender is the grease to your manifestations. If things are coming together with ease, you know you are in a beautiful, completely non-resistant flow of creation. If it seems things are not coming together with ease, it is because they are in the process of adjusting and taking on form behind the scenes, in ways that are absolutely perfect for you. Surrender with faith, trust, and acceptance for the highest outcome, with the certainty all is being taken care of. Whether you can see it or not, there is always a process in motion that is continually adjusting to serve you and your wants and needs.

Know that you are an empowered creator with a team on hand whose greatest joy is to serve you. Choose your dream and allow the universe to embellish it in ways that are greater than you could ever imagine. You can rest assured the universe launches into action the second you decide what you would like to do next in the playground of experience you call earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jennifer Hoffman - Aim for Awe-Filled, Expect Some Awful - Sep 25, 2017

Have you ever wondered what happens when you make a choice, either consciously or unconsciously, to make some changes in your life? Here is how the process works. Finish this sentence: What I want now as my awe-filled outcome is __________________. With that sentence you just put out a commandment telling the Universe that you want this amazing, awe-filled outcome for your life. Then, everything in your life which is not aligned with that outcome will pop up so you can choose whether you want to keep its energy or not. While you expect awesome and amazing results, you seem to get just the opposite, an awful situation, and it can be very overwhelming. What happened? The eventual, awe-filled outcome will be what makes you happy, but there may be a few awful moments before that happens, as you clear the path of whatever is currently making you feel awful, unhappy, or unfulfilled in some area of your life.

Kara Schallock - Amor y el Equinoccio - 21 de Septiembre 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mientras escribo esto se vienen la Luna Nueva y el Equinoxio de mañana. Ciertamente, mucho está sucediendo en nuestro interior y en Gaia. A todo lo que está pasando lo llamo el Gran Despertar. Este Gran Despertar sacudirá a la gente (literalmente) fuera de su zona de confort y complacencia. Aquellos que ya se han despertado, lo harán aún más hacia quién somos y hacia cómo podemos servir a otros desde una postura de Amor Divino. Nos encontramos en un Momento muy acelerado relacionado con recibir y compartir bajadas de Luz dimensional elevada. Digo ‘compartir’ porque, al recibir más Luz, automáticamente la irradiamos hacia otros; no de una forma controlada, sino brillando porque esa es nuestra naturaleza. Al honrar el Amor que somos, no empujamos, buscamos ni luchamos ya que eso es parte de lo viejo. Lo Nuevo trata de permitir y aceptar lo que es y confiar en que todo está dentro del Orden Divino. Se trata de permanecer en el Fluir del Momento sin apegarse a nada; simplemente dejando que todo se desarrolle naturalmente. Esto es el cuidado personal y el amor a uno mismo. Cuando te amas, mantienes tu vibración elevada y desde esa posición, tu consciencia se expande y, desde una consciencia más elevada, tu vida gira hacia la Naturalidad y la Alegría. La Verdad es que eres perfecto al evolucionar para ser más.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers Complete the Anchoring of Higher Timelines through "Body Template Grid Encoding Processes" in Unison with our Fully Awakened Living Earth Gaia & Living Cosmos, Convergences, Grand Awakening Timelines Expedite - 9/25/2017


This has been a vast month of HOLDING HIGHER TIMELINES IN PLACE until we could complete the INTEGRATION of these new codes/encodements, which is signified by StarGates activating to synchronize and shift all to a higher timeline. It's been a month of immense focus of our own Energy on what we came here to accomplish, what we agreed to, before ever incarnating/walking into our physical forms. This goes so far BEYOND what is visible physically and what our unconscious limited human minds can comprehend. It takes fully expanding our consciousness into INFINITE dimensions/timelines/realities and holding this expansion, all of the time, to intentionally break the old programming as it presents. The amount of ENERGY it takes for intentional Gatekeepers & Gridkeepers to STABILIZE these frequencies is immense. As human realities spin out of control, to create chaos to awaken those deep beneath the veils of amnesia still, to open hearts and minds for unification to occur, to dissolve the separation, duality and structures of realities not aligned on a SOUL Level, we hold a RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN the highest everything, while each "the center of their own play", plays old unconscious realities/timelines out, until all of that ENERGY IS GONE....

James Gilliland - Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul - September 21, 2017

Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul
by James Gilliland
September 21, 2017

We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution.

Well looks like the double speak is here. The masks are all coming down. No rock is being left unturned and all iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops. The days of tyranny and deception are coming to a close. We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution. Peoples true intentions are being made known despite the blatant futile attempts to maintain the status quo. If you want to know the truth just take the lame stream medias broadcast and reverse it. Know the agenda of the Cabal, the New World Order and you will see the reasons why there is so much pain, suffering, death and lack on the planet.