
jueves, septiembre 28, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Aligning with Your Divine Presence ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - September 28, 2017

Your Higher Self is your Divine Presence that is in DIRECT Alignment with your Soul and the PRESENT Moment, through your Heart.

This is Your Original Light.

Attempting to change things, manipulate outcomes, is the egos way of keeping itself functioning in 3D.

IT seeks to change things for a future it feels separated from.

It seeks to relentlessly lives in past memories, defensively reacting through hidden fears, as energetic impulses of memories in your subconscious mind.

It is never happy with NOW.

Always seeking something different.

Through the use of your will, connect with your SOUL through your Heart.

To be AWAKE is to be present and attentive to now.

Stay focused, Be present.

OBSERVE Yourself, notice what you keep waiting for. What you want to change. Then GUIDE YOUR awareness to your Heart. To now, in gratitude.

DIVINE POWER is in the present MOMENT. Is Now.

There appears so much turmoil on Earth. Needing to change this or that.

YET when you live in the present moment, YOUR Divine Presence becomes present with YOU.~ as YOU.

IT is about BEING Present. Being your PRESENCE.

IF you are not Present ~ you are not conscious OF the HIGHER levels of the Divine YOU.

OBSERVE yourself. Your thoughts, your emotions, what passes through your AWARENESS in every moment, and every hour of every day.

ACKNOWLEDGE what you have focused on other than what is NOW, and let it go.

YES it is ok to acknowledge the wants of 3D.

It is the PROCESS of NON Attachment of letting go of your Attachments, that you then exist CONSCIOUSLY in a Higher Dimension.

This Higher Dimension is the EXPANDED and Transformed YOU.

THE YOU living in your Heart ~ in the present moment.

The Fear that the ego has of letting GO, is that if it surrenders its grip of what it wants that is not present NOW ~ it will lose its purpose, it’s very life.

YET it is the resistance to what is now, that prevents ANY experience of your consciousness expansion.

And it is only in this fear that it EXISTS. And the things in 3D never ARRIVE anyway.

ONLY in your EXPANSION of consciousness (living as your Presence) is the Magnificent GLORY and JOY that is yours. Your Presence in the Present Moment.

BEING in the Moment ~ Alignment with God. Alignment with your True Self. Alignment consciously with your Original Light.

It is that simple.

If you Desire to be your HIGHER SELF in form and Ascend FULLY as the DIVINE Glorious Being that you already are ~ BE PRESENT with what is now.

LET go of all of your Attachments to WHAT the lower self you wants to see changed externally.Turn the focus back to YOU ~ Changing within. Your thoughts, feelings and your focus.

IT takes great faith and courage to let go of those old ways and attachments to outcome.

Your GLORY is in YOUR DIVINE Presence.

IT exists in its FULLNESS only as BEING its Presence.

IT does not live in CONFLICT.

LIVE for NOW only, dedicate your awareness and focus to NOW. TO living through your Heart. For Love.

This is the ONLY true Alignment with your Higher Self. Being The God Self YOU. Now, through your Divine Presence, Is Your Ascension. Now.

In Glory and Love!



Photo courtesy of Daniel Holeman

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.