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Ruth Ryden
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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta
Ruth Ryden
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jueves, enero 02, 2014
Ruth Ryden – Ruth And The Masters Of Light – 2 January 2014
Masters, will you give us an overall set of predictions for this coming year that would include world-wide weather conditions, earth movem...
martes, julio 02, 2013
Ruth Ryden – Ruth & The Masters Of Light – July 2013 – 2 July 2013
Masters, what do you see for this old world this coming month as storm systems just seem to keep coming? “First of all, the world is not c...
miércoles, abril 03, 2013
Ruth Ryden – Ruth And The Masters Of Light – April 2013 Message – 3 April 2013
Dear Readers, as many places in our world have celebrated Easter, remembering the resurrection of Jesus, it is disheartening to see...
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