
miércoles, abril 03, 2013

Ruth Ryden – Ruth And The Masters Of Light – April 2013 Message – 3 April 2013


Dear Readers, as many places in our world have celebrated Easter, remembering the resurrection of Jesus, it is disheartening to see it turn into a gift-giving of chocolate eggs, baskets, stuffed animals, etc. to children that have nothing to do with that momentous occasion in history.  Christmas all over again.  For those who do not celebrate the occasion, would it be so difficult to just give a sense of respect to those who do?  Sigh.  Regardless, I send my best wishes for a meaningful celebration this special day.
Arizona has been blessed with beautiful weather the past week and supposed to be that way for another week.  However, we remember the Easter snow storms of the past.
I am scheduled to have cataract surgery of my right eye on the 18th of April and am really looking forward to having better sight for now and the rest of my time in this lifetime.  Probability is for the operation to also be done on the left eye in the near future.   If next month’s newsletter is skipped or late, you will understand why.
Masters, what can we expect from weather and earth changes this coming month?
MASTERS:  “This coming month of April will come to be remembered as an historic change in the atmospheric weather conditions of your world for this time of year.  The storms now dropping down from the Arctic across Canada and into the Eastern states and the Mid-West will act in ways not expected.  Although the coastal areas will be hit hard again, we do not see sea waters impinging upon those who have already suffered so much loss.  Those who enjoy and attend the seasonal sporting events will have to be prepared for difficult weather conditions in many places.  By the middle of the month the harsh weather fronts will dissipate for the most part to provide some relief and warmer weather, although we still see a great deal of rainfall, especially in the southern states.  Flooding is a possibility that should not be ignored.  The northwestern states, and the southwest part of the U.S. will continue to enjoy warmer weather for two or three weeks, but we are seeing some drastic wind storms and unusual tornadic activity all along the western coast lines.

The desert regions of North America will begin to experience extremes in temperatures as April reaches into the last two weeks.  Heavy, unexpected rainfall, combined with high temperatures, will see flowers, etc. explode into life, then dry out suddenly as temperatures rise again.  This is a month to listen carefully to your weather forecasters, and prepare accordingly.
Canada is also experiencing a time of changing weather fronts, extending the difficult winter  temperatures and storms that will be jumping from coast to coast without preamble.  The really different changes that will be occurring this month will be seen in the Arctic regions and Alaska, as inner heat will continue to melt huge ice fields and cause native peoples to find higher grounds.  The changes in sea life will start to be noticed as fisheries find either fewer schools of favorite fish or see physical changes in them.
Central America will be caught in a swarm of weather fronts that will change suddenly and cause damage on coastal areas from high seas and heavy rainstorms.  The same conditions will drop further south into South America, confronting the atmospheric conditions in the mountains along the coasts and inland.
Of course the unusual atmospheric changes will be affecting all of Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as Australia.   What will be seen is a conversion of the normal Spring climates, sometimes to the point of dangerous traveling conditions and the difficulty of enough rain for crops and livestock.
Weather conditions prevailing in Syria and the nearby Eastern countries at this time make it more difficult as the intense frequencies of human anger, bitterness and fatal outbursts of killing
infringe on the natural peaceful desert climes.  This is producing unusual storms and erratic temperatures, making this a time of extremely tense expectations.  The prayers of these people are heard – from both frames of mind.
This month will be as you make it to the larger extent.  It is time to prepare for the input of knowledge in schools and colleges, for cleaning out the dirt and damage of the winter, for preparing land for future crops, and, more importantly, to still your minds and listen to your inner soul as the world goes through this important transformation.     The coming months will see many changes, both in the attitudes of humankind and in the new climates coming into place.   Be patient, be aware of the needs of others, let your thoughts turn to love instead of hate, for that is the only way peace will come again to Planet Earth. “
(From Ruth)  Readers, while watching a special on the Grand Canyon lands regarding the deterioration of ancient cliff art in inaccessible canyon areas, my thoughts turned to our inner nature to preserve our own past, ancient writings and art,  yet tending to ignore the signs of deterioration of our own natural artifacts – the remnants of our society.  We are facing backwards to the primitive protective traits of hate and fear towards others who look and think differently.  What will we leave behind to further knowledge and peaceful co-existence to our children and the human beings of the future?  Our most interesting artifacts will be the rusting ruins of wars – rusted shapes of skeletons of cars, tanks, planes, buildings blasted apart – even the magnificent high-rise monuments to our greed and inharmonious living; practices that will not teach those in the future to look to them for an increasingly  intelligent way of  life.
The following was then given to me by the Masters (a simple name I use for the infinite creative knowledge that is given to me by the Master Teachers of the Universe as I understand them);  Some different thoughts to consider:
“ The current rules for living taught by Jesus and the sages of old have never been improved upon and never will be, even while you live in plastic houses or domes constructed by and maintained by electronic frequencies..  Science may change, but the human animal brought into being by the Creative Force of the universe for Planet Earth will never change their inherent given natures..
Beings of matter created to live in other galaxies have entirely different rules of life for their societies.  When a soul entity who lived a time in one of these decides to spend a lifetime on Planet Earth, the clash of temperament and need to dominate sometimes overrides the human need for peace and cooperation. Many humans who now ride recklessly over their contemporaries without any love or concern for those who resist their destructive efforts are souls whose lack of compassion reveals their other-worldly components of thinking and acting..
However, their time on your planet is drawing to a close as humanity refuses to accept such savage influences on the grand scale, as it is today.
The great storms presently upsetting normal seasons are a sign of  planetary disapproval.    Humankind is now on the path back to your God-given existence of peace and interrelationships that benefit all concepts of  autonomy between all nations.  Your young children will live in a peaceful world not seen from the beginning of Earth’s creation.
“A blanket of fear floats over the world as violent storms of nature and of human savagery throw personal self confidence and safety into a melding of electrified nerves and flights from reality.  Still, in the midst of murder and destruction, millions of brave people continue to fight for some way to live, some semblance of normality, especially to protect their families.  How do they do this when fear paralyzes the mind and the body itself?     Because there is that connection between the mind, the physical cells of the whole body, and the reality of who a human being really is – the eternal Soul .
This is Hope.  In all of the awful experiences of life, the drastic illnesses of the body and mind, from deep within rises a feeling that there is something else happening – a glimpse of intangible light that signals a way to find healing, answers to impossible problems, strength to withstand hardships, even torture, against all odds.  Hope is a small word, expressing the need to find help with different or difficult situations, but a reality on which humanity has based its ability to move forward in time, in understanding, and even physical determination to achieve what needs to be done, what must be done.  This inner miracle is accomplished simply, and without argument, through the Living and Eternal Soul that animates every human being.
If you must, think of an electronic tablet, filled with world-wide information.  To obtain that information, one simply turns it on; then a connection is made to the mind of the viewer.  Your Soul has existed for untold vast amounts of time, filled with the records of many lifetimes and experiences and, more importantly, is in charge of all of the elements that make up and control your physical body.   How does one connect to the Soul, especially when there is generally no belief in such a thing, in order to benefit from the knowledge, the confidence, the cellular healing that can take place through such a connection?
Through what has always been called ”prayer”.   Not a standard flowery concoction of written or memorized words – no.  Prayer in the sense of total relaxation of the mind, with a total concentration of  thought aimed at your own inner self – the Soul Being you are.  This interaction consciously working together will heal, strengthen, and bring knowledge and understanding to the forefront of the physical mind and body.
This is where and how “sudden inspiration” comes from!  An emergency regarding the life or safety of self or others by-passes the energies of the everyday mind to merge with the Soul Being to bring strength and clarity of mind to work intelligently with the situation.    Ideas and concepts far beyond normal thoughts will often simply spring through the mind and need to be expressed.  The needs of your world for answers to scientific understanding are expressed through the knowledge of the Soul.  Great works of art that the artist simply has to put on canvas are from the merging of the Soul memory and the expertise of the artist.  The Soul is who you are.
Prayer, in this sense, is an opening of the mind – letting the body relax and reaching up and within to meet that fulfilling sense of love and peace.
Yes, Souls are all different, just as the human experience is different in all ways.  Consider the differences among the millions of people all over the world.  Even born twins have different feelings and attitudes.  This reflects the infinite variety of God’s creations  that bloom into the matter created for that purpose.  Each Soul is a separate eternal entity working with their own progression to higher dimensions of time.
Connect with your Soul through deep and intense prayer, to find new and better expressions of your worldly life.  Remember also that each Soul is part of the universal connection of all intelligence, where all thoughts and actions are perceived.  That is why prayer is always answered.  You are never alone.”
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Ruth Ryden
2806 N. Apple Lane
Payson, Arizona,  85541-7328