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martes, marzo 16, 2021
Lauren C. Gorgo - Quantum DNA: the return to authentic genetics - March 16, 2021
March is notoriously a powerhouse month of transition with all the trinity (3:3) stargates pushing us to rebirth into life via true/ trial...
domingo, enero 31, 2021
Lev -From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 3 – The Great Quantum Transition - Jan 31, 2021
Lev If we have a good understanding of how the Archons’ 3D Matrix works, it is very easy to discern the true causes of our constant or inte...
sábado, abril 13, 2019
Spirit Guides of Starseed Origin, This Will Blow Your Mind!
lunes, octubre 22, 2018
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Non-Stop DNA/Template Re-Coding, Highest Aligned OVER Your Old - Oct 22, 2018
Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEing Family! This is a POWERFUL MONTH dedicated to many UP-SHIFTS.... Template UP-GRADES and RE-WRITES are...
lunes, octubre 01, 2018
James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Consciencia Cuántica y la Naturaleza del Tiempo
La Consciencia Cuántica y la Naturaleza del Tiempo Tiempo Adentro - Tiempo Fuera - El Efecto Toroidal Canalización del Arcángel Meta...
James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Quantum Consciousness & The Nature Of Time - Time In – Time Out – The Torus Effect
The Nature of Time Quantum Consciousness & The Nature of Time Time In – Time Out – The Torus Effect October 2013 © Earth-K...
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