
domingo, enero 31, 2021

Lev -From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 3 – The Great Quantum Transition - Jan 31, 2021


If we have a good understanding of how the Archons’ 3D Matrix works, it is very easy to discern the true causes of our constant or intermittent ailments: whether they caused by our inner transformation or by dark attacks.

By today, the Co-Creators, Higher Light Hierarchs, Karma Lords, Ascended Masters, and ground teams have almost destroyed the 3D Matrix on the Subtle Plane and are finally finishing it off on the Earth plane. DNI has covered this topic in great detail over the past months and will continue to do it further.

The main problem for those who help us transit into 4D/5D is that the 3D Matrix is deeply rooted in our Subtle and physical bodies, all the way down to our DNA.

How to destroy the 3D Matrix without killing us? 

